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Stagger Lee

I need more CONTROL!!

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Loving the game but seriously, we need more control over our avatars. If I'm in the middle of switching weapons or reloading and I suddenly hear shots whizzing by I should be able to stop what I'm doing and drop to the ground in an instant. If I want to drop to prone from a run I should not have to take three more steps before doing so: a half second is death in this game. If there is a two foot high wall I should be able to step over it. If I want to sprint I should not be kicked back to a normal jog just because I walked over a one foot wide incline in the terrain. You should only be reduced to a jog if there is a major incline over a distance. When prone I should be able to get up on my elbows so I can see through some of this tall grass. If I want to go from prone position to a full sprint, I should not have to wait through the transition animations of "slowly standing up", then running. There should be a separate animation for this so I can truly get running as fast as possible.

It seems the player's 1st person viewpoint is tied directly into the animation system, and this is resulting in very awkward and abrupt camera movements. I really wish there was a way to smooth the camera out to compensate for the jerky animations.

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It's already been debated to death, as a mod will no doubt inform you by closing this thread. As for the viewpoint, it's one of ArmA's features and is widely loved smile_o.gif (But a little smoothing wouldn't go amiss wink_o.gif)

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The biggest and most usefull difference from OFP for me is being able to lie down quikly if you have AT launcher, you don't have to swap to your rifle first which always made me laugh rofl.gif

Mind you this is offset by the fact that using binos when you have AT, it swaps you back to rifle when you put them away. crazy_o.gif

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Loving the game but seriously, we need more control over our avatars. If I'm in the middle of switching weapons or reloading and I suddenly hear shots whizzing by I should be able to stop what I'm doing and drop to the ground in an instant. If I want to drop to prone from a run I should not have to take three more steps before doing so: a half second is death in this game.

Every tried dropping to the ground while at full speed with 50+ pounds of equipment on you? I suggest you try it out, I also suggest having a friend who knows first aid around when you try it wink_o.gif

ArmA is not like BF2, CS:S or any other shooter that claims to be "realistic" (at least not in terms of movement).

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@ JdB:

I am 2000000% sure that also you will manage to do that even with 80kg load if bullets flying around your head and you will do that happily even into the middle of a cactus.

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DMarkwick: I don't have a problem with the view being tied to the animation system per se. I just want a bit of smoothing, and additional animations such as going from prone to sprint directly. I don't really care if its been debated to death already. Have the developers ever given a response that they are have acknowledged the feeback on this subject? If this issue causes such controversy maybe they should realize its importance and look into it.


JdB: Don't be a fanboy. I'm not saying I want this game to be like any other 1st person shooters out there. I love the realism of this game. I just want to be able to do things I should be able to do in real life. These control issues are Unrealistic. Do I need to spell it out for you? Oh wait, I just did. By the way neither Battlefield nor Counterstrike ever claimed to be realistic in regards to movement control. However THIS game does claim it in the fact that it calls itself a Simulation.

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I don't really care if its been debated to death already. Have the developers ever given a response that they are have acknowledged the feeback on this subject? If this issue causes such controversy maybe they should realize its importance and look into it.

You got the wrong end of the stick - I don't care how many threads appear on any subject, the more the merrier IMO, but the mods don't like it.

And this is the wrong place if you want dev feedback or acknowledgment, we just moan to each other here smile_o.gif

You need to raise a feature request or bug report or something.

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>JdB: Don't be a fanboy

Ah yes...if anybody disagrees with you just call them a "fanboy" (or "whiner", depending on which side of the fence you are on). That really helps to establish your credibility ;o)

I think the truth is somewhere in between...if you were fully loaded and running (i.e. those two things add up to a lot of extra momentum/inertia) and tried to drop instantly to the ground you would end up going further forward.

The game animation system is not quite right, you wouldn't be taking further steps, and I think it maybe does end up with you travelling further forward than is quite realistic if you were detemrined to go down quickly...but nevertheless you should not expect to be able to hit the ground at exactly the same spot you were over when you decided to drop.

Agreed on some of the other points totally - the lock-in period when you start an animation e.g. reloading can be frustrating. Hopefully it will be enhanced in future.

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>JdB: Don't be a fanboy

Ah yes...if anybody disagrees with you just call them a "fanboy" (or "whiner", depending on which side of the fence you are on). That really helps to establish your credibility ;o)

I think the truth is somewhere in between...if you were fully loaded and running (i.e. those two things add up to a lot of extra momentum/inertia) and tried to drop instantly to the ground you would end up going further forward.

The game animation system is not quite right, you wouldn't be taking further steps, and I think it maybe does end up with you travelling further forward than is quite realistic if you were detemrined to go down quickly...but nevertheless you should not expect to be able to hit the ground at exactly the same spot you were over when you decided to drop.

Agreed on some of the other points totally - the lock-in period when you start an animation e.g. reloading can be frustrating. Hopefully it will be enhanced in future.

Your physics is wrong. It doesn't matter if you have 200 pounds in your backpack, or no backpack at all, you bend your knees,  you hit the ground at the same exact time. The only difference extra inertia would make is that you might slide along the ground a bit if you were already moving forward. It's the old "drop a ping pong ball and a bowling ball at the same height and they both hit the ground at the same time". Diving foward is already modelled in that if you are running and you press the Prone key you do end up on the ground foward where you were when you pressed it. There is no reason for the extra steps.

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@Stagger Lee

Agree 100%. I often get killed because of a slow transition in the animation or an extra step forward while getting down. I've learned to live with it pretty much, but that doesn't mean i'm happy about it.

About the weight issue, have you seen what these ArmA guys are carrying, next to nothing. There carrying the basics and that's all you do carry prior to going into a assault. So you can't use weight as an excuse for slow movements.

Oh and the soldier models have got knee pads, so there's another reason why you should get down faster(no fear of bruising your knee). I just wish i had knee pads when i served my time as GPMG support. I had to run around with that thing more than the rifle guys and i hit the dirt fast to get covering fire down.

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The animation system in OFP/ArmA is ancient it's true. Reality is somewhere in between ArmA and CS, more fluid and fast than ArmA and less than CS.

I do think people overestimate what a human being is expected to do in full military gear.

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I do think people overestimate what a human being is expected to do in full military gear.

Not al all. Also the ArmA models arn't in full gear and in situations where your life is threatened along with ther fact there supposed to be fully trained soldiers,i think the estimations are spot on.

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I do think people overestimate what a human being is expected to do in full military gear.

Not al all. Also the ArmA models arn't in full gear and in situations where your life is threatened along with ther fact there supposed to be fully trained soldiers,i think the estimations are spot on.

Although that calls into mind an idea for a mod where your combat reflexes improve over time in the field. Hmm..

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I saw my dad fall flat on his face in a video from the Falklands, he had full kit on and he was pissed out of his face, he went down real quick biggrin_o.gif his squadies pissed em selves laughin at him  rofl.gif  biggrin_o.gif

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There is no reason for the extra steps.

I guess its supposed to show some 'slowing down' steps, try running/sprinting with 30kg on your back, jumping down on the ground may not feel like the smartest thing to do without slowing down a bit first.. tounge2.gif (Hell, depending on the ground you are jumping on you may instinctively slow down a bit first)

The only thing that bothers me are the steps you take when in safe mode, even though you are standing still (or walk slowly, cant remember) with your weapon lowered, when you lay down you walk 3 small steps and then suddenly jump on the ground, which makes no sence. tounge2.gif

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LOL @stagger, we have had all the Euro version of complaints, so now its time for all the american complaints.

I feel for you man, but i dont think BIS are of to ever fix what you have mentioned.

Maybe another few years waiting for ofp2 and you will get what you want, but who knows. I hope to be playing games in 3D by then.

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This is the biggest problem with Armed Assault in my opinion. While ideas like not moving when reloading work in theory, it doesn't work too well when actually playing.

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This is the biggest problem with Armed Assault in my opinion. While ideas like not moving when reloading work in theory, it doesn't work too well when actually playing.

Perhaps, my friend, for you! wink_o.gif

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it would be interesting if we could get pressure sensitive keyboard presses, much like the controllers for P2-P3 and other console units. want to walk slightly faster, less pressure, if you wantfull steam ahead...fully hold down key. that way to SLOW DOWN, you slowly control the forward inertia bytaking off the pressure from the key. if you just "let go" of the keypress...all inertia still goes forwards...and you land on yer face. equivalent of locking your legs while in full stride.

sorry for hi-jack,. but would be kinda cool. same for mouse control. "jerking" the trigger results in less accuracy, where as if we could SQUEEZE the trigger, accuracy is reflected on the smoother "pull" from the mouse button.

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I think the whole "can't reload while moving" issue, while a side-effect of the ArmA engine, should instil a measure of caution into all ArmA players, namely...

...why reloading in the middle of a street is a bad idea.

Find cover. Reload. Keep moving. The fact that you can't move shouldn't be a problem if you follow those three steps.

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i am moving => i want to reload=> no time to stop/ find cover => i slow down to walk/jog => reloading itself take longer then i am in still => done

i am standing still/moving => i want to reload => i am in open area => i am safe => (stop &) reload => done

i am standing still/moving => i want to reload => i am in open area => i am underfire/not safe => better find cover first => stop & reload => done

i am moving => i want to reload=> i am underfire/not safe => i run for cover first => reloading => i slow down to walk/jog => reloading itself take longer then i am in still => i move to the other side of the long wall => i use that side of the wall as cover => done

its that simple, why not?

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The animation system in OFP/ArmA is ancient it's true. Reality is somewhere in between ArmA and CS, more fluid and fast than ArmA and less than CS.

But at least CS *feels* responsive and real even though movement is exaggerated, achieving such a feeling using so called 'realistic' ArmA avatar movement while sitting in front of a screen, pressing digital buttons and moving a mouse is next to impossible with current animation technology. People who praise ArmA's 'realistic' avatar movement, while having to learn all its idiosyncracies and struggle against them are deluding themselves so much they should be institutionalized. Crysis shows the potential of next-gen avatar dynamic animation but it'll be a long time before it's good enough to get that CS responsive feeling in a hardcore infantry avatar simulation. I would go so far as to say ArmA/OFP avatar movement is broken, it's an ambitious implementation of premature technology which destroys realism, gameplay and enjoyment.

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i dont "feel" it, but i could do anything in the game as i do in my airsoft experence(well not the moving reloading thing atless, but i add weights to my vest so it cames closer to the real thing)

what i cant/wont do i cant do that in the game too, so i dont have any problem about that

Quote[/b] ]Myself from other topic

i wont buy this game if my ingame muppet give a 90 degrees superhuman turn in 0.1 secound, try this in your full combat outfit, tell me if you come out without falling/having to see your doctor.

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I would go so far as to say ArmA/OFP avatar movement is broken, it's an ambitious implementation of premature technology which destroys realism, gameplay and enjoyment.

Im sorry but i would say that the CS/BF/CoD/etc etc etc movement system is broken, not only uses their system no floating crosshair, it also shoots bullets completely random in an area depending on your stance. Hell, the area in which the bullets actually *gets smaller* when you are getting down. When you lay down you need your hands, so you *cannot aim at all*, neither can you when you go from standing or laying down to crouching, it just isnt possible, try it. icon_rolleyes.gif

(Hell, if ArmA started using a CS like movement system i would stop playing it)

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