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«JTF-2» Col. Black

Coop Server

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Yeah MP is always a bit of a mixed bag. You meet alot of idiots there, my personal favorite being the " Oh, I won't learn to play the game in SP, I'll just jump online and pester everyone while holding back the server until they tell my dumbass how to play" (sorry, just needed to vent a bit). Just wait awhile & look for a clan in the meantime.

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Yeah MP is always a bit of a mixed bag. You meet alot of idiots there, my personal favorite being the " Oh, I won't learn to play the game in SP, I'll just jump online and pester everyone while holding back the server until they tell my dumbass how to play" (sorry, just needed to vent a bit). Just wait awhile & look for a clan in the meantime.

So true, it happens in a lot of games and it's even worse in ArmA because they like to crash the choppers that don't respawn!

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Thank you all for your answer. Still, a lot of idiots on this game. And so far I am not impressed too much with what I have seen with some clan I have played with yet, since I posted this thread. To much comms is like not enough. A lot of mambo jumbo comms, but no coherence.

Most people want with those type of games impressed the players, playing with them, thinking they know how to play because they have a lot of points, get my points here. <span style='color:red'>Playing this game with some sort of coherence takes times, experience, communications, and a lot of TEAMWORK</span>.

The team always comes first, then the objective, then your little personal score. Has for me my little personal points or score, don't count in anyway in my playing style.

Anyway like I have mention on an earlier post, Time will tell me. I quit or I keep playing this game.

Than you all again!  wink_o.gif

Your friend Black help.gif

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Maybe you should start to organise your own games? I suppose you have to train up 99% of the people that want to play with you wink_o.gif, but IF you are willing to train up a couple of persons to your standards you might get what you want. I know that I am interested to be taught by a proffesional where teamwork is everything. Actually drilling and to practise something into perfection is something that I prefer more than a "good fun game".. I do like to relax and play with a couple of good friends and talk about everything and nothing over the coms, but I know the real treat is to see the result from good fokused training and thats what I always wanted.

To bad I do not have the time right now for this game, and the future is uncertain... But I would really like to get serious in arma.

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I would say that most of clans have their "inner ring" which consists from teamworkers (those who are loyal to cause)... And then there's holes in organization which are filled with... hmm what would be polite term... b-class material wink_o.gif

I've played with one team (four guys) that cosisted from guys who all served in same army and all were infantry-guys: teamwork was very coherrent from begining. I learnt to play by teams ways in 30 minutes, as we used same methods and techicues that were teached in army + group size was so small that there was no "loose": everyone was participating to everything, which kept motivation and cohesion at good level. nobody wasn't left behind and everyone followed leaders orders and leader could count on fact that groupmembers tried to fullfil his orders by individuals best abilities. But if that group would have crown to more than 6-10 members... I don't know what would have happened to teamwork after that huh.gif

Unfortunately my real life didn't allow me to play much with them. I managed just to get taste of good teamwork in games (OFP was the game).

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Maybe you should start to organise your own games?


Create your own group and server. It is worth the effort. I have done so for our dutch playergroup.

Salut, Monk.

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Which is of course why there are 1000 ArmA servers with an average of 1 person on them and about 1000 ArmA clans with on average 2 people.

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Which is of course why there are 1000 ArmA servers with an average of 1 person on them and about 1000 ArmA clans with on average 2 people.

That is a complete load of rubbish. You obviously don't even play ArmA online. The South African ArmA server (and with limited broadband here the game community isn't very big) is often fairly busy with more than 10 to 20 local players on most nights (that is a lot for this country), and the numbers are steadily growing. There are even a few South African clans! And they definitely have more than 2 people.

Your post shows your lack of experience with ArmA online confused_o.gif

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I think he was overgeneralizing for a bit o' the good ol' fun, and you took it sink and hook and all biggrin_o.gif

But, as everyone else and their granma has already stated in this thread already, the key is joining some sort of organized play, be it a clan or a community. Public servers can be a hoot at times, but for really organized play you have to go behind closed doors, so to speak.

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It was a slight exaggeration to be sure, but take for example 4IB. We have about 20 semiactive and active and it would be very nice to have 50. There are probably whole units out there that have the same philosophy and other compatibility factors that would allow merging to occur. But will we merge with another unit or will another unit merge with us?

No, because they're all worried about losing their identity and command moreso than forming a "clan" big enough to do anyone some good.

Look online and make a pie chart of what % of servers right now are 0/X how many are 1/X and how many are bigger than that. I think you'll find at least half have 1 or less players.

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