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Espectro (DayZ)

Logs in OFP

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Since placebo closed the other thread. im gonna mke a non-poll thread about it smile.gif


BIS, could you do this, or would it be impossible?

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Id certainly like to see log files...I wonder why they locked down the last thread about them??

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Creating the Log Files would indeed add more to the flavor of the game. Peeps would then be able to check their stats etc etc.

I definitely vote a "Yes" on this issue.


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I agree. Logging would be extremely nice. I understand it takes a lot of re-coding, but would be worth it. How about coding it for dedicated servers only, easier task?

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This is probably the MOST needed feature at this point BIS!

Servers are in the dark right now... we want to be able to see what people are doing (like firing multiple Law and RPG shots in a row and headshot percentages if possible) and do stats.

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Despite the risk of going against popular opinion, in the priorities of ehancements, I'd place stat logging towards the bottom. In team based MP games I've played like Counter-Strike viewable logs decrease emphasis on teamplay and focus more on attaining personal glory. The game eventually degrades to the point where everyone is concentrating on how many headshots they can get as opposed to defusing the bomb, saving hostages, etc (aka: "stat whores").

Why not focus the "re-coding" on such efforts as NOT using DirectPlay as a multiplayer platform as opposed to logging headshots, LAW hits, etc.? Then we could actually host the servers on Linux?

In summary, I'm sure we'll see logs, but I'm wary of their impact on the success of the very new OFP online gaming world.

Just my thoughts.


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Chico... you missed my point or maybe I was not clear.

What I meant by saying so we know multiple Law shots and Headshots was due to the cheats and such that are coming out. Not so we could give personal glory to those who had high numbers.

Yes stats would be nice... but you do not HAVE to make individual stats a priority. You could do CLAN/SQUAD and/or West/East stats just as easily. Further emphasizing Team Play.

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BigQEd is right...in addition, the availability of logs would make it possible for some creative PHP coders to import the stats into page based wars...this is to say, the outcome of a particular mission could potentially be updated to a web page showing which section of an island is held by either East or West troops. Of course this is an oversimplified example, but just one of the advantages of having logs available.

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Exactly Suchey!

Stats and Logs (the more detailed the better) have endless possiblities. (please don't assume what they will be used for based on previous games such as CS)

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Points taken. To catch potential cheaters, logs would be invaluable. I see your point now. Having logs would assist server admins in having insights into what is going on day-to-day.

Yes, I am basing my opinions on stats based on games played in the past, but I've seen their effect on gameplay once introduced and publicized. More emphasis is placed on achieving statisical glory than on the tasks at hand. People will be Alt-Tabing to their browser to see if they've gone up a percentage and surpassed a rival in M16 kills. Personally, I think this defeats what makes OFP great, in that you're not out for there for stats, but to survive and achieve some group goal.

If stats can be used creatively to promote clan/team play, I'm for them. Having logs would perhaps lead to some of this creativity mentioned.

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Let's push....

BTW, has anyone tested the "debugLog" commands? According to Comref, it "Dump argument type and value to debugging output". Could it be useful?


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Heh. Any serious administrator will tell you that they live and die by logs. How can you work without them (i've never attempted to run a OFP server)? It's like driving a car without side and rear-view mirrors. It can be done, but god forbid you ever have to do anything besides drive straight forward.

Extending my previous analogy, not wanting logs citing the use of stats is like not wanting the mirrors because you don't want to see your own reflection. Heh. No, don't try to read too deeply into it. I'm just saying it's a very weak argument.

All of this spells a big car wreck (cheaters, hard to trace performance / stability problems, etc).

Then you will go to the car dealer, ask the manager to see your car... Ok! No more car analogies! smile.gif

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Do you have a car fetish?

Seriously, logs would be good we all know that and I'm sure Bis know that.

Server admins would then decide if to use them and how to use them. Therefor if certain people dislike logs and the 'problems' that they see with them then they can play on servers without public facing.

I take it that the community has pushed Bis on issues in the past, what is the most effective way?


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Yes logs would be useful, but I would prefer BIS reworking their networking code first so that ofp can be hosted on linux servers. Adding logs before that is a plain waste of their valuable time.

ps: I'm not saying we don't need them, we certainly do but it's just a matter of prioritizing.

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Reverend how so?

Logs and Netcode are the 2 largest things that people desire based on response and Polls I have seen.

1) Better NetCode

2) Detailed Server Side Logging

3) Who is Speaking (so Mic Spammers and such can be kicked)

4) More and Better Dedicated Server Admin Commands (i.e. in game Banning)

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That's definately something I miss from hosting Half-life based servers, being able to have access to information like this.

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Yep. We continue to host HL, CS, DOD, Wolfenstein, and MOHAA. (Althoguh inferior in Gameplay they are superior in Administration aspect). I mean i really prefer OFP in all aspects other than the Administration side.

I am sure BIS will get there... after all the HL engine has been out for a long time and was based on the Quake/Quake2 engine I believe so it has many more years behind it.

I truly hope BIS listens and looks at all this stuff. It would be awesome to have more Administrative tools and abilities such as Logging.

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Agreed. I've tried to play other games like MOHAA and RTCW, but they just seemed to limited, with no freedom at all. Seems OFP has ruined me for all other games now smile.gif

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Yep... and I know many people that feel the same way.

People that stick with games such as MOHAA and Wolf and such for MP are usually small minded and do not wish to change their ways. (i.e. learn to Fly and Drive Tanks) They are comfy with just shooting a gun and running.

Now for SP... MOHAA and Wolf are cool because they have a plot and you play a role. Like Max Payne which IMO for SP is one of the best.

But again OVERALL OFP blows them all away. There just is NO comparison. Now we just need Administration attention smile.gif

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As many people stated logs are good because you can play big brother and catch the annoying spammers.

Who all they do is come on a server blast music and do nothing but become a royal pain in the but.  Forget about the stupid things like stats

Also like everyone else says you can keep track of other things going on. on the server

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Morgan... that would be the 'Who is Speaking' option that people want. When someone speaks it would say who is speaking with maybe a small Mic symbol next to their name or an extra display on the screen that pops up when someone talks. For now though I think even if they made it show up when you looked at the Playerlist with a MIC/Speaker symbol it would be enough to get the Spammers out.

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I think you misread my comments. I am for logs. The second comment was in reply to the question of, "how best to approach BIS to get this done." Heh. I said it as a joke.

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