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What is useWBuffer=0;

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Somebody could tell me what is the option : useWBufferWBuffer=0;

Thx in Advance

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Its redundant code left over from older generation graphics cards.

The W buffer has been replaced with the Z buffer, I would imagine BI left it in "just incase" but since no modern hardware has W buffers, it wont work even if you manually enable it.

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in ATI camp no W buffer with cards higher than Radeon 9500

fo NVIDIA i can't remember exactly for sure not on G6xxx and up (FX 5xxx maybe)

MODedit: moved to troubleshooting

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IIRC W buffer is a more complicated way of calculating what's in front of what. Z buffer has problems the further away you get from the camera. You may have seen Z buffer vagueness if you've played the original halflife and have used the sniper-crossbow, or with OFP and have seen people's heads sort of boiling through their helmets through long-range optics. If I understand it correctly, W buffer is an alternate approach and was invented to solve those problems, but noone is using it anymore. Like the above posters mentioned, the W buffer isn't supported by newer hardware and I think that config entry sould be left at 0.

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Dang, I'd like to have a fix for seeing soldier's heads through their helmets at long range. When it happens it's an ugly glitch.

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plaintiff1 is correct, the W buffer was designed to fix those long range issues, but to be honest it doesn't really make any difference any more. There are numerous other ways of fixing that sort of bug. You could scale the scene into a smaller range when doing the vertex transformations (thus bringing most geometry closer to the viewport and increasing precision) or alternatively, you can just use a higher precision depth buffer. I've been playing with D3D10 recently and it looks like you can create a z buffer that is really high precision, so you wouldn't even have to care about the effects of things being a long way away from the viewport.

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How can the above guy's solution be implemented?

The z-fighting issues are ruining this game for me. \

EDIT thought this was a Arma2 post.

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