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Anti AI cheat mode

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That what Vilas wrote about that super-fast-shooter makes me wonder... I've never noticed something like that (well i don't know what exatly happened and how fast things happened) If we would be talking about maybe 3-5 guys in that kind of circumstances, then i wouldn't be sure that i can kill all of them. But... Man, i don't know. Lots of guys are doupting AI, as i'm very-very pleased with it.

But that what Vilas wronte is indeed something strange. Maybe it's something like "this-happens-once-in-a-lifetime"-feature?

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Hey, I have to say I have the total opposite expierence of you. From 200M they are always shooting around me and missing ...

People please set the same values for the AI in the difficulty menu and then compare your experience huh.gif

My settings:





Now what I think about it:

Precision isn't bad, lowering the settings forces AI guys to shoot more rounds which isn't less realistic than laser-precise shots they can sometimes preform.

On the other hand, even with the skill settings set on 1, they appear to have night blindness, or even something that one can call a light day blindness! Their spotting range is quite low, especially compared to player's one, however, they can spot the enemy better, when you're among them (or is it just me?).

As many of you said before, they don't "realise" they're under fire until somebody drops dead.

They don't know what the term "suppresive fire" means, when it comes to firing and being fired at.

Helos fire hellfires 500m from the target.

They don't use cover and retreat properly.

And my favourite one:

from the previous AI thread...Well, just in case you didn't know...lol

edit: Btw, what's the difference between the AI that's stupid, but pretends to be smart, and therefore behaves like smart one, and ArmA's AI which is *smart* and uses this woman logic, sometimes being completely unable to be a threat to a player?

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Hi all

First of all no AI is perfect. When one is expect the demise of the human race soon afterwards. We got rid of the neanderthals and the rest after all and the Aztecs and Incas did not last long after the conquistadors arrived.

That said ArmA AI is the best AI of any FPS bar none.

It is also the most script-able and as far I know the only one that is modable via FSM editors.

In reply to the video funnyguy1 links

The AI in the video is I believe set up to fail.

Show us the mission this so called experiment is made from. I suggest that the experiment is unrepeatable unless you go about setting up AI to be stupid by putting in waypoints so close together going into town that they are constrained beyond reasonable limits and while forcing them in column as appears to be the case in the video.

The mission appears to be basic GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) and not at all what I have seen with ArmA AI

Or I challenge you to show similar results from a mission I make.

Kind Regards walker

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Nope, the AI's situational awareness really is too good sometimes. I like the idea of a sort of "cone of uncertainty" based upon how much information the AI has about a particular opponent. I'd imagine that it would be pretty tough to code. However, situations like the one detailed above clearly indicate that we do need something better than what we currently have.

I wanted to share my opinions about the AI in this thread but i'm sick and tired of writing the same shit over and over again.

The above quote pretty much sums it up for me.

I havn't played ArmA since i witnesed an AI opfor run straight through a wall and shoot me. How can i compete against that kind of shit confused_o.gif .

And, like Second noteed (and I see the exact same behavior), there IS uncertainty in AI knowledge.

It's just that, close range, ArmA noise values are pretty high and AI track you by hear with ease.

Do the same test close range against an AI tank (which doesn't hear much), and you'll see big differences.

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Quote[/b] ]Show us the mission this so called experiment is made from. I suggest that the experiment is unrepeatable unless you go about setting up AI to be stupid by putting in waypoints so close together going into town that they are constrained beyond reasonable limits and while forcing them in column as appears to be the case in the video.

Watch that video a few times, and a couple things stand out. First, the squads are moving in a bounding overwatch style prior to the ambushes. Nice basic tactics.

After the ambushes, each AI that approaches the blind corner does so with a little better idea of what's on the other side. I was actually kind of impressed. I'll admit that I would have been a lot more impressed if any of the AI had tossed a grenade around the corner, though. crazy_o.gifrofl.gif


Almost forgot something. As usual, I love the way that AI will attempt to set up a flanking attack. Very few AI in any game will do that, especially in any game with such a large, free form map.

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i still think that even a slightest change on how the goddamn knowabout value works the experence would be huge confused_o.gif

btw how could BI change the X-ray eye if we just keep whining?

p.s. is there a way that we could creat script that affect cored AI? huh.gif

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The AI in the video is I believe set up to fail.

Show us the mission this so called experiment is made from. I suggest that the experiment is unrepeatable unless you go about setting up AI to be stupid by putting in waypoints so close together going into town that they are constrained beyond reasonable limits and while forcing them in column as appears to be the case in the video.

The mission appears to be basic GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) and not at all what I have seen with ArmA AI

Or I challenge you to show similar results from a mission I make.

Kind Regards walker

First of all, it's a test done by sorrow so ask him about the details (topic) And...does it matter if the AI were forced to be in column or not?

Does it mean we can't use column formation in cqb? confused_o.gif Or any particular thing used to set the AI in that test mission?

Let's face it, they could be in "careless" mode, that doesn't bother me a tall, because it doesn't matter. They were shot one by one and that's exactly what happened. And it does happen everytime in such situations. Sure, they could run a bit left or right, but they would be dead anyway.

On the other hand, it wasn't supposed to be complaint, we all know that we won't see it solved for a long time...It's just my favourite "bug", that's all.

Show the AI from ArmA to an unexperienced player and then compare it to GRAW's AI. He'll tell you that ArmA sucks. Why? Because of the fancy stuff, that the GRAW's AI can do, looking realistic and pretending to be smart. In ArmA the AI can "think", but it has the intelect of a toddler.

"what am I doing here, I'll run forward, oh they're shooting at me, well I'll run a bit more, ok that's it, too far, I'll go two steps back, now I'll lie down and fire one round, twist around and fire another one, haha war is so funny, stand straight, and go back to the point where I started (retreat), what a lovely day"

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Well basicaly what that video shows is that un-grouped (individual) soldier is better than grouped one. It doesn't need urban enviroment to see that. If i want to create "ultimate" defencepositions i un-group men and place them individually (or issues 'dostop', and break them from formation). By that way they can repel many times bigger attacker.

If defenders (guys behind building) would have been grouped... Outcome would have been very uncertain. Or If there would have been about 30-60 men in attackers side and something like half of it for defender (un-grouped) in big area, outcome would have been very uncertain. That video shows that ArmA's AI lacks things which are common in other FPSs (sidesteps, leaning, accurate and precise moving etc...). Which is bad thing, but not as bad as it seems (like in that video) as usually missions in urban enviroment are quite chaotic... Forexample some automatic rifleman supprises enemy and sweeps whole street clear of enemies.

It also clear in video, that defender has all the aces. Attacker tries to moves across area that defender is holding, and there is no way to spot/engage enemy at long distances. At start they were almost next to enemy so there was not much possibilities to plan another route how to move to waypoint...

One sucking thing in ArmA is that they use handgrenades only from very exact distance (~40 or ~50). Handgrenades are uber-killer when AI uses them. In FDFmod whole street(s) could be cleared when every groupmember threw one or two grenades. BANG-BANGBANG-BANG-BANG-...-BANGBANGBANG-BANG smile_o.gif

And what could have attacker do differently in that kind situation? Defender was just waiting for attacker so it has upper hand as it doesn't need to move, just to look right direction and shoot. Attacker need more time as it still moving when spoting defender and it is usually in higher stance so it's aiming takes more time because of weapon sway and recoil. Math is math and i think that any FPS would end with quite similar results... Oh, and in many FPS AI doesn't even need to aim their gun towards target to hit, because they have smart bullets (it has six letters, first is F last Y and in middle there are R and C) wink_o.gif

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