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No Arma April Fools?

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I was hoping to hit the forums this morning and see something along the lines of:

Major BIS announcement

In listening to our community we have decided, as of patch 1.06, to include full French army soldiers, and equipment. To facilitate this, we have included a new action:

"Drop Rifle and Surrender"

In addition to this, when playing this side in CTI, should any one member perform this action, everyone else will automatically follow suite.

You can find this in our changelog under the label "Cheese-eating surrender monkey additions".


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That ain't funny, that's simply stupid banghead.gif

Though its interesting to see, that everytime a thread includes the word french or france the old not funny "jokes" will be posted by someone.

Poor Bingo confused_o.gif

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Yeah mate, the French thing is getting old... I can smell a mod coming...

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From all the stupid April Fools jokes posted on this forum today, this one's got to be the most retarded.

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Or the chap in Offtopic who claimed that BIS had been bought out by CryTek?

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Actually, I didn't see any april-fool stuff on the forums... I just woke up, hence how retarded it was.... smile_o.gif

I did find this, tho:


Which you've probably all seen. Only problem with the Armed Assault on PS3 April Fool is that it's not that unbelievable smile_o.gif

Peace out all!

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this stuff gets too old now.. Not much point trying to fool the Old School OFP Community.. We have all been there and done that lol  wow_o.gif we knw what to expect biggrin_o.gif

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*sigh* French thing again...I guess I'll let it pass, after all, it's Bingo.

<span style='font-size:6pt;line-height:100%'>April fools! Bingo, you've got +3 WL for flamebaiting the whole French community.


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