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animation browser

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I don't no if anyone needs this, but heres a little thingy to browse through different player animations.

Usage: Place .pbo file to your mission folder and load mission.

Use action menu to select which animation to play. For quick reference, number in front of the animation name represents the line number on this file.

"Play all" does not work ..yet wink_o.gif

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If you want to find a specific animation, I recommend this little loop:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#start

hint format ["%1",animationstate player]


goto "start"

It will display the current animation of the player in the hintbox, and you can take a screenshot or write it down somewhere.

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Quote[/b] ]It will display the current animation of the player in the hintbox, and you can take a screenshot or write it down somewhere

I'm working on that list for two weeks now. (in Excel) tounge2.gif

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This has already been done, There is a demo mission where you can select any anim you want and watch the player on screen execute the move.

A search of this forum should find it.



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This has already been done, There is a demo mission where you can select any anim you want and watch the player on screen execute the move.

A search of this forum should find it.



Umm.. yes I linked demo mission in my first post wink_o.gif I read from some another thread that there was that kind of mission already, but could not find it so I made one myself.

On my mission, player can choose any animation and animation name is also shown on the screen (along with the linenumber of moves.txt linked in fist post). List is really the same as in biki, just removed whitespaces.

Atleast I've find it useful to find animation which I wan't to use.

I only have to write down the number of animation. Then, I have moves.txt open in text editor (linenumbers shown). From there it's really fast to copy & paste animations to any script where I need them..

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