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Veterans with superiority complexes.

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I agree with Albert, is this madness? no...

THIS IS ARRRRMA!!!  biggrin_o.gif

Yeah, but we don't have battle rhinos. :P

But dang it, why can't any public servers be fun? I mean, in BF2 I had some great fun on public servers, sure it wasn't ArmA, but heck, it was just some brainless fun. Now when I got ArmA, played OFP, I was expecting some kickass MP games. But nah! I get either TKed, or a mission that goes to hell when one person gets the chopper and crashes it to the ground ruining a whole coop. Or they just steal the chopper and fly away to the next objective, which is guarded by AA AI and bang, they get shot down and the chopper goes to hell and in most cases the whole mission. WOOHOO! Thank you for not reading the briefing where it says: don't crash the choppers! And then the TKing starts since we can't get to the next objective, although we manage to find a ural or two but some brainiac shoots the tires out and voila, immobile again. Why thank you great big genius!

Haven't recieved any of the I've been playing OFP since 2001 treatment, seesh, I also played OFP since 2001, but back then I was just 12, it was an awsome game, but I got sick of it after a while. A year or two ago I found the CDs again and decided to reinstall. Good choice. But I don't act out and all that mighty crap, I just leave the server because if I get frustrated the game is not achieving it's goal to entertain me, so I'll rather just leave MP, for now, and that's it.

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And this is the exact reason i don't and never intend to do MP. There is a learning curve and there are friendly fire inccidents in real life, it's unfortunate but it's war...

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Murphys Public Server Laws:

- The person first on the helo pilot seat is always a moron and will always crash it.

- One idiot will always climb onto the driver seat of your perfectly positioned tank and drive it right into the enemy sight.

- After covering a certain spot for three minutes you get shot in the same moment you look away for the first time.

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Quote[/b] ]And this is the exact reason i don't and never intend to do MP

You're seriously missing out. biggrin_o.gif With OFP I'd spend a couple of weeks every so often catching up with the latest SP missions but it was usually a case of learning to game the AI in each scenario. I'm not saying it wasn't enjoyable but very different to playing with and against real people.

Back on topic.... it's not surprising there are lot of idiots around right now. In the UK the game is in the top 3 in the charts. Some of those people just won't enjoy it and will show their frustration by spoiling things for others. Eventually they will leave for other games. OTOH, many will stay (I hope) and broaden the player-base. We shouldn't forget that everyone here was a 'noob' once and probably found their first few online games completely incomprehensible. I remember some of my first games where I committed many accidental team-kills simply by being genuinely unable to distinguish the soldier models at more than a few tens of meters in the heat of combat. My own opinion is that 'vets' who display the attitude described in the thread-starter are little different at heart from the tk-er noobs; they both have a disproportionate idea of their own self-importance.

Some people have said that 'public' games are a complete write-off. I disagree. The key though is to find servers with good admins who are willing to keep an eye on the game. On our own OFP server which we ran as a 'public' I like to think that the quality of games was high because we kicked abusive players and ensured that everyone was treated well regardless of experience. This was a virtuous cycle with good players returning and beginners quickly learning how to play the game well.

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my two pence....

I rarely played online with ofp, and then only really with vbs1.

But I adore the online Coop matches. I rarely play SP and until the dynamic missions creators are up to scratch ill keep away from SP.

But, during the early demo days and czech releases, I had some of the best gaming experiences of my short life (36yrs btw). Regardless of bugs and errors etc.

I think this was down to us "nerds" of ofp , and as the majority has previous ofp/vbs experience then the games went really well and cooply (new word?).

Also, the folks who joined in, who had no ofp/vbs experience, seemed to watch and learn before ramboing, and asked for advice, which us carebears gave happily, bringing a new player into the fold.

Of course people made mistakes/unintentionally TK'ed/ crashed choppers etc etc, but in those heady days when we were all young and beautiful we all forgave eachother.

And harmoney reigned.

Then things changed...

I dont know what happened or how, i think it was around 1.04 that a new breed of deliberate tkers appeared and ruined everything for everyone.

I believe THIS was the time, us "Vets" started to get sooo frustrated at the sudden change in the online community and some of us do rant and rave at folk.

(some more than others!wink_o.gif

I think it's down to the fact that the game we love is in turmoil at the moment, and it upsets us.

I personally dont like to insult or berate people, but i try to guide folk...


"hey dave, you've driven off in that Ural but there's still 6 of us at base...."

rather than

"dave you noob! WTF?? dont steal trucks! smacktard!"

The first way usually results in the guy coming back to base and picking us up, whereas the second way doesn't, in my experience.

Also, I loath the term noob.

I, personally, find it very offensive. We were all "noobs" once.

Rather than berating new players, we need to guide em.

BUT we do NEED better admin tools to remove deliberate griefers/tkers etc.

Ive already discovered a few players who dont share my social/play style, so i just avoid em if their on.

Now at the beginning of this post i had a great point to make, but i've rambled again and forgotten it...


oh well if i remember ill edit this.

But regardless, i think you get my drift.



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Oh God, every time I go on an OFP or ARMA 2 server, there's a good 10% of the players that have superiority complex, even some of the beginners thought they were great, it's impossible to deal with these people, my advice: avoid, ignore, report.

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