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1.05. Be happy you have it.

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Quote[/b] ]50+ players on an urban mission with tanks, choppers, jets--and all without lag is amazing.

Humans connected to the server? Or few humans rest AI to total of 50?

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50+ Human players, no AI. That was for a Cap & Hold.

For a coop, the most players + AI was on Onslaught. There are about 12 enemy choppers filled to the max with AI paratroopers, 10 BMP2's and 2 KA-50's. So easily over 200 AI.

We played it with about 27 - 30 players without desynch or lag. I checked.

I can't speak for individual FPS, however. I have a pretty fast rig and I run at 2560x1600 without frame loss unless I enter a forest. Nobody else complained about frame loss though. Of course maybe they were too busy fighting for their lives.

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You mean regular mode with all the helpers turned on?

No, I mean setting Enemy AI slider down to Zero tounge2.gif

Not really "fun" if you ask me, but it works, I tested it biggrin_o.gif

Skill = zero for AI units.

Hell I didnt try that, I kinda thought they were turn into BF:Vietnam zombies and run in circles.

Ok will try that tomorrow and try how many things can I blow up in a stunt helicopter crash. Bit like that EA xbox 360 game with bigger toys.

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Hi there, I've just registered to chime in here really in what seems to be a really negative atmosphere surrounding this much anticipated game. I bought ArmA on autopilot, without reading any reviews until I got it home. I just had to buy it - being a diehard OFP veteran.

While it was installing and patching (1.05) I looked around for info and opinions and was gobsmacked (and worried) at the horrendous, mean spirited bitching. For one thing, I'm running a 2800+ Sempron SocketA, 1gig of 333Mhz ram and a 6800 vanilla; and I have 1024x768 going on with no lag, mostly "Normal" and "High" (view distance @2500).. For once I seem to be doing better than people with super-duper PC's! I don't have an FPS counter to make me cry though, and just take it as it comes. All in all this game is running like silk, sorry.

Anyway, heh, the only problem I'm having so far is getting stuck so much, this game is fiendishly hard! I think what I like best about this series is than I can just open the editor, stick a sedan car and a rifleman down and drive around, THAT'S what i think makes these games. Have people looked around? The island is massive! There's tons of fun to be had without even touching the campaign, because the mission editor is so easy to use. Anyway, clunk go my 2 cents, I just wanted to report a positive experience and await a campaign walkthrough by someone who can play better than me wink_o.gif

I have to say this but right now ARMA is the best open "Sandbox" ever seen in a PC game.

Your only limit is your imagination. Crysis is NOT a Sandbox. Its a FPS doom HL stule engine with outdoor enviro's that have small highly detailed areas and really nice physics and indoor lighting. It best for small to meduim highly detailed Linear work.

Try making a flying/driving game that will look as good on the big Crysis map, I dare you.

ARMA has 400 sq KM of med-high outdoor detailed areas ready for you to populate with army missions OR mod and make driving racing games, CS, BF2 clones, film-rip off's, well hell you name it.

A massive Zombie survival game?

A knock off of Battle Royal with melee weapons, like Castaway with guns?

Whatever it will happen!

I hate to say this but single/multiplayer ARMA is great, but I look forward to the mods just as much. I bought ARMA as a Sandbox engine that has single and multiplayer fun to keep me going with WOW and BF2 till some talented people makes some mods with the Sandbox that could shake the Games industry.

Halflife was great, but counter strike {MOD!} changed online gaming. BF:2 is based on a mod more that BF:1942.

Wake up, smell the ARMA!

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in the USA that is called fraud if you promise one thing people pay for that, and you do not deliver said thing.

But in game indsutry this happens all the time...

In politics it's called "getting votes" and for just about everything else were you pay for somthing, it's called marketting!

The biggest "lie" in the games industry is either the Xbox 360 halo 3 "Superbowl trailer" which does not state, rendered by digital domain on Big PC's, this IS NOT the game running (great trailer though).

Or the one that gets me, almost every PC game's box and tech blurb on a game say. MIN specs for running the game (which means you might just be able to run it, fingers crossed eh! and it will look crap!wink_o.gif to "recommended spec" (it should work, on low to medium settings). Note they never put "runs fabbo on a £2-4k custom gaming rig and looks uber, thats how we did the screenshots on the box"

How many times have you seen a trailer for a film, then gone to see the film and it was rubbish but wasn't the trailer good?

Did you sue the filmaker and say "that was crap? I want my ticket and popcorn money back"

"The way it's mean't to be played" translates to, the best GPU and CPU out now can see stuff the developers of the game didn't. Everyone else, Anti Alias and "eye candy" off please, if you want sensible FPS.

Yes, you paid for the game, I agree it should work out of the box on systems recommended on the box. You then click a license agreement (which in general says, "if this screws your PC it's not our fault and we promise nothing"). If the game won't load ever, yes install latest drivers, do a virus scan, spyware check. Try again. Reinstall windows and direct X etc, Still no joy?

If it play but crashes, it's NOT ALWAYS the game it's often your hardware or software. ARMA can crash on my PC but I know its my 8800 GTX drivers, they are not perfect yet and I accept the fact they won't be for awhile but in general my 8800 allows me to run stuff 2x faster than before so it's a tradeoff.

Little things like, is your soundcard OpenAL compatable? If it aint, ARMA is not the only game your gunna have technical fun with soon. Onbaord sound on a motherboard is like onbaord graphics. CRAP! get a Xifi they start a 30 pounds.

Still no joy? Ask your place of purchase for a full refund, they might, most say "get lost". Then, either place your ARMA box to one side (keep it safe) play some other games, and patches or new hardware you might buy for vista other games etc may fix any problems you now have soon. ARMA and the modders will still be here and it will just get better and better by the time you get back.

A windows re-install with the latest drivers and a flashed bios cures about 80% of hardware issues. The amount of crap we install on our PC's and things install we are not even aware of can really hurt your PC. A fresh install is often a great fix, if you have a spare hard drive you can even install XP on that in about 1 hour, then install the game and if it works, then you validate XP and reinstall your other stuff and see if the game keeps working.

Or plonk it on ebay for sale, or wrap it and give it someone as a pressie.

This isn't WOW, Bohemia are not asking you for £30 for the game then £30 for the expansion then £10 a month to play.

If the above sounds like hassle, or you SHOULD NOT have to do any of that ever, then PC gaming is not for you, buy a PS3, Wii or X360 and have almost hassle free funtastic gaming.

NOTE: MIN specs on ARMA UK box, says 2ghz cpu, 512 ram, geforceFX (5 series) with 128 meg vram, XP, DX9.

Those specs won't run, halflife 2, doom 3 far cry (2 year old games) properly with eye candy AA high res etc, at which point did you think the new game would make your PC produce pretty GFX or have a zippy FPS?

Most modern games suck with anything less than 2 gig ram. A 7600+ series GPU and a 3-4 GHZ CPU.

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@KaRRiLLioN : musst be very server related. I was on several server, always laag, but could be that simply server connection and/or server performance was to slow. To me it seems even that slow clients still can slow down the complete game. I would rather allow the server by pre-defined settings to disconnect clients and replace the bots with AI.

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I found a cure for the performace problem and this is to turn the post effects to "low". I get 30 FPS with out this enabled and it does not seems to affect visuals.

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Also be aware that alt+tabbing out of this game seems to cause problems. The game runs fine for me if I don't alt+tab out, but if I do, several minutes later it'll crash with some dumb memory error...

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ArmA is the first game I've ever bought for which I am quite content to put up with bugs - on the understanding that they'll be fixed later.

I read that it was a shortage of funds that led BIS to release ArmA Czech version. Given a choice between giving programmers money for food and Ferraris before they finish programming ArmA, or not giving them money having and them dying of starvation before they've finished.., I'm perfectly happy in this case to buy an unfinished game.

Also, this buggy version of ArmA gives me a whole lot more pleasure and challenge than all the Battlefield games ever did together. (yeah, I missed out on OFP... just didn't like the name so never tried it!wink_o.gif.

-Fenix out.

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ArmA is the first game I've ever bought for which I am quite content to put up with bugs - on the understanding that they'll be fixed later.

So i guess this is the first game u ever played?


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ArmA is the first game I've ever bought for which I am quite content to put up with bugs - on the understanding that they'll be fixed later.

I read that it was a shortage of funds that led BIS to release ArmA Czech version. Given a choice between giving programmers money for food and Ferraris before they finish programming ArmA, or not giving them money having and them dying of starvation before they've finished.., I'm perfectly happy in this case to buy an unfinished game.

Also, this buggy version of ArmA gives me a whole lot more pleasure and challenge than all the Battlefield games ever did together. (yeah, I missed out on OFP... just didn't like the name so never tried it!wink_o.gif.

-Fenix out.

Yeah I agree, BHI now have the dosh to keep developing by next december they can go all "Blizzard" and drive their sports cars, as for the peeps who said wait for Operation FP 2,

Erm did you play "IGI 2?" Did the bugs in that EVER get fixed?

Also PLEASE, I mean it, please, name a recent hi-tech game that works out the box right now, that is not being patched?

BF:2142, Company of heros, Supreme Commander, Rainbow6:vegas, GRAW:2 all brand new, all being patched alot all have bugs/issues. Some much worse than even the "bad" ARMA bugs. And all of the above by mega rich games companies and distributors (EA and THQ and UBI etc).

How many patches you need for WOW:TBC so you can play online (alot more than ARMA I can tell you).

The guy who said "buy a modern PC to play modern games", that's about as accurate a comment as any. It's a bit like the people who say the web is slow and use 56k modems still in 2007 on P2's with win 98.....

Anything below a 7800 GT 256vram, P4 3GHZ 2 Gig ram, "Mate" you have a "56k modem". A xbox 360 will be much better than your PC at games.

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