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Studio Object

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Hi there all

Just wanted to know has anyone figured out on how to use the studio obeject in ARMA ?

What i want know is:

1. how to use the reporter

2. how to add someone to the studio object

3. how to add the camera to a person

As i would like to use this in a intro

Anyhelp would be much appreciated and valued

Thanks in advance

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It's used in the campaign right?

Take a peek inside and see how they did it.

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If you download the G85 editor update 0.9 the reporter and the TV studio will be available to you. Do a search for it. Alternatively use sickboy's solution, which I've read about someplace : basically, the objects are there, but not visible.

As to adding cameras etc. that's a case for a whole tutorial. Check out OFPECs tutorial section - they're mostly for OFP, but AFAIK the camera commands are pretty identical.

Good luck!



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How can I use the reporter civilian unit, without any alternate addons, can I add another unit and script something to change the unit after it is inserted at the editor? wich commanda should I call?

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According to the BIKI, the name of the fieldreporter is, originally enough "FieldReporter". The classic way of doing what you suggest is to first put down a unit (name him for ease of reference), save your mission, go to your /yourprofile/missions/yourmission.sara/ folder, find the mission.sqm, open it with notepad (for instance), find him, and change the part where it says something like "SoldierWB" to "FieldReporter" <- save, open up your mission, and shadam : he should be a fieldreporter.

NOTE : in old OFP, when using this method, you could -not select the unit- (as in double-clicking on him to change his name or init field or rank or whatever) without him turning back into whatever he was originally. So mind that.

Should work, I think! Good luck.



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Thank´s very much Wolfrug, I´ll try ASAP.

I´ll mind the note thnx again wink_o.gif

Worked, just as you said! Nice!


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there is also .....

"Anchorman"  (suit and tie job)

"MarianQuandt"  ( female reporter)

i also came across these anims havnt tried them though .. but i guess there to do with the tv studio ..

switchMove "ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_MarianQ_TVstudioMan_LoopLong".....

switchMove "ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_MarianQ_shot5"...

switchMove "ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_MarianQ_shot5man

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