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UK Weapons

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Okay then, due to a Sasy style FUBAR  tounge2.gif Only joking mate, the wrong version was uplaoded using the old textures and the like. So until we can get the raabaddons.rar changed. I've thrown it up in a rar.

The changes are basically some newly textured units thanks very much to Jonny who helped me out with them, and all the fixed changes sasy mentioned earlier.

So, enjoy, oh and a photo at last.



Hopefully we're gonna have a new SA80 sorted out as well soonish which we'll bang in there, as a seperate addon (as that wont be open source) in the RAABAddons folder. Will give you a heads up though once thats getting closer.

p.s. The helmet guy was just me messing around so dont go mentioning that its not the correct Mk.6. I just threw it in for the hell of it.

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ok they have limitations .

1. no proper tools as of yet

2. im sick of playing as a yank or a russian

3. we all have a choisce use them or dont

4. its the only uk weapons out at the mo.

so in my mind give the guys a break

and to RAAB

good first release and keep up the work in supporting

the community.

(my two pence - not cents worth)


Americasn dont appreciate being called YANKS we dont go around calling Brits REDCOATS or some other bad name. We consider you guys friends an would like to be referred to as americans. Seeing as how alot of us came from germany and england anyway we do share most of are history with you.

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Americasn dont appreciate being called YANKS we dont go around calling Brits REDCOATS or some other bad name. We consider you guys friends an would like to be referred to as americans. Seeing as how alot of us came from germany and england anyway we do share most of are history with you.

Wow, chill out, its better than being called a Cowboy or a Capitalistic pig, I don't mind being called a yank or an amie (as some of the Germans call us). And it's not like calling the British "redcoats", its like calling them "Brits", you hypocrite. Who decided you could be the public speaker for all Americans? I know I sure as hell didn't. Get over yourself.

/end rant

Sasy that update sounds like it'll be sweet, can't wait to see some Claymores and rucksacks (that work) in game.

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Woooohh, Bloody hell.

Take it somewhere else please. I'm pritty sure it was an innocent phrase, but christ mate, calm down, and at least do it over PM so not to clutter the thread with offtopic mess.

On-Topic now, still working on getting it all uploaded and sorted though and hopefully we'll get the final stuff out soon.

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Americasn dont appreciate being called YANKS we dont go around calling Brits REDCOATS or some other bad name. We consider you guys friends an would like to be referred to as americans. Seeing as how alot of us came from germany and england anyway we do share most of are history with you.

Call us redcoats if u want, it just reminds us of the glorious days of the empire, and hardly any people mind being called yank.

You silly yanky.

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still working on getting it all uploaded and sorted though and hopefully we'll get the final stuff out soon.

Well, if you need a place for it to be posted, I'm part of the staff for Total Armed Assault and I'd be more then willing to post it there.

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Hi all,

I'm in the UK and would like to download these skins and weapons. I've never put a mod on before, how do I do it? If somebody could do a step by step guide, I'd be really grateful.

I've downloaded the pbo file but now I'm stuck!

Thanks in advance

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Quote[/b] ]Americasn dont appreciate being called YANKS we dont go around calling Brits REDCOATS or some other bad name. We consider you guys friends an would like to be referred to as americans. Seeing as how alot of us came from germany and england anyway we do share most of are history with you.

I only refer to you as yanks because i hate most of you and im racist, you'd be a lot more likeable if you knew when to shut up.

Great weapons, nice to see the SA-80 smile_o.gif

Edit for speeling

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I only refer to you as yanks because i hate most of you and im racist, you'd be a lot more likeable if you knew when to shut up.

+1 WL for flaming and racism. In addition you go on vacation for the next 7 days. Use the time to get familiar with our rules.

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Quote[/b] ]Hi all,

I'm in the UK and would like to download these skins and weapons. I've never put a mod on before, how do I do it? If somebody could do a step by step guide, I'd be really grateful.

I've downloaded the pbo file but now I'm stuck!

Thanks in advance

Copy that .pbo file into your BIS/ArmA/Addons folder. In the folder should be several more .pbo files just plonk the addon in there and launch up ArmA and it should work.

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Thanks for the reply. How do I open the BIS/Arma/Addon folder though? I'm not too good with PC's sad_o.gif

Edit: I've got the FDF soundpack intalled, will the two run together?

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Aye the 2 will work fine mate.

Open My Computer and find your directory ArmA is installed. Usually its on the "C" disk, then the folder program folder, Bohemia Interactive folder then the ArmA folder and then in there find the addons folder, put the .pbo file which you'll find in the rar once you've extracted it. Put this pbo file in your addons folder and then run ArmA.

The addons are then found on the BLUFOR side. smile_o.gif

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Thanks for the reply.  How do I open the BIS/Arma/Addon folder though?  I'm not too good with PC's  sad_o.gif

Edit:  I've got the FDF soundpack intalled, will the two run together?

Have you tried C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\AddOns ?

FDF can be run through the new icon on the desktop. They don't replace the original sounds so no files will be replaced.

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