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First impressions

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After playing the demo, my full copy arrived today.

HOW HARD is this game?!?!!?  

I'm playing the "Blood Sweat & Tears" mission.  I failed the first section, on my 12th attempt I managed to kill all the soldiers, however the uniforms were bloody so it was a fail.

When I got to the base I found the best strategy was to go into a building to the left as you approach but I was surrounded by a good 8 soldiers and a vehicle.  Don't think I'm going to get out of that one.  I've tried 18 times with the same load.

Wow.  I've closed the game after about 90 minutes, I can't handle any more!!!!!


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Try again after the 1.05 patch that's coming soon. Many issues have been changed, some drastically. May help. I'm hoping to finally finish the ambush mission tounge2.gif (around 26 tries so far. Close, but never finishing)

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Well... when I started that mission, after reaching to the briefing - it was a disgusting experience already at that point... that's not really a mission which you should start playing as your first missions. Maybe not even after you have more experience. I really wonder what was on the mind of the person who wrote the briefing, it is simply put awful. Maybe its related to the design of the mission, but still... Sorry whoever made it but that's my honest view of it.

Edit: Forgot to mention, I get the most fun from the mission editor, as the single player missions are not well-made I have to make my own fun.

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The 1.05 patch (UK English) is not mentioned on the ArmA website (only German and Czech).

[EDIT] - the UK version I have (and it ships as) 1.4.5121

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Yup, the 505 version is:


build 5121

According to the version history on the wiki, the 1.05 patch will be:


and somewhere around build 5136

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Any idea of a release date?

I'm not playing it for a while, it was a baptism of fire.

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i don't know what your problem is; the Blood, Sweat and Tears mission is the one exclusive to v1.04 and not included in the GER and CZ versions, isn't it?

why don't you start with the basic single missions and the campaign first?

BTW: patch v1.05 will be out march 2. it was all over this board. whistle.gif

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> why don't you start with the basic single missions and the campaign first?

I'd thought it a good idea to try some of the single missions first before trying the campaign, get some practice in as it were. Obviously I have picked a difficult one smile_o.gif

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> why don't you start with the basic single missions and the campaign first?

I'd thought it a good idea to try some of the single missions first before trying the campaign, get some practice in as it were.  Obviously I have picked a difficult one smile_o.gif

well, like i said: the BSaT mission is the new one that came with patch 1.04 (in other words: the 505 release). chances are that mission is harder than those that were already in the first release of the game. after all you don't go and add missions to a game that are easier than those already included, do you?

so do the training missions first, then try some of the single missions, then play the campaign, and then do the rest of the single missions. this game is not that hard.

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Next time put SPOILER in the topic title. I've added it this time.

Also post in the right forum please.

Moving to A:OM

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the part where you talk about the missions, some people dont have it, or havnt completed and dont want to know about it, thus spoiling it for them wink_o.gif

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