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rick rawlings

Chopper Insertion Problems

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Hey, I am desinging a mission where you get on a chopper at base, are taken to a crash site where the downed chopper's crew joins up with you, you blow the remains of the chopper and then escort the crew to the extraction point. I currently have two problems. First, I synced a "load" and "get in" waypoint at the base chopper but as the mission starts, the chopper spools up, takes off and waits. When I give the "All, get in...chopper at ...x o'clock", it then lands and allows us to board. Is there anyway in the editor to have it wait for us to board after spooling up or does this have to be scripted?

Secondly, I set a destroy waypoint on the downed chopper but when I blow it with a satchel, my guys think I have lost it and take me out for destroying a "freindly" unit. (Funny the first 12 times, but not what I was going for overall  biggrin_o.gif ) How can I solve this problem? The chopper is not associated with any groups.

Thanks for any help!


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Not sure how your doing your triggers but here goes.

Make your first waypoint a MOVE. Set it very close to the chopper.

In it's Onact put:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Heliname flyinheight 0 (or 3 if you want it just above the ground)

Make your next waypoint the load or whatever you want.

P.S. Make sure you set the height back up when time to fly somewhere.

Someone want to show a script that tells you when everyone is loaded?

If you blow up an empty helichopper then your men could care less. So your doing one of two things.

Your not putting an empty heli down or your men are a little too close when you let it blow.

Edit: to try to answer second part of question.

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Heh, I'm not doing triggers, just the editor. I will see if I can puzzle through it tho  smile_o.gif. With regards to blowing the chopper, there is no one in it and I move my guys away quite a ways, but I will double check it again. If I have a subordinate blow it there is no problem, they only attack me when I do it.

Thanks for the help,


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Yeh i had this problem, had 2 squads of soldiers board 2 blackhawks, but the blackhawks kept lifting off to early before everyone could get onboard which mostly resulted in a couple of men left behind or the blackhawk would land 400 meters away and wait for the remaining to board..

Try setting the first waypoint for the chooper with a countdown timer.

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also i have used a a whole squad with the getinnearest command to board a chopper. the chpper pilot will spool up and stay on the ground until all are loaded.. i built a mission where two blackhawks lift off with two ai squads and it works well. but it takes some playing around.

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also i have used a a whole squad with the getinnearest command to board a chopper. the chpper pilot will spool up and stay on the ground until all are loaded.. i built a mission where two blackhawks lift off with two ai squads and it works well. but it takes some playing around.

A way of doing it too for the heli to weait till all your men board...is timing it.

min 90 med 90 high 90.

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lo mate ...

eg  chopper is called bird  youre group is called zulu

create a switch trigger sync it with the load waypoint of chopper ... sync the load and get in waypoints with eachother also

in its condition field put

({_x in bird} count units zulu == {alive _x} count units zulu)

now hopefully the chopper ( bird) will wait until all alive units from youre group (zulu) are onboard before proceeding to its next waypoint

if not with trigger try putting the code in the helos waypoint condition

ive only tried with trigger

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You say your using the editor but not using triggers? The triggers are part of the editor. They are easy to use.

Step by Step:

1. Place your men:

2. Find the leader: He's the one that all the blue lines are going to:

3. Double-click the leader:

4. put this code in his init area:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">mygroup=Group This

5. place a chopper: Make sure it's not part of the first group: If a line attaches it to the first group remove it by selecting groups on the left side of the editor, then drag a line from the chopper to empty space.

6. Double click chopper: Name it heli1

7. Make sure the chopper is selected: Make your first waypoint right next to the chopper: Make another waypoint right next to the first one:

8. Double-click the first waypoint: (leave it as move)

9. Put this code in the Onact section of the first waypoint:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">heli1 flyinheight 0 (push ok)

10. Double-click the second waypoint and put this in the Condition section:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">({_x in heli1} count units mygroup == {alive _x} count units mygroup)

and this in the Onact section:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">heli1 flyinheight 100

11. Now make more waypoints to go the other places you want to go:

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Thanks for the tips guys, I will probably get back to the chopper loadup tomorrow. I have been frustrated by my attempts to blow the downed chopper. The two pilots at the site will join my squad, but half the time one of them refuses to move, so I end up "destroying" him too, my guys definitely don't like that! I should have some more time over the next couple of days to give it a shot. Thanks for all the help!


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Thankyou Scillion and Shark-attack for the command "group entering heli after counting who is alive". I have looked for them since and here it is.

Thank you once again. smile_o.gif

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Glad to help.

I can't get my men to shoot at me after blowing up a Heli.

My suggestion is to put an empty heli at the start of your mission that you can practice blowing up. When you blow it up without them attacking you(which should be the first time). Move that heli in place of the other one. Delete the other.

At least that will help you find where the problem is.

Good Luck

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Simlair question, so I don't want to make another topic, hope you don't mind: is there a way to do the opposite of this.

I'm trying to get a copter carrying a squad in cargo to land and boot everyone out, but when it lands (waypoint transport unload) it only ejects the leader aP and waits until I manually order everyone out. Is there a way to get all units to exit automatically like aP?

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Simlair question, so I don't want to make another topic, hope you don't mind: is there a way to do the opposite of this.

I'm trying to get a copter carrying a squad in cargo to land and boot everyone out, but when it lands (waypoint transport unload) it only ejects the leader aP and waits until I manually order everyone out. Is there a way to get all units to exit automatically like aP?

This is the way I do mine...

Let us say you have 3 men in all in a group. unita (player), unitb and unitc.

1. the waypoint for heli "dropoff point", type...

heli flyInHeight 0 and make it UNLOAD.

2. now on that dropoff way point, make 3 triggers...

a. choose east or west for each trigger, depending on sides you pick.

b. then on the activation in each trigger add this command;

1st trigger - unita action["GETOUT",nameofvehicle]; unassignvehicle unita

2nd trigger - unitb action["GETOUT",nameofvehicle]; unassignvehicle unitb

3rd trigger - unitc action["GETOUT",nameofvehicle]; unassignvehicle unitc

Now if you want them to leave the chopper organised, then for each trigger set the timmer 1 second each. eg.

trigger unita min=1sec med=1sec max=1sec

trigger unitb min=2sec med=2sec max=2sec and so on...

Donot forget to add an invinsible heli pad...the drop off landing is quick making it look realistic with out heli land "LAND" command.

My problem is the issue for jet fighters landing on runway. I cannot seem to make them land on runways after their bombing runs. Have check the search in the forum and seen no post concerning fighter landing on runways. Maybe someone can help me out here?

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Hmm doesn't seem to work, following those steps. I tried it with a heli unit and it doesn't land, just hovers about 45 above ground.

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Hmm doesn't seem to work, following those steps. I tried it with a heli unit and it doesn't land, just hovers about 45 above ground.

take a look at the little demo...watch the editor and see how I added commands.


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Argghhh, thanks for all the help with the chopper boarding problems, which I swear I am going to get to as soon as I solve my other problem. I still have my troops turn on me after I blow up the downed chopper and shoot me as I described in the original post. To try to isolate the problem, I tried a new mission. I created a saboteur unit as the player on the northern airbase on the southern island. Further down the runway, I created a new group with a chopper and another pilot. The chopper is completely damaged so the pilot starts outside. I created waypoints so that the two pilots will join me on my approach. I then set a destroy waypoint for the chopper. When I run the mission, the two pilots join me fine. I then send them waaaaaaay down the runway and rig the chopper with a satchel. When I back up and blow it, they immediately target me and open fire. Any ideas?



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Are you putting a green heli down in the editor. (it means the heli comes with pilots)?

Or, are you putting a empty and damaged heli down. Then putting pilots down next to it?

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Green, couldn't find a way to have it selectable as empty.

Will this make a difference? The pilot feels it is "his" and gets mad when I destroy it?

edit: was trying to put the chopper down before adding a player, so "empty" wasn't coming up. Even when I made the chopper empty and then destroyed it, my guys still attacked me.  banghead.gif

Thanks for any help!


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Hmm doesn't seem to work, following those steps.  I tried it with a heli unit and it doesn't land, just hovers about 45 above ground.

take a look at the little demo...watch the editor and see how I added commands.


Your 'demo' chopper hovers about 6ft off the ground, then when you go in the chopper it ejects you at the next waypoint (at about 30ft) killing you!

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Yes if you put this command = heli land "LAND"; heli flyInHeight 0...

the chopper will hover and start droping men even before it lands killing them.

All you need to do is add heli flyInHeight 0 on the chopper waypoint on the invinsible helipad.

I have added another download here, modified the time and the chopper leaves its position. Remember the triggers has to me timed as follows.

Last download had a sync...causeing the chopper to make glitches I think. try this one and have a look.

Download demo

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If you blow up one of your own country's vehicles then your guys will kill you thinking that your the enemy. If you blow up a bunch of enemy stuff they don't care.

I see that now - been doing some testing.

OK - Here are my (not the best) workarounds.

1. One way would be to have the pilots hiding away from the chopper. Have trigger detect a blufor soldier near and give a message saying - Explosives being applied to craft. Then Timer set for 30 seconds. Then have the IED.sqs script blow it up in 30 seconds.

2. Have in you mission to hit it with one AT round. Have a trigger detect the damage (which one AT won't destroy it normally). Then have IED.sqs finish it off.

3. This is the most realistic but hardest to pull off. Have a OPFOR man enter the helichopper then exit and walk far away. I tested this and it seems to make the helichopper a valid target.

Good Luck

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3. This is the most realistic but hardest to pull off. Have a OPFOR man enter the helichopper then exit and walk far away. I tested this and it seems to make the helichopper a valid target.

Heh, wow, that's pretty clever. It will take me a while to figure out how to do that, but thanks for the hard work and helping me out!


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Simlair question, so I don't want to make another topic, hope you don't mind:  is there a way to do the opposite of this.  

I'm trying to get a copter carrying a squad in cargo to land and boot everyone out, but when it lands (waypoint transport unload) it only ejects the leader aP and waits until I manually order everyone out.  Is there a way to get all units to exit automatically like aP?

This is the way I do mine...

Let us say you have 3 men in all in a group. unita (player), unitb and unitc.

1. the waypoint for heli "dropoff point", type...

heli flyInHeight 0 and make it UNLOAD.

2. now on that dropoff way point, make 3 triggers...

a. choose east or west for each trigger, depending on sides you pick.

b. then on the activation in each trigger add this command;

1st trigger - unita action["GETOUT",nameofvehicle]; unassignvehicle unita

2nd trigger - unitb action["GETOUT",nameofvehicle]; unassignvehicle unitb

3rd trigger - unitc action["GETOUT",nameofvehicle]; unassignvehicle unitc

Now if you want them to leave the chopper organised, then for each trigger set the timmer 1 second each. eg.

trigger unita min=1sec med=1sec max=1sec

trigger unitb min=2sec med=2sec max=2sec and so on...

Donot forget to add an invinsible heli pad...the drop off landing is quick making it look realistic with out heli land "LAND" command.

I've been trying to get something working like this for a while and tried a lot of options that all seem to work offline, but cause trouble for clients online.

I'm trying your idea but rather than have 16 seperate triggers for each member of two squads, I've put the main trigger text into two scripts (one for each squad).

That seems to work (at least in offline testing) but all the AI disembark at the same time.

Can someone tell me how to add those trigger delays into a script? (ie: what's the correct syntax.... Searched all over but can't find anything).

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Simlair question, so I don't want to make another topic, hope you don't mind:  is there a way to do the opposite of this.  

I'm trying to get a copter carrying a squad in cargo to land and boot everyone out, but when it lands (waypoint transport unload) it only ejects the leader aP and waits until I manually order everyone out.  Is there a way to get all units to exit automatically like aP?

This is the way I do mine...

Let us say you have 3 men in all in a group. unita (player), unitb and unitc.

1. the waypoint for heli "dropoff point", type...

heli flyInHeight 0 and make it UNLOAD.

2. now on that dropoff way point, make 3 triggers...

a. choose east or west for each trigger, depending on sides you pick.

b. then on the activation in each trigger add this command;

1st trigger - unita action["GETOUT",nameofvehicle]; unassignvehicle unita

2nd trigger - unitb action["GETOUT",nameofvehicle]; unassignvehicle unitb

3rd trigger - unitc action["GETOUT",nameofvehicle]; unassignvehicle unitc

Now if you want them to leave the chopper organised, then for each trigger set the timmer 1 second each. eg.

trigger unita min=1sec med=1sec max=1sec

trigger unitb min=2sec med=2sec max=2sec and so on...

Donot forget to add an invinsible heli pad...the drop off landing is quick making it look realistic with out heli land "LAND" command.

I've been trying to get something working like this for a while and tried a lot of options that all seem to work offline, but cause trouble for clients online.

I'm trying your idea but rather than have 16 seperate triggers for each member of two squads, I've put the main trigger text into two scripts (one for each squad).

That seems to work (at least in offline testing) but all the AI disembark at the same time.

Can someone tell me how to add those trigger delays into a script? (ie: what's the correct syntax.... Searched all over but can't find anything).

I was working on a mission last week. Sorry did not see your post earlier. I found out the best syntax for this drops once the heli lands. I have used it on 3 choppers "for test" making a drop and in all, it worked perfectly, "Easier/simpler than the first one I wrote". I donot know much about scripting. Most of my missions are commands more.


on your heli last waypoint to land on the invincible helipad "Unload transport", make a 10x10 radius trigger around that pad. Now sync the trigger to the heli waypoint "Unload Transport". once that is done,

go to the trigger and add...

activation = west or east

activate = {commandGetOut _x} foreach units NAME OF GROUP;

Do not forget to name your group in the leaders player ini = name = group this.

That is all. It works great. The AI comes out already timed one by one from the heli. This can also be used not only for heli's but for other vehicles.

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Quote[/b] ]I can't get my men to shoot at me after blowing up a Heli.

Put this in OnActivation of a trigger that detects


getdammage heloname >=1


playername setrating -10000

This will make you hostile to your men.

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