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Leap/Jump script

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Ok, I've played that VIRUS/Zombie mission where you had those awsome leaps, then I played another Red Hotel Mission (maybe ?) on a server where you could make smaller jumps to go over small obstacles.

I found those scripts really useful/fun (depending on the size of the jump) but I can't find them or any similar yet. I tried to look at the missions in my MP cache but I can't find the scripts either.

Anyone knows how to do that ? Can point me in the right direction ? Give me a link ? Know the authors of those scripts ?

I started to refresh my memory about parabolic equations just in case, but any help would be apreciated.



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Just un-pbo the missions and you'll find the scripts inside.

Just download the missions from a site somewhere if you can't find the correct ones in your MP-cache.

Un-pbo tools are available at almost every ArmA-site.

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SIX_DEBUG_MISS=false or true;

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// ArmA - Jump.sqf v0.2Alpha by Sickboy (sb_at_6thSense.eu)

// Add via addaction


private ["_pos","_x","_y","_z","_j","_nz","_npos","_dam"];

// Jump Height:


_dam=getDammage player;



if(SIX_DEBUG_MISS)then{hint "Seek medical Assistance\nCan't Jump!"};

} else {

_pos=getpos player;

_x=_pos select 0;

_y=_pos select 1;

_z=_pos select 2;

_nz=_z + _j;




hint format["Jump!\nPPos: %1\nOPos: %2",_pos,_npos];


player setpos _npos;


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Thanks alot mate, you're the man.

Though, I feel dumb now... I thought that would involve trigonometry and parabolic trajectory with initial velocity vector...

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Sickboy (or anyone),

How do you make this script work? Does it always a player to aways jump like other games, or?

Thanks in advance...

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Sickboy (or anyone),

How do you make this script work? Does it always a player to aways jump like other games, or?

Thanks in advance...

Look it tells you Add via addaction

Save that load of into into a script file called Jump.sqf

in all the players inits add:

player1 addaction ["Jump","jump.sqf"]

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Quote[/b] ]Just un-pbo the missions and you'll find the scripts inside.

Thanks, I kind of tried that, but I didn't find a jump.sqs/sqf or leap.sqs/sqf or anything related. Maybe I downloaded the wrong Virus/Zombie mission...

To sickboy : Thank you very much, that will do the trick for now, though you don't get the nice trajectory and acceleration you add in the leaping zombie mission.

I'll try to cook something myself to see if I can do better...

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Excellent, thank you very much.

How does one "Jump" now? Does it just "do it" when necessary, or?

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I have to say sickboy, this script really kix @ysh but I do have a question for you.

I was wondering if there was a way to make the jump look a bit more realistic such as lowering the players sightline slightly (to simulate bending the knees in preparation for the jump) and then smoothening out the jump animation?

Right now, it appears as if the player instantly goes from ground height to a few feet off the ground and then drops back to the Earth.

Just curious.

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