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Dead men dont tell tales!

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I wonder if it would be possible to implement a system where once you have been reincarnated as a seagull, you are then unable to communicate with the still alive people in the game. It could be done by automatically creating a "limbo" channel upon death where only other dead people can communicate (both by keyboard and VOIP). After all, its not very realistic to be hunting for enemies as a seagull and then broadcasting their position. I know I have also been guilty of this in the past but the more I think about it the more it sounds like cheating.



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Raven shield has this and I find it annoying when you cannot ask the people alive if it would be ok to restart the game or give hints when the last players alive are trying to find that final hiding enemy to get the map to end. But I guess an option to have it would be nice.

A 'side channel' for the seagulls would be good too, where they could talk without disturbing the people playing.

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Raven shield has this and I find it annoying when you cannot ask the people alive if it would be ok to restart the game or give hints when the last players alive are trying to find that final hiding enemy to get the map to end. But I guess an option to have it would be nice.

A 'side channel' for the seagulls would be good too, where they could talk without disturbing the people playing.

The vote option "#" key could always be made universal for game restarts booting or electing admin.

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Unfortunately, i can't see BIS spending time on something like this, when all you have to do to bypass it, is get on teamspeak.

You will find as time passes that most dedicated servers will switch off the VOIP option, as they primarily use such programs as teamspeak, which give a far better quality of voice and use less bandwidth

2 alternatives

1) Play on a well adminned server, where such actions will be punished

2) Implement Keg's spectator script for all missions and edit it so that you cannot escape into seagul mode (By doing so simply restarts the dialogue) and also restrict spectator mode to 1st person view only.

but to have a "seagull" channel to replace global when dead, would be a good idea

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