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Custom MP sounds

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Hello there !!

                I keep hearing guys who have their own custom clips they can use in MP.

How do I add my own clips,and how do I activate them ingame ?



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I'd also be interested in how to do this ...

Anyone .. ?

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A word of warning.

It can be very annoying for others if your custom sound plays often (or even once) during a mission.

You bet I am not telling you even if I knew how to do it biggrin_o.gifnener.gif



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Not a mission editing question and answered dozens of times in the past. Place ogg files into ofp/users/name/sound and you can use them via radio menu, maximum of ten files. Some servers might not let you join with too big files.

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Hi South!

I just got done re-reading this tutorial on exactly what you are looking for.  It worked great for me and was a well written tuturial.  It also explains what additional programs you need to have and where to get them.

Here is the link;


You will want the one; Music, Sound & Radio by  Navy Seals.

If you need any more help after you read the tutorial, just get ahold of me and I be glad to help you get set up for it.



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Do WSS files, or whatever they're called, work?

i think we better run... I see a modmobile. Uh Oh, Shadow's driving...

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Many thanks guys,

                        Popped by and remembered this post.I'll have a go at this when I get a mo..assuming the same holds for Armed Assault as well then ?

A nice bit of individualality is a good thing.

.WSS files would work as well, if not better than .OGG files mate.They are derived from .wav to .wss and because of this, are quite large in size,though the quality can be better.

I tend to go for mid quality \ size in a .ogg audio file over larger .wss.

@the helpfull balddo

Quote[/b] ]A word of warning.

It can be very annoying for others if your custom sound plays often (or even once) during a mission.

tounge2.gif  I assume you were subject to a flurry of farts and burps(or suchlike) which caused you much distress and no doubt got you killed while typing a reprimand.

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