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Some things Ive noticed in the editor

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Hi guys, first post. I tried the search function thrughout the AA forums to no avail. While knwoing actually very little about scripting, one of the things I loved about OFP was the mission editor. Happily, this editor in AA appears to be virtually similar. So I immediately dived in and started work on a simple SP mission. I wanted a BRDM to come down the road and I would whack it with a AT wep. On his demise, an alarm would sound, a squad would load into a BMP and then come down the road also. I set both vehicles on the road in a nearby town with a line of waypoints towards me. The BMP moved down the down ok, except it stopped at each waypoint! After I bang him, I can hear the BMP crashing about. So I run over to where he is and there he is, not even on the road, next to a wood fence. I watch as the squad loads, in the process each man in the squad running thru a wooden fence near the back of the BMP. I decide to respawn as a civilian nearby so I can see whats happening and the scenario begins with the BMP off the road. I zoom in the editor map and make sure the vehicle is carefully placed in the center of the road. Start the scenario again and the BMP is still starting off the road. Later, I replace the BMP and squad with a T72 and the same thing happens!

Soooo, there are several problems here...

1.) Vehicles seem to follow waypoints but stop at each one. The speed is set to normal.

2.) Armor vehicles are not starting the scenario/spawning where I place them on the map. The placement radious is set to zero.

3.) I had an entire squad of men load a BMP !thru a wood fence! I cant even step over a 2cm high break in a wall and they can go THRU a fence!

Any word on whats going on here? Is this some known bugs? help... crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I had an entire squad of men load a BMP !thru a wood fence! I cant even step over a 2cm high break in a wall and they can go THRU a fence!

I've seen ai go through a house! (it was one of the closed buildings in the camp near the church on isla del vida).

Quote[/b] ]Armor vehicles are not starting the scenario/spawning where I place them on the map. The placement radious is set to zero.

I haven't looked at how the armored vehicles spawn, but have you tried setpos'ing it in the init?

Quote[/b] ]Vehicles seem to follow waypoints but stop at each one. The speed is set to normal.

Is it any different on full? If you zoom in on your waypoints, where are they placed? (near objects or off the road?) How far is it between each waypoint?

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The waypoints and vehicles I zoomed in on the map to ensure proper placement and still have problems with the vehicles; waypoints seem to be on the road like they should be. The distances vary; some waypoints follow curves so are pretty close together; (Im not sure if I have to follow a curve with waypoints like that or not). Other wps are on straight sections of road so are farther apart. I havent tried setting speed to full yet, will give it a go later. I also havent tried setting the pos for vehicles yet. How do I get, and write, the coords for a setpos?

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Quote[/b] ]Armor vehicles are not starting the scenario/spawning where I place them on the map. The placement radious is set to zero.

This might be trivial but are you sure the BMP is not grouped with anything, because thats the only way I can think of it will spwan in a place different from where you place it, if it is set it to "none" instead of "in formation".

Quote[/b] ]Vehicles seem to follow waypoints but stop at each one. The speed is set to normal.

You can try putting the waypoints further away from each other as the AI will "GENERALY" follow the road unless the waypoint is placed offroads.

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Vehicles will follow the road if their behaviour is set to "SAFE".

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sorry if it seems a silly question???

but are the waypoints set to:- seek & destroy??

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The waypoints are all set to move except one early wp is set to load and the last is set to guard.

Isnt there a command for units to follow the road? Something placed in the ini?

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If a vehicle (tank) is desired to have units turned in, like if its moving thru or to a hostile area, and want to keep to roads, a little micro management will keep them to the roads about 95% of the time, by merely placing waypoints directly on roads, and in areas where there are curves, waypoints should be placed at major curve points (or intersections) - ya, they stop at each waypoint position, sometimes for longer than what id even prefer, but anyhow, this is working good for me.

Also, if safe mode is used with units (not vehicles) there is a bug in Arma, and if those units even detect combat nearby, they will drop to the ground, and never resume their wp plan until their behaviour is reset.

And, in tests, Bmp's will not normally fire on ground units, they will train their HE cannon on them, but do nothing, personally ive deleted them from my mission - the exact scenario is a west manned Bmp against resistance (resistance is enemy to west).

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How do I get, and write, the coords for a setpos?

You can place a gamelogic where you want the bmp to be placed (side is gamelogic) and name it something like bmpStart (easy to remember).

Then put this in the bmps init field:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setPos (getPos bmpStart);

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Special Ed, thats exactly what I do; place wps so the vehicles follow the road around the curve. It sure is annoying how they stop at each one; must be a bug. I dont remember having that problem with OFP. I havent had a problem with BMPs not shooting yet; they slaughter my squad in this mission if I dont get it first. I have the last waypoint set to Guard; thats when they show up, stop, unload troops, and fire at any of my squad they see.

HUnicorn, Thank you, Ill give it a whirl tonight.

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Ya, im sure youve seen sometimes the tank will sit for 2 - 3 times as long as normal at a waypoint position, but really, those wp positions can be spread out really far unless the road is like goin nuts in curves (which is normally not the case).

Actually ya, personally ive seen the same behaviour in Ofp, I can confirm that as this mission im working on has wp plans ported over, the only difference is, it does seem that they stay at waypoint positions alot longer now sometimes.

I dont know why the bmp wouldnt fire, it was very odd, had tested it a number of times, for sure it was in combat mode/fire At will, maybe because it was manned by west units? As soon as I switched to T72, it mowed down the enemy ai units, wierd.

Good luck, nice to share some info on all this, really wish I could get the same behaviour from my bmp's as yours, mine just wont fire sad_o.gif

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the waypoints are screwed.

You can do a test with a humvee

put a simple humvee on a road with it 4 - 5 waypoints spread out over a distance, have the waypoints set to safe/column and watch it go through the waypoints without stopping.

now change the humvee to one with a weapon leave the waypoints as they were and watch the humvee stop at every waypoint.

Its as though the weapon is being treated as a separate vehicle and when the humvee reaches the waypoint it acts as though its waiting for the weapon to catch up, its the same with most vehicles with weapons.

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