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website development tutorials

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anybody know of any good .doc or .pdf tutorials on how to start creating a website?

hoping to create a website on which i can host my armed assault addons and missions and such. im hoping that some people who use these forums from various mods extra can help me.

thanks in advance for any help.

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Depends on what you're doing.

If your thinking of having alot of stuff hosted, perhaps divided into categories, you should search for tutorials on dynamic pages connected to databases (probably most common: PHP and mySQL).

If you are just doing a small page, you could give the design a bigger thought. Then just search for good CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) tutorials, wich gives you the opportunity to create a smart layout with DIVs and alot of other stuff.

That's all I've got to say.

Oh, one more thing:

Google is your friend

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That's a bit advanced... I'd learn HTML first, if it is just for hosting your own files, you don't really need a database driven website.

I was refering to such as aloooooooooot of files (OFP.info etc).

It's a pain to do a new page for each addon tounge2.gif

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He's looking to host his own addons, not those of the entire community tounge2.gif

I had alot of simple tutorials bookmarked, but apperantly the site they were on went offline sad_o.gif

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I would recommend you give This Site a visit

That covers the basics and in the same site you can look up more advanced material smile_o.gif

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When you're ready for something more advanced, I'd look into some content management systems (CMS)...the only one I've worked with is Joomla. It saves you from having to program from the ground up, but still requires some programming if you want to customize it.


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A very good website to learn web programming is Newbies Paradise : http://www.newbiesparadise.com

At the moment they only have an XHTML and CSS tutorial, but they are translating from French some very good tutorials about PHP and SQL databases (OpenGL and C programming are also coming, but it's not the same purpose).

For those who speak French, the French version of the site is here : http://www.siteduzero.com , with all the tutorials.

Chris. smile_o.gif

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A pleasant What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get program is Coffeecup.

Check the Products & Downloads page.

Perhaps not the best tool, but it comes at a pretty good price, and I've heard people being satisfied with it.



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anybody know of any good .doc or .pdf tutorials on how to start creating a website?

I know you stated that you're looking for .doc or .pdf, but let me chime in with a couple other sources, should you decide to go that route:

HTML Goodies

In the menu at the left is the Primers section. Start with HTML.

A more "traditional" option would be Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML

This is an incredible book. I wish all technical books were written in this format.

(Avoid like the plague: Foundation Web Design. So badly written...I wouldn't use it for toilet paper)

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