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Accuracy, reduction?

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Hi guys,

Is there an easy way to reduce the accuracy of units?

I'm hoping to be able to reduce the accuracy of the iraqi insurgents by Rebelman.



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I assume you mean the shooting accuracy. You can't make certain units less accurate w/o using a script (I think ofpec had some... stand by on that), but you can make certain weapons less accurate by modifying the configs.

In the weapon's config.cpp file, find the weapons you want to change and find the line that says:

dispersion = xxx;

If you increase the number there, it will make the gun less accurate. This goes regardless of who is shooting it though. And be sure to make a backup of the .pbo before you edit it, since making changes will prevent it from working in multiplayer.

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Thanks Canukausiuka,

I found something called accuracy in a .pbo just under the displayname, as for example

class SoldierWMG:SoldierWB




displayName="Squad automatic rifleman";






Is this something?



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The value 'accuracy' in the config cpp determines whether the unit is recognised by it 'displayname' in game and at what distance (1000 meaning it is never recognised at all and low values meaning it is only recognised as such at close range). It does not determine the accuracy of fire by the unit. One would need to equip units with weaponry firing high dispersal ammunition, as available in for example JAM.



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Thanks sander,

I have JAM, but the insurgents whose accuracy I want reduced, use ICP weaponry.

I guess it's easier to change the dispersion than the weaponry including ammo, so that's what I'm going to do.

Thanks again,


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Hi BlackScorpion,

Very interesting. How would you go about with that?



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The easiest way of reducing accuracy without messing up the configs is to put down in init field of a certain unit:

this setdammage -0.4

(or similar negative value. You have to experiment with the values.) Note that this doesn't make the unit harder to kill.

If you want to apply this for all units on map you can use a trigger:

Radius to cover all the units

Activation: anyone present

Condition: true

on activation: "_x setdammage -0.4" foreach thislist

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