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Adjustable shape of gameplay character

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If Game2 is going to have some role-playing-game aspects, then would it not improve the experience if players could give the game their body dimensions like distances between skeleton joints, and how large stomach etc. they have? The character 3D model would then adjust accordingly to approximate the real shape of the player. This combined into skin textures (head, hands etc.) provided by the player could really make the game feel much more realistic, as the in-game characters would not be copies from each other but would look like individuals, just like in reality.

One more possibility would be to allow players to give the game their "fitness" values in some form, to allow the in-game characters to be closer to the real physical abilities of the players. This could very well lead to many players cheating by giving super values so it might not be a good idea for gameplay.

The problem I see with all this is how you prevent players from giving super values, i.e. making their character represent not what they are in reality but instead aim towards a super soldier. Could need some kind of validation procedure like registered players would give their info on some official location, needing to show up themselfs for measurement. Could get difficult to prevent people from cheating their dimensions and physical properties otherwise.

A way around the cheating possibility could be to not have an effect on gameplay itself (physical ability), just on the visual representation of the in-game characters. That could be enough.


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I think that the physical proportions suggestion is very interesting. But as for the physical abilities, what do you think every schmuck that knows how to jimmy the system will do? They'll abuse it. I wouldn't. You wouldn't. The physical skeletal proportions and the weight, height, build etc would be very interesting and add individuality.

I think that they need to integrate the face editor into the game better. I really like that function but I can never get my face into the game right. It looks warped every time.

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That might not be wise Plaintiff, there would obviously have to be some disadvantages for thin and short frames, such as not having the muscle to carry stuff around like a normal weight/height character. Perhaps not realistic as people can be of different physical fitness but that way everyone wouldn't play a super-dwarf.

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