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m249 dexterity

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this is exactly what ive been thinking for a while, with all the weapons in ARMA, i dont get any sense of a Weight or that the bulkiness of the weapon or your kit having an effect on your perfomance as a soldier liek being able to move, Run, Go prone etc. This if implemented correctly will make the game much more realistic.

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Many values are wrong in current 1.02... but Maruk himself already confirmed that they'll fix & tweak these values in the upcoming patch(es):

Quote[/b] ]ArmA.si: Are there plans to alter the ballistics of current weapons to be more accurate to real weapon data (velocity, trajectory, bullet weight, etc.)?

Maruk: We keep tweaking all parts of the game and we also keep tweaking ballistics settings. There are many such changes already made for the upcoming release.

from our interview.

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I'd like to hear some "we're reworking some features and making things more realistic" rather than "tweaking". But I'll keep schtumm till the next patch. smile_o.gif

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