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AMD Dual Core optimizer

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Well, few days ago I bought AMD X2 3800+ and Galaxy GF7900GS. I tested it in ArmA. Everything was fine (run smoothly in normal/high details). After tests I installed AMD Dual Core Optimizer. Tested ArmA again and noticed some flashing screen and bugs in textures. I thought that my GF has high tempertaure, but it was about 45'C. Uninstall AMDDCO made screen normal as before.

Anybody had same problems?

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Well, few days ago I bought AMD X2 3800+ and Galaxy GF7900GS. I tested it in ArmA. Everything was fine (run smoothly in normal/high details). After tests I installed AMD Dual Core Optimizer. Tested ArmA again and noticed some flashing screen and bugs in textures. I thought that my GF has high tempertaure, but it was about 45'C. Uninstall AMDDCO made screen normal as before.

Anybody had same problems?

not i, i run an optie 170 with the amd optimizer and have had no problems from it all. i have a x1900xt gfx card, not an nvidia. could it be something with your forceware driver?

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Based on the description on AMD Web Site, I am afraid the so called "AMD Dual-Core Optimizer" is not what you would think based on its name. All it does is it provides a workaround for some applications which do not use a proper way to measure time. This utility does not try to offload any processing to the second core at all, all it does is it synchronizes the two cores clocks.

By the way, Armed Assault does not use rdtsc for its timings, it uses a Performance Counter instead, and therefore does not have the problem this utility is designed to work around.

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By the way, Armed Assault does not use rdtsc for its timings, it uses a Performance Counter instead, and therefore does not have the problem this utility is designed to work around.

hmm, good to know that Arma has a quality code base


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Ejay, which version of the Dual Core Optimizer are you using?

Are you also using the Microsoft fix and the AMD driver?

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By the way, Armed Assault does not use rdtsc for its timings, it uses a Performance Counter instead, and therefore does not have the problem this utility is designed to work around.

You mean Extensible Performance Counters ? (PerfOS/PerfDisk/PerfProc/PerfNet etc)

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Ejay, which version of the Dual Core Optimizer are you using?  

Are you also using the Microsoft fix and the AMD driver?

I'm using the newest version without any new drivers from AMD or MS.

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I got the latest version installed

+ /usepmtimer parameter in boot.ini

No problems here.

PS: Sorry, forgot.

Opti165 @2.8


Opti170 @?


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Read this. This is how I installed the MS Hotfix, AMD driver & the Optimizer. I followed it to the letter and have not had any problems with cpu utilization. I am also using the earlier version of the DC Optimizer. I have not tried the Updated Optimizer.

Try this and see how it goes.

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