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Demo Worse than Real game?

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With the UK release getting closer i was wondering if the Full game seems to perform better than the demo? With the demo i constantly get crashes etc and its just irritating!

Also will the UK release have a newer patch or will it be the same?

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Yes the UK release will have a newer patch than the current demo version.

Also some people say the full version runs better than the demo version, others say its the same... so you'll just have to buy it and see for yourself..

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Most likely it will run worse or the same. Mine runs about the same.

In the demo, the map is a different version which is way smaller than the regular map. Sahrnali Lite. Performace is better.

Also the built is 1.03.

If the demo runs horrible, then the retail will most likely run the same or even worse.

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Bit nagative Luciano. Bugs are being ironed out as we speak and things are being fixed and improved. So when the 505 version is released (uk version) then we should see a improved and updated game with better performance and fixed bugs. There will also be extra addons thrown in for good measure.

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Who knows how it will perform. Just wait a few weeks til it's released to us. All I can say is I hope it's released (the patch) the day the 505 release is scheduled. Surely there are many improvements, judging from the time it's been since they released any other patches.

Armed Assault is a fun game to play, even with the bugs, but in the end, the bugs are outweighing the fun factor, and make it worthless to play out of sheer annoyance. I'm counting on BIS to fix these performance issues.

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I don't get a lot of crashes with the demo.. it's crashed once in.. oh, I dunno, 2 or 3 weeks? I've been playing coop fairly extensively. It really must be a system related issue!

edit: what I mean by 'system related' is the way the demo works on your system, rather than your computer is crashing on its own with no help from the demo.

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It wasnt so much that it doesnt run very well. Well i suppose that was a matter but i was more concerned about just how clunky and unpolished the game was.

The only thing i can say that really blew me away was the smoke effects which look really nice especially from the air.

And yes i know theyve created a huge world and bugs are bound to happen etc. But then again there are many massive worlds in other games. These worlds in other games also contain alot more different objects and people etc (compared to the open empty country in ARMA) but yet still dont contain the amount of bugs here.

I absolutly loved operation flashpoint and i would love ARMA to live to up to it but atm its like playing a beta. Sadly all the demo has done has made me not want to purchase the game in its current state sad_o.gif

Theres too many fantastic games coming out within these next few months and I think all of us are having to be more picky with which we will buy and which we wont.

Ill wait for the ArMa reviews and read the comments on these forums to make a decision.

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Then don't purchase it in its current state.

OFP was the same when it first came out. I would expect the life of ArmA, since it has started out sort of buggy and seemingly unfinished, to closely follow that of OFP. But if you're going to drop 40 euros on it, I'd imagine that it doesn't really matter when you do it.

edit: actually, I don't know if the development of ArmA will be as long as ofp. I suppose it depends on how many copies they sell. If sales are good, then I can foresee expansions and such. If they are poor, I don't really see such an extensive schedule of improvement.

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I'm playing the full german version of ArmA. I have no idea what you are talking about when you mention bugs and crashes. There really are very few serious bugs, and the game is not clunky at all. Runs very smoothely.

Only annoyance is the sometimes weird AI. That can be a little annoying when they are driving. Otherwise, the game is absolutely great.

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The demo wouldn't even get past the menu stage on my pc. The sound and graphics (in the menu!wink_o.gif would be choppy and it would CTD all the time.

The actual game runs as smooth as anything (though it still ctds pretty much every time I run it, at least it lets me play the odd mission)

I'm running an AMD AthlonXP 3200 2.2GHz with a 512 MB Geforce 7600GS and 1Gb RAM.

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