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505 New Weapons Screenshots.

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Using the review copies AAZ got when they went to meet BIS in London, we have taken some screenshots of the early versions of the new weapons. They are all work-in-progress so don't worry if there are any bugs. They do not represent the final quality of the weapons.



Head on over to Armed-Assault-Zone.com to see the rest of the screens and in full size.

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now all we need is the modded version of this baby


Frontgrip near to magazine, magholder on stock... maybee a flashlight...

ELITE! thumbs-up.gif

USMC Hoaah


Like so would be extremly perfect!

Large picture of real M16A4 in action

The guns look very good indeed, if you compare both pictures! crazy_o.gifnotworthy.gif

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Is there any difference shooting-wise between M16A2 and A4? I don't understand the Colt rifle fetishes that games today have, it would be nicer to have a wide range of different weaponry like Bizon, shotgun, FN-FAL and plenty of handguns.

That is the business. KSVK anti-materiel portable cannon! yay.gif

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Happy to have a modern M16A4 on the battlefield (even if I too have no idea the difference from the A2). The XM107 or whatever also fills a nice little niche in the game.

I'm curious how hard it would be to make the M16 ACOG and M4M203 non-ACOG and MP5 non-SD as well as others by just mix'n'matching various components already modeled.

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The main difference between the m16a2-a4 are the obvious addition of picanty rails on the handguard, which are removable. the m16a4 weighs a good bit more than the a2, and feels a lot bulkier in comparision. just because you see some random marine with his foregrip close to the magazine doesn't mean everyone puts it exactly there. that buttstock magazine pouch definatly is not issue, and is a personal purchase.

most infantryman don't have random surefire flashlights attached to their weapons, so in my opinion, adding one would be a bad idea.

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Is there any difference shooting-wise between M16A2 and A4? I don't understand the Colt rifle fetishes that games today have, it would be nicer to have a wide range of different weaponry like Bizon, shotgun, FN-FAL and plenty of handguns.

That is the business. KSVK anti-materiel portable cannon! yay.gif

i agree. then in MP there can be more variety using BIS 'offical ' guns. which means more servers and players.

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The new weapos look good i especially like the AKS-74 however for variety a AS Val wouldn have hurt but i guess this was just to add something by using the stuff BIS already had.... Btw, please BIS people incluse the plain AKS-74 aswell then.

Also the KSVK is nice but still i wonder why they picked the gun thats not as widely used ( if at all ) as for example the OSV-96 (  former V-94 ) anti material sniper.

Ours ( RHS weap pack ) was made by DPS who is now with BIS afaik so i wonder why they not simply picked his work for the update.

Anyway at least we get new toy, however if BIS has any advisor for military things then he needs to improve his knowledge of the eastern hardware smile_o.gif

Also so many good sources in this community that would help for free.

All in all i think if the patch brings the things i expect i can finally start to enjoy and play ArmA again... last MP game i had monday was good old OFP with a sweet map by Kyle Sarnik and damn even with all stock addons it was damn good... i hope we get to this point with ArmA aswell.

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