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Disappearing Helicopters...

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I'm wondering if anyone has ever experienced disappearing helicopters as they are flying, depending on the angle viewed I guess because sometimes they just randomly disappear for a few seconds as they are flying by.

I seem to remember this bug in OFP too, when I had a completely different hardware configuration.

All drivers are up to date, I know for sure it's not a driver issue.

Pretty annoying, 6 year old bugs making a return!

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Aye, experiencing that sometimes. But as i play mostly MP i thought its a bandwith or ping issue. Cant remember having that in SP but i didnt spend that much attention to it. confused_o.gif

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i get it sometimes in the editor, when the helicopter flys over the oil rigs when i have my iron sights on it.

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Yes, I see this a lot as well and also remember the behaviour from OFP. Usually it is as a helicoper flies towards or away from you. There seems to be some magic distance at which the heli disappears for a second before reappearing as it gets further away or closer. I'd guess would be that it has something to do with switching LOD's.

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Yes, I can confirm this bug.

Quote[/b] ]

Jurassic Park:


RAY ARNOLD watches his computer screen and the video monitors at

the same time, keeping an eye on the cars as they move through the

park.  HAMMOND hovers over his shoulder.


Vehicle headlights are on and don't respond.  Those

shouldn't be running off the car batteries.

He signs and reaches for a clipboard hanging next to his chair

and jots this down.

ARNOLD (cont'd)

Item one fifty-one on today's glitch list.  We've got

all the problems of a major theme park and a major zoo,

and the computer's not even on its feet yet.

MfG Lee icon_rolleyes.gif

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Quote[/b] ]

Jurassic Park:


RAY ARNOLD watches his computer screen and the video monitors at

the same time, keeping an eye on the cars as they move through the

park.  HAMMOND hovers over his shoulder.


Vehicle headlights are on and don't respond.  Those

shouldn't be running off the car batteries.

He signs and reaches for a clipboard hanging next to his chair

and jots this down.

ARNOLD (cont'd)

Item one fifty-one on today's glitch list.  We've got

all the problems of a major theme park and a major zoo,

and the computer's not even on its feet yet.


What? tounge2.gif

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yes i get this quite often (game and hw configuration experiments no effect) ...

hell sometimes i get this with aircraft and boats ...

also these "fade/flash in" bugs remind me on wrecks LOD error (sometime wreck looks like undamaged flash and it's damaged)

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Cant wait for the next patch anymore ... really looking forward to it and hopefully they are working on the performance issue aswell.

Btw. got this bug too

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Dude, the landscape and cpu optimizations are unreal in 1.03.5116. I keep saying this but I'm really excited about the difference in performance! Before cti and complex scenes were pretty heavy and hard to deal with. Now it's so much better!

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I have this in the demo, annoying when I'm trying to shoot them down. Never seen them disappear when I was also in a chopper though.

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Two things annoy me about dissapearing choppers.

1) they seem to dissapear at random times (probably LOD bug or something)

2) the lag in the servers and desync makes them warp all the time, its near impossible to blow one up let alone aim for the back tail rotor...

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