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Waypoint types

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I hope somebody can give an in-depth description of the various "special" waypoint types (GUARD, SENTRY, SEEK AND DESTROY, HOLD, ...).

I know the basic ones (MOVE, CYCLE), but i wish to have a better idea on how each other type works in the game.  I am particularly interested in the differences between the various types.


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I don't think an official documentation exists. And I don't know what has changed from OFP.

Well, basically :

S&D : the group will move to S&D area then randomly move around in search of ennemies.

Then you have the "defensive" waypoint types : Hold, Sentry, Guard. Hold is simple, AI will stay there and take defensive position, shooting at incomings. They will not move themselves.

Sentry will do the same, but a few of the AIs in group can at times be sent to check areas where ennemies are suspected, nearby. And lastly, Guard is like Sentry, but the whole group usually move out to check ennemies nearby.

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If you make a TRIGGER with condition "Guarded by West", and then give a couple of (west)squads a waypoint "Guard" nearby, one of the squads will go to the trigger and guard the area. When that squad is dead another squad will go and take its place, and so on. Also works with armour.

This is how it worked in OFP if im not mistaking.


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Usually i put a group of Espacas or a sniper, and give them a Guard WP and set them to Open Fire Engage at will, stealth, Full speed. and put this group and wp a couple of Ks away from you, and they are sent to where every you engage the enemy, flanking you. Creates some unexpected scenarios. Note: in Arma sniper seems to enjoy enagaging close, and not from afar like ofp.

I remember in one of my earlier OFP maps on Everon, occupied Island, i had a sniper that was on guard, i usually hunted him down at the start in the dark, whilst my mate attacked the airfield. the last time we played it, i couldnt find him, so i left it, 3 hours later (big mission) we had just attacked, the final commie camp, finished em all off, we were driving back down the hill in 2 trucks, i had 4/5 lads left, me and 2 others got sniped by the commie bastard, he had literally followed us full length of the island and took up pos at the bottom of the hill near a bush. Just put the icing on the cake for a good mission.



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I was also wondering what distance units will move away from a "Seek and Destroy" or "Guard" waypoint - is there a specific radius for each?

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At Ofpec.com or Mapfact.net there is a tutorial about waypoints, I'll try to find out a link.


Basic Waypoint Tutorial from Ofpec.com

The mapfact tutorial is offline.

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I dont think there is a limit for the guard wp, unless its used with the Guarded by trigger.



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ofpec is down, too? or is there something wrong with my connection?

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