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Linker Split

Hight Def. Tropic island

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<span style='font-family:Impact'><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>----------------HIGH DEFINITION TROPIC ISLAND----------------</span></span></span>

<span style='font-family:Geneva'>||==============================DESCRIPTION===============================||</span>

<span style='font-family:Times'>- Map: 128 x 128 cells in 4WVR format (binarized)

- 6 types of Ground textures 1024 x 1024 px (all interpolated each others)

- 135 self-made models + models from Thone2000 Dak_Seang map all binarized

- 3 songs from "Metal Gear Solid 2:Sons of liberty"© and "Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake eater"©

- Environmental sounds all in WSS format

- Natural plants scripted for animations

- All the config.cpp binarized in BIN format

- 2 Cutscenes (one with the NORMAL OPERATION FLASHPOINT, the second featuring HYK UNITS)

- textures taken from the game: FarCry© (thanks to their courtesy)</span>

<span style='font-family:Geneva'>||=============================INSTALLATION===============================||</span>

<span style='font-family:Times'>- Extract all the content in your "OFP Addons" directory

- Choose your cutscene and place it in your "OFP Addons" directory

- Run Operation Flashpoint</span>

<span style='font-family:Geneva'>||===============================SETTINGS=================================||</span>

<span style='color:red'>RECOMMANDED FOR A GOOD PERFORMANCE</span>

<span style='font-family:Times'>If you have a computer that is a bit old, or has got a old graphic card, you shuld add

to your missions created in this map a 60-70% of fog.

Then if you want to have plants animated, but you have a bad computer, use this SYNTAX:</span>

Quote[/b] ]this exec "\FC_cpp\global_init.sqs";grass_anims= true

(this one is only for animated grass)

<span style='font-family:Times'>or simply do not put any string in the init line.... in this case you'll not have animations,

but static plants as OFP have!</span>

<span style='color:red'>FOR GOOD AND FAST COMPUTER</span>

<span style='font-family:Times'>If you want to feel the emotions of being in a complete interactive nature, constantly

surrounded by tons of sounds and insects, you should play with a 0-20% of fog.

Then if will need plants animated and not only the grass.... type in:</span>

Quote[/b] ]this exec "\FC_cpp\global_init.sqs"

<span style='font-family:Geneva'>||==============================REVOLUTION=================================||</span>

<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>1) ANIMATED AND INTERACTIVE NATURE</span></span>

<span style='font-family:Courier'>This work took more that 3 months. I spent a lot of time to create

something new for OFP: interactive nature.

With these 2 words, I want to say: plants that moves slowly as caressed by wind, insects that fly around

you and your squad like butterflies, fireflies and other ones.

Since now, I've created about 9 models of insects, and now I'm currently working

on other Jungle settings... the purpose is: more details, with a non-wasting computer resources.</span>

<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>2) PROPER USE OF LODS (LEVEL OF DETAILS)</span></span>

<span style='font-family:Courier'>I also paid attention to the performance achieved with his computer... And he reached the

goal! Since my machine isn't a good one (only 128 Mb of Graphic card and 3.00 Ghz) I was able to obtain

16-20 FPS with med-high settings.

Here is a table:</span>




|-Intel Pentium 4E, 3.00 Ghz, 3000 Mhz (3.75 x 800)

|-1024 MB memory RAM




|-Video adapter nVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 128 MB

|-DirectX 9.0c

|-Bus tipe : DDR

|-Bus : 64 bit

|-Real clock : 202 Mhz (DDR)

|-Effective clock : 460 Mhz



|RESOLUTION            FOG           PERFORMANCE

| 1024x768             25%             09-12 FPS

| 1024x768             50%             11-15 FPS

| 1024x768             75%             20-24 FPS

| 800x600              25%             11-15 FPS

| 800x600              50%             14-17 FPS

| 800x600              75%             24-30 FPS


<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:16pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:Geneva'>||=========DOWNLOAD LINKS========||</span></span>

<span style='font-size:16pt;line-height:100%'>WARNING!


Quote[/b] ]------MY MAP------

Link number 1 (from my filefront blog):

High Definition tropic Island (148 MB)

Link number 2 (from Badongo.com):

High Definition tropic Island (148 MB)

Link number 3 (from Megaupload.com):

High Definition tropic Island (148 MB)

Mirror from OFP.Info : DOWNLOAD Linker Split\'s Tropic Island from (FTP#1) [141 MB]


Link number 3 (for images):

Images from the map!


<span style='font-family:Geneva'>||===============================NEEDED=================================||</span>


Mapfact baracken Addon

<span style='font-family:Geneva'>||===============================CREDITS=================================||</span>

<span style='font-family:Optima'>I want to thank all the people which helped me creating this map

Here is the list (not in any order, since they are all importants):

-Beretta ,the founder of the "ASSAULT ON THE NIGHT MOD©" and my co-producer

-Kenwort ,temporary the video maker of the "ASSAULT ON THE NIGHT MOD©"

-Ast Walker ,the graphic coordinator (with me of course) and my dear friend

-Indy ,the moral support with his irony about the game :-)

-Mark ,another friend of mine

-Salvatore Lee ,the beta tester

-Ian Malcom ,for his help in texture problems


-The ofp.info community, cause you'll be my beloved one forever

-All the italian addon-makers

-Me and my soul, for having completed this nive Jungle hell :-)


Linker Split :-)</span>


<span style='font-family:Times'><u><span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>The HDT ISLAND map IS NOT AN OFFICIAL ADDON.

Use this addon at your own risk




CODEMASTERS© and Bohemia Interactive are trademarks of their respective owners.


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Sounds great man, about to try it out now  biggrin_o.gif

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i like your first post!

some parts a bit hard to read, however overall you make very good use of different fonts, size and accentuation smile_o.gif

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thanks Q, but I want to know your opinion about this map, and plz not only "Awesome map! I love this one!" also hints and tips... I like the first replies but more criticism if you want... wink_o.gif

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Well ive finally tested the map out a bit.

I love it. Great atmosphere, great detail and everything looks great.

However i havent noticed any of these Insects or butterflies. Is there a reason or this?

I also havent noticed any plants or trees move? I used the code on the first post but got an error, something about a script not found. I checked my addons folder and the script pathwas pointing to an addon which isnt there. I also checked the .rar and the addon wasnt there either?

I alo did get quite alot of lag - Fog set to 0.9 i get about 20fps. Maybe you could make a slightly less demanding version? Just delete a few plants or remove some scrips etc.

I cant hink of anything to be added or improved reall, everything is great.

Great job on the map.  notworthy.gif

Really want to see more work by you like this.

Edit - I also agree, great first post. biggrin_o.gif

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456820 you are right, I need to create a sort of Low-fiversion of the map... still having the same atmosphere...

for the missing file, <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>I forgot to add this little file!</span>


Quote[/b] ]However i havent noticed any of these Insects or butterflies. Is there a reason or this?

the reason is that they are addons... you'll find them in the editor under "Empty--->HDT_island

Quote[/b] ]I also havent noticed any plants or trees move?

the same thing here... in OFP, wrptool-placed objects can't have event handlers like INIT, KILLED...

so the only thing I was able to do was to add them under the class "HOUSE" and then with a script, animate them...

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Can you also please upload the extra addon to another place for some reason when i download it, the file turns into an unknown file.

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Ok, I'm doing it now wink_o.gif


Well, things are ok now!

<span style='font-family:Times'><span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:RED'>---Third part addons---</span></span></span>

you'll need these addons which i uploaded:



<a href="http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CTYTI6CK" target="_blank">






linker Split

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Well, I think that, because of the config.cpp, the Ai will not see you at all... I mean, do you see all those bushes? they are sinlge 25x25m models, and they are congiured as houses... now i added in the config the line

Quote[/b] ]camouflage=0.6;

I think that if it works, then AI can't see you through bushes...

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Men can you explain me one thing?

If me and one of my friends have this map on thie PCs and we would play MP on a Server (i.e. Terra server) do we need to upload the map in the server too?

Or it's just easy that we all have the same addons???

I can't figure this out, cause we want to play some CTI.... huh.gif

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From what i know and have tested, the server does need all the correct addons too or it will throw you back to the missions screen as the server also needs to 'play' the game and if the addons arent on the server its like playing a mission without having the addons on your own pc.

You can play like that on lan though providing you both have the addons.

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I'm creating the MED/LOW-FI version of my island guys!


The only thing i'll do will be to change some models, and make them more easy to be read from the engine...

stay tuned, more to come!

Linker Split wink_o.gif

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Excuse me, can someone tell me if this piece of art is intended for any gameplay or only for ohh`s and ahh`s ?

I do not have computer from Nasa labs and I just want to know if its playable somehow.

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Well the map is perfectly playble but you have to restrict the viewdistance or use fog to have a playable fps.

Try 0 sertfog 0.7 in the players init field, will raise your fps and adds to atmosphere.

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men don't worry I'll come with the same map with the same aspect don't worry I an hack it!

See you next week!

Linker Split


Continue to post here btw!

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man, I'm the creator of the map... you can use this map cause you don't need a fast computer since mine isn't good...

btw, INFO here! at OFP.INFO!

You computer not that good???

3.0 ghz rather good when there are still many on machines lower that 2.0ghz!

With 16-20 on a 3.0ghz I not even going to grab this as I would likely have 3-fps, even with a better gfx card (256mb).

Pics look rather good though..

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