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Any Word Yet about the CTI???

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anyone know how the internal #monitor works? it says our cti server is overloaded (down to <10 fps), and yet, if i monitor the server itself (through remote desktop) it says that only 50-60% of the cpu is in use.

there is a swedish mirror available for the new patch btw, link

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log in as admin and the type '#monitor 20' then every 20 seconds you will get a message at the bottom of the screen tellin you how the fps etc are doing wink_o.gif

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CTI itself is still very buggy. Bodies don't disappear and people can still spawn at enemies bases. Yesterday I joined a game as OPFOR and I saw a huge pile of BLUFOR corpses at the spawn point. Also another time I spawned in the BLUFOR base, was shot quickly though.

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And you can still spawn injured aswell.

This CTI mission needs some serious work for it to become playable, (unless you consider 100's of dead bodies left everywhere playable crazy_o.gif) I really dont even know how this mission made it into the final game or demo as it currently is, it shows new players how bad the game runs after awhile because of dead bodies everywhere along with the spawn issues.

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So far so good (fingers crossed) no complaints yet from members or visitors to our forums...also only one crash, but we believe it might be server releated..still checking that one out.

The funny thing was I had sent a PM asking about it's status, got a reply of real soon, and then went back in the forums and saw the post and link...talk about real soon! smile_o.gif

Anyway, I will keep the community updated and Support also as comments etc come in.

s/ ASU

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Nice it works great smile_o.gif

Got through my first whole game!


Fun, still majorly laggy after 15 players joined.. sooo much desync... Needs optimisation still methinks.. maybe a bad server tho.. it was 100mb/s tho :S

It's not a server problem, it's the mission. When you have 100's if not 1000's of dead bodies and vehicles lying everywhere it will kill the server FPS no matter how much bandwidth it has. And when the server FPS go down so does everyones bandwidth and then everyone ends up with bad dsync which makes the game pretty much unplayable once it gets so bad.

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Weeeellll... if it's just a matter of removing the corpses, I'm sure people wouldn't complain too much if bodies had a limited lifespan (pun intended). I suspect there's more to it than just a cadaver leak.

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Not in the demo mate, cant modify files or the game dont boot up sad_o.gif

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Hm i still having trouble even connecting to a server running CTI in the demo version huh.gif just get stuck on receving data, even after installing latest patch.

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Hm i still having trouble even connecting to a server running CTI in the demo version huh.gif just get stuck on receving data, even after installing latest patch.

Some server's haven't updated yet. But yes, the dead bodies do need to go away after some time. I'm sure they will fix it. The 5115 patch made me run ALOT faster. I don't know what they optimized but it helped biggrin_o.giffirefoxlover.gif

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At about 18-20 players connected, a CTI server will begin to struggle with CPU usage. It's at that point you will experience the problem of not being able to connect. People already connected will be fine.

I'm not sure if this has improved with the latest server release.

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Not in the demo mate, cant modify files or the game dont boot up sad_o.gif

In theory, one could remove that little detail. The game not booting up, that is.

It might be a crc check, or a code for code check, but it could -probably- be bypassed.

Of course, you'd have to find someone to do it, and the only people I know of would charge you $100. banghead.gif

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Gamespy also have the power to delist your server from the server browser, if BIS request it.

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Gamespy also have the power to delist your server from the server browser, if BIS request it.

Yeah, like anyone ever cared what Gamespy had to say about anything.

On subject, however, I was just playing a CTI (If you can even call this JOKE CTI), and it ran more or less smoothly. The dead folks, while plentiful, didnt bother me. This is at 1024 by 768 resolution, with the settings on Normal.

Im using a Radeon x1600, 2 ghz processor, and 2 gigs of RAM

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Gamespy also have the power to delist your server from the server browser, if BIS request it.

Yeah, like anyone ever cared what Gamespy had to say about anything.

On subject, however, I was just playing a CTI (If you can even call this JOKE CTI), and it ran more or less smoothly. The dead folks, while plentiful, didnt bother me. This is at 1024 by 768 resolution, with the settings on Normal.

Im using a Radeon x1600, 2 ghz processor, and 2 gigs of RAM

Dead units will "bother" you and the server, it all depends on how long the game has been going for. No matter how fast the client and server PC + Bandwidth is it will cause big problems after awhile.

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