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How does the new hardware play OFP?

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Reading people's upgrades for playing Arm. Assault...

Ultra monster rigs: AMD64 4400 X2; Intel Core Duos 6600; 2 or 4GB of RAM, Ati 1950 or Nv 7900, crossfire or SLI...

How does OFP goes? For example: FPS in Battlefields? Vanilla or Modded? Some heavy mission that used to lag - how does it go now?

I still doubt it's possible to get good FPS with very high terrain detail and long viewdistances.

C'mon, brag your system to the envy of poor saps like me. yay.gif

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Well, I'm going to get a monstrous upgrade (E6600, 2gb PC5300 RAM, Geforce 7950GT 512MB) shortly... I'll report as soon as possible... Running at 1600 x 1200 with full viewdistance, and all the bells and whistles except for probably Terrain Detail, which besides being a major hogger when set at higher than normal, also creates some bad artifacts on many user-made maps... I've once dared to try very high terrain settings on my old but now dead rig (Amd XP 3000+, 1gb RAM, Geforce 6800GT 256MB), but I must say it looked artificially ugly...

Stay tuned! wink_o.gif

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Not much difference really, still very laggy at times, but at others it plays well.

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I have noticed that, increased demands of modern mods aside, there hasn't been the increase in performance you might expect over 5 years. It leads me to think that there might be some sort of internal clock that has never been changed, and that OFP fundamentally clocks at a set rate regardless of hardware.

And I doubt that BIS will be very interested in giving OFP a boost now by changing that smile_o.gif what with new games to sell etc.

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I'll be picking up an ASUS 8800GTX and 2GB XM2 1066MHZ DDRII in the next month, so I'll keep you tuned on how the 'ole Point runs.

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OFP is all about processor and if you have dual core processor OFP can only use one. There is no difference in OFP performance between Ti4600 or 8800GTX. Maybe antialias, that's all.

So OFP will never work well with all the settings max and with maximum viewing distance.

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OFP is all about processor and if you have dual core processor OFP can only use one. There is no difference in OFP performance between Ti4600 or 8800GTX. Maybe antialias, that's all.

So OFP will never work well with all the settings max and with maximum viewing distance.

I wouldn't go so far as to say "never", one doesn't know what the future might bring, with quantum computing power etc...

And a good graphics card will at least enable you to play with nice frame-rates at high resolution (1600 x 1200), something not all weak graphic cards are able to pull off.

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BUZZARD @ Mar. 06 2007,13:51)]
OFP is all about processor and if you have dual core processor OFP can only use one. There is no difference in OFP performance between Ti4600 or 8800GTX. Maybe antialias, that's all.

So OFP will never work well with all the settings max and with maximum viewing distance.

I wouldn't go so far as to say "never", one doesn't know what the future might bring, with quantum computing power etc...

And a good graphics card will at least enable you to play with nice frame-rates at high resolution (1600 x 1200), something not all weak graphic cards are able to pull off.

That is absolutely true that the new cards help with high resolutions. Of course.

I would be sceptical about quad processors and OFP. It will depend about the performance of one single processor of those four.

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I'll be running 3 screens on my Gforce7950GTO after tomorrow.

How do you change the Field of View in the game?

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The view port settings are in ofp/users/name/userinfo.cfg ->



I guess you'd just set fovLeft to 3 for 3 monitors. Expect very stretched weapon sights.

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As BIS patches AA into shape I start to look forward to upgrading my system. Thanks for the answers. thumbs-up.gif

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I must say I'm amazed every time I upgrade, although, as already mentioned, some stuttering is still encountered, but if I had perhaps more and faster ram (I have 2 x Kingston 1GB PC5300 667mhz DDR2) and OFP optimized to run on a single core of my Intel C2D E6600, I might have better results... Still, the biggest improvement comes from my graphics card, I don't know, but somehow the 7950 GT 512mb DDR3 makes a difference, better lighting all around, with HW T&L enabled in OFP. Also having a Raid 0 of two Raptor hard drives doesn't hurt. Now I can finally organize a real machinima to be made by my clan! yay.gif

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I run 1920x1200, 4xAA, 8xAF, 1200-2000m view distance, and it looks wonderful. Get 50fps in bomberman SP. Have to reduce view distance if there's lots of stuff far away, big battles etc, but generally frames are above 35, (and mostly 60). mine is an X2 4400, x840xt pe.

OPF will eat up the best kit available for a while to come, if u bump up the textures and the view distance.

It will be probably 4 or 5 years before there's kit around to play ArmA at settings like that.

my 0.02$

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I loaded up OFP for the first time since i upgraded my video card, and was shocked to see performance has significantly reduced sad_o.gif

1600x1200 @ 75hz

~2300 view distance

P4 Northwood @ 3.5 ghz

2x512mb Ram at 2.5,3,3,5 @ 235mhz Dual Channel

overclocked ATI 9600xt 128mb got around 20~25 fps.

ATI X1950 Pro 512mb gets around 15 fps.

I guess both cards are total overkill, so the the additional CPU loads to fill the extra video ram slow things down?

edit: hehe, I just bought a hi end CRT, and now play OFP at 2048x1536!

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OPF:R runs pretty good overall but if you have many units on screen or heavy combat going on say hello to poor frame rates (same old). Arma is much better in this aspect, with alot more stuff (and higher detail) going on while maintaining a stable frame rate.

Clean instal, no addons or mods, OPF is good enough for SP and still a great game smile_o.gif .

edit: One great thing about OPF is that everything loads instantly, the islands, missions, map, saving/loading, etc.

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Right now on my PC, I can't even run OPF on medium. tounge2.gif

But, I'm upgrading it for the first time since '01, and its a massive upgrade, Nvidia GeForce 8600GT 512MB, AMD Athlon X2 +5000, overclocked at 3.0Ghz and 2GB OcZ RAM crazy_o.gif

I'm not sure, but I'm hoping it can handle ArmA on at least Medium, might be overkill

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