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F/A-18E/F 1.0 Released!

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Franze is there a way to drop bombs on Infantry ? I mean there is nothing to lock on to launch the weapon accurately. Also will FFAR rockets be added to make it easier ?

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The only way to drop bombs on infantry is to dive bomb them or carpet bomb them. You don't need to be incredibly accurate to kill infantry with bombs due to blast radius, but if you dive bomb you can be pretty accurate - even more so than using the semi-guidance from the bombs themselves.

I opted against rockets on Super Hornet given it's nature of a multi-role aircraft. While it can perform the CAS mission, it isn't the same as an A-10 or an Su-25. Maybe for an F/A-18A-D if I get that far.

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From nose to tail, this aircraft is absolutely spectacular. Everything from the sound f/x, loadout menu, cockpit, paint texture, everything is fantastic. While I did like Pennywise & Hudson's F/A-18, yours is a big upgrade. Thanks! smile_o.gif

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Great addon, now we just need your OPFOR to use it against....


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Old fighterbomber's trick is to drop the bombs when the target is right about where the nose of your aircraft is (once you can't see it)... doesn't work that well in OFP and modern HUD jets though, so you might want to practise a tad. whistle.gif

Excellent stuff, need to find some time to try this baby out. Sounds amazing. thumbs-up.gif

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Alleluyah habemus miracle ! tounge2.gif here a screenshot of Saint Peter and Saint Paulus walking on the seas after bailing out of their F18 , i guess it has to do whith the pilots and not the plane but i thought it was funny tounge2.gif


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I downloaded the beautiful F/A-18 by MAS and in its General information i red the possibility to have map displayed in cockpit panel:

"Custom maps can use the map display with the fz_18custmap variable. To do it: create a 256x256 image of your map, and save it as a tga file. Then use texview or paatool to convert it to a paa file..."

I am a "beginner" in modding OFP so... how can create a 256x256 image of a map?

how can save it as a tga file? (only by editing "tga" as its extension)?

and where can i get texview or paatool to convert it to a paa file?

In addition, i am confused about the use of

"fz_f18_aicheck = 1" switch; how have i set it in a trigger?

i.e.: if "!fz_f18_aicheck = 1" is the "condition" for trigger, what is to be write "on activation" box for have scripts in stand-by?

I thank You very much for any help.

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Here is the link to Paatool,quite effective..

I can't help with much else unfortunatly. I would guess an image of the map is saved in a URL somwhere,or maybe if you have photoshop or gimp,you can take individual images of the island,stitch them together and resize it. As for the rest,I believe that goes in the units init field.

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Alleluyah habemus miracle !  tounge2.gif  here a screenshot of Saint Peter and Saint Paulus walking on the seas after bailing out of their F18  , i guess it has to do whith the pilots and not the plane but i thought it was funny tounge2.gif  


god damn, i forgot to report this bug while it was 0.2 beta sad_o.gif

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It's not a bug per se, but a feature that I forgot to remove.

I had added it months ago when I got tired of ejecting over water and sinking like a rock. The "jesus-mode" was my interim solution. It only turns on if you eject over water; once you reach land it turns off. wink_o.gif

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It only turns on if you eject over water; once you reach land it turns off. wink_o.gif

hm... and if you eject very far away from land? you can explore the sea as a pirate? Argh maker... smile_o.gif

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We have a Jesus mode? And I did all that effort to eject over land? biggrin_o.gifrofl.gif I'll count it as a life jacket feature wink_o.gif

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hm... and if you eject very far away from land? you can explore the sea as a pirate? Argh maker... smile_o.gif

It'll be a long walk. smile_o.gif

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actually it could be used for pilots rescue operations in the sea , if only there would be a way to order a chopper to fly at 1 meter altitude or such ... i guess they could enter easely and be rescued

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why to fly at 1m height, when you can rappel him in smile_o.gif I mean, hook pilot with rope, retract the rope and pilot is in heli,

search and rescue mission is over.

Ah it would be nice feature for my carrier wars MP mission, which lacks this feature and russian Ka-27 heli smile_o.gif it would be so funn to search whole see to finaly find the sitting pilot in the raft, pick him up and extract to the carrier deck for futher carrier operations smile_o.gif



for rescue missions it would be much better if pilot was in the raft:moving very slow or not moving at all.

P.S. if you didn't understood about what feature i was dreaming:

pilot ejects from damaged plane, lands on water, he can't walk, can't move, just sits in his raft.

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That was the original idea, to allow the crew to get on a rescue helicopter after being shot down. Whether or not you can get the AI to rescue you is a different beast. wink_o.gif

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hi guys!

Nice work! But what are the classnames for the fuel tanks? I can't find it!

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"fz_f18_auxtank" - but if you want to add more tanks, use the following (I forgot to include this with the manual):

this animate ["auxtank_switch",0.5] - single centerline tank.

this animate ["auxtank_switch",0.25] - Five tanks.

this animate ["auxtank_switch",0.7] - No tanks.

F/A-18F has some additional ones:

this animate ["auxtank_switch",0.2] - 4 tanks + buddy pod.

this animate ["auxtank_switch",0.4] - 2 tanks + buddy pod.

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Now I got more slots for Bombs and Rockets muahahahahaha wink_o.gif

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This fighter addon is solid gold! I've been flying it over RSKL test island (too bad there are no map textures for it yet). This aircraft goes right to the top with Hardrock's Typhoon

One developement idea would be to implement the kind of afterburner used in Spetsnaz's SU-27 where the afterburner is turned on by holding down the "forward fast" key.

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notworthy.gif This jet is sooooo awesome notworthy.gif

But one question, are you going to add some JDAM´s? icon_rolleyes.gif

mfg K4i

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Oh that's right! JDAMs... I thought there was something missing. GBU-10s can do the job as well though...

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Really great airplanes. Love the JSOW and Mk20. One thing you might look into in the future is offering different sizes of laser guided bombs. 2000lbs is a little big for urban environs.

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Oh, and some new sounds might be in order. For example afterburner and bomb release sounds.

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