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Rebel Man

Iraqi Insurgent Pack

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Unless you'rea Sunni Iraqi... lol....oops sorry there we go with politics again..

Back to the addon, these guys definitely look much better now then in their original version. I hope that you keep working on them adding new types of insurgents with different gear. For example, alot of them are using various types of bolt action rifles, often equipped with silencers to minimize their noise (from a boom to a small pop made by the bullet breaking the sound barrier). Snipers are important for realism as now Iraqi insurgent snipers are killing and wounding almost as many US soldiers as IED's.

I also agree with others that a unit carring an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) would definitely be better then satchel charges although sometimes they do plant what is basically a satchel charge with a lot of nails and stuff packed around it in the pack. Finally you might make some Shi'a Mahdi Army (Al-Sadr's militia) insurgents as well. Usually they have green bands around their head sometimes with some Arabic script on it (probably a Quran verse or something praising Al-Sadr). There are good pics of them here:


Also you might make some Sunni and Shi'a Imams (Islamic religious clerics). Shi'a Imams often wear large black turbans where as Sunni Imams sometimes wear turbans but often do not and may only wear a skull cap similar to the kippa that Jews wear but larger as it is supposed to cover the hair line of their forehead.

Anyhoo...those are just some ideas. Keep up the great work.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

The Lost Brothers Mod Team Leader

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Miles Teg, Will be in V1.50

And Just A cople fixing of bugs , huh.gif

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Miles Teg, Will be in V1.50 And Just A cople fixing of bugs

Here is excellent tip for you to make sure you at least don't miss any textures or obvious errors on the models. When you have done all the editing and are ready to release, BINARIZE the models. Binarize will tell you ALL missing texture names which is just great on many models with many textures. Next release could be 100% texture fixed then.

Also I have no clue, but to my own experience I'd assume that you got few of those binarize errors, those would be great to get fixed but I understand that since they directly aren't effecting the gameplay many people (including me due not knowing how to fix, will leave them unfixed). For more details, at least some, check out the Binarize error messages - list & cause from PMC Tactical forums. If you have any questions I'm happy to try to help, but I'm no expert.

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I use Pbox to compress my addons, Binarize always locks up and crashes for me.

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Rebel - if you are making a newer version would it possible for you to include either an insurgent with a simple mosin- bolt action rifle or a PPSh SMG ? - I agree with Miles - an IED soldier would complete this addon. The older the weapons - the more realistic militia/insurgent feel it will have.

Bolt Actions are typically Mosin or Lee Enfield

Other than the trusty AK - the SKS, RPK and PPSh are prefered - not an expert by any means but just what I have seen on the net over the past 4 years - Al Sadr Militia, etc.

Great addon Rebel - works great on the new IM :UC map - fights like a glove - keep up the great work.


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Firstly NuevoLeonBandits chill out, ALL CAPS posts arent a great way to ask for help. Secondly, search OFP.info for the needed addon.

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Thanks guys, i get Great Idea, What if i make Full Iraqi Insurgent Stuff, A Merg it with Rebl Banner Addon, And Full stuff for Civilian Pack.

and For any Suggest, Reply.  smile_o.gif

Edit= with 100% of bugs will be fix, if anyone want to help and enjoy PM me.

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NuevoLeonBandits, i tray to Search link about DMA Facetex.

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Thanks ofpdeadeye, and now there is no more bugs.  thumbs-up.gif

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thanks Mr.Rebel..and OFPdeadeye..umm i was wondering is there any palestinian addons i forgot the web..it displayed and you could download some Middleeast Rebel Factions wait................. there you go..

The Rebel Factions


can anybody retext them with those faces you have rebel man huh.gif??

heres the website scroll all the way down


good addons smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Thanks ofpdeadeye, and i see other pages, they don't come on this topic a tell me News been posted.

Thanks very much ofpdeadeye.

Edit= I don't know NuevoLeonBandits, but i will tray.

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please !!!!!! rebel man they are awsome 2 confused_o.gif   theyll be great if you just  put the dma face text on them... dont edit nothing else...please!!!!! confused_o.gif  oooh you know you should add the weapons ur iraqi rebels have... if you ever edit them. please Mr.Rebel.... notworthy.gif

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Can you give me link for the Faces, or i have it.

LoBo Arab Insurgent

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