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New SP Mission

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Combat Recon version 1.0

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I have my first mission for ArmA finished and released now.

It of course has an overview, briefing and different endings.

I left out an intro and outro to support the missions atmosphere and feeling of confusion and haste during war.

It has full voice-overs, but the only person speaking is the players avatar.

I left also out multiple characters and autosaves, because it was like this in OFP.

It is called "Combat Recon" and it is meant to show off a possible happening that could be a realistic scenario

It is not a mission that takes more than an hour to complete and the goal is not to kill as many enemies as possible, but to return home alive, as it is in real war.

Theres plenty of enemy units placed, so if you want, you can go "hunting", but you should be able to avoid most of them.

The mission has 3 main objectives and 1 optional (hidden) objective.

Well there you go, since the mission is not too complex and I tested it a lot (i got 2 sides of buglists in my waste-basket that i already corrected) a beta shouldnt be necessary. if you find any major bug or game imbalance though, tell me.

Furthermore, tell me what you think about it.

After all, I always found theres a major lack of missions to download for ofp, and same it looks for arma now. 90% of the addons people released were useless waste of time.

Sorry guys, but thats how it is :/

because there were never any missions for it. eg the CoC arty belonged to the other 10%, or BAS etc. you know what i mean.



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The correct place for user missions is the user mission forum, moving.

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Cool, just beat it, a bit easy, but entertaining non-the-less.

How are you supposed to rescue the prisoners though? They die pretty much the instant I drive into town. Even if I rush in gunning everyone down, they still die?

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Lol, since they are prisoners, they are guarded, and therefore you shouldnt be discovered before their guard is killed. Try not running in there with your M2 spittin fire...guess what ur silenced weapons are for :P Find them, eliminate their guard.

Yes, the mission is supposed to be not too hard IF the player follows his instructions.

When the prisoners are dead, you get a pretty frustrating debriefing. Play it again! :P

How did you like the atmosphere? did you find the graves? did you discover the 4th hidden objective?


Like I said, it's just some military mission, no save-the-world scenario, and therefore not that hard. And still its pretty much over-the-top, considering a soldiers everyday-life.

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Hey...it's a nice mission. Good work wink_o.gif

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Cool mission. Everyone survived. No loud shots were fired, just me and #2 took out 4 enemies total with our silenced weapons. The mission probably took me a little more then an hour, but I'm extra cautious. tounge2.gif

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Version 1.2 is now available.

Changes: #2 and #3 are now playable characters for added MP support (COOP 1-3)

Could some admin change topic into SP&MP mission plx? I dont wanna start a new one, because i know Placebo is gonna rape me.

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Armaholic.com link updated to version 1.2

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did you put this mission through the www.ofpec.com mission beta testing process?

If not, then I really recommend it, you and your mission will benefit greatly.

Thanks for the mission.


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Just downloaded and started to play mission but my character does not start with any night vision goggles? I can take some from a teammate but then he's without them. I just wanted to check if it was a bug or whether I need to find some in the mission (by stumbling around?!wink_o.gif, cus if I need to find some then I'll carry on with the mission as it sounds very promising.

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This mission:


has a critical bug.

The problem starts with rescuing the prisoners. Once Mercalillo is secure and anyone approaches the prisoners, a script executes to have the prisoners follow the squad leader and take orders.

The instant that script executes, the game for the player in the leader slot immediately crashes. If that player tries to return to the game and resume the leader slot, that player gets a "mission complete" debriefing screen.

This mission is presently unplayable. That's disappointing, because this is a really nice little mission. Just perfect for 2-3 players who like stealth play.

Can anyone please fix this mission so it works?

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