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US Non-Combat Uniform units for ArmA

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Is anyone planning soon, or has the resources to produce ArmA models for the full dress uniform for the major branches of the US military?  (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines)

If some form of this could also be done for the Russian military (Cold-war era, and post-Cold War), that would make ArmA even more immersive.  Instead of just putting BDU soliders in scenes all the time, you can show more of the "behind the lines" action.  The top enemy brass meeting in a situation room discussing their battle plans, random pencil pushers moving about on bases, intellegence officers, etc.

Full dress is referring to the non-combat uniform worn on most regular military duties that do not require BDU's or specialized clothing equipment.

I highly recommend that a determined and highly skilled addon or mod team produce at least for each service a male enlisted uniform, a male mid level NCO uniform, a male officer uniform, and a male FLAG (General, Admiral) officer uniform.

If female models for these levels of rank can be done, I encourage the addon maker to include them as well.  One note, doing these will most definitely more difficult.  However, we cannot ignore the important presence women have in today's militaries, so I see no need to leave them out if time permits.

If there is anything reasonable I can do to help, let me know.

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Well, for the US Army at least, the service uniforms are BDUs/ACUs. That includes those who are pushing pencils or working in offices. The "Class B" uniforms are just not seen any more, and the Class A's are only used for formal events. wink_o.gif

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I'v been in the Army for 4 years and the only time I'v ever worn Class As was at Basic Training Graduation. One time we had a Class B inspection, but it was cancelled. BDUs are still authorized for wear intil May 07, right now the only reason to wear ACUs is because you don't have to shine your boots nor do you need to press your uniform to make officers and pogue SNCOs happy.

On topic, there is a texture and model for someone in a dress uniform, I think it's a North Sahrani officer or something, I was looking at it and might work on something.

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yeah would be good to see a mechanic or chaplin walking around a base in a CTI. add a new level of realism

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CHaplains wear the same uniform we do, they just have a little religious symbol over the right breast pocket, same with mechanics, but they also get issued coveralls too. Regardless, can't do anything with the coveralls until the tools come out to change the models around.

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I messed around with the OpFor officer uniform last night and the lapel pins and some other details are located on a different map besides the color map, so until I can change that I'm not going to do anything with it.

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I of course did not mean immediately now, but start the preparation of getting resources to make high quality models and textures for these needed units.

As soon as BIS releases the development tools, of course that's time to start on it full bore.

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Yeah, I'll take pictures of my stuff and have it ready. I was already planning it anyways. I also intend to make armor and MOLLE less troops in regular duty uniform with berets.

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what sort of units a we looking at. intelligence officers were mentioned, plus mechanics and chaplins. what else??

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Goodness people, is it that hard to understand everyone in the US Army, in a nutshell, wears ACUs (not literally everyone, but soon to be)

I'd like to see a good retexture of the IBA, with added rank and name tapes... and an added molle vest to go over it, as it's pretty much SOP with a lot of units.  An actual Mich helmet and not the one they have, as well as an actual ACU Uniform, not the pocketless one they have now.  Also, I'd love to see someone with their sleeves rolled up over there.  

It would also be nice to have a PC instead of that Marine Corp cover the officer has on, as well as proper knee-bows (knee and elbow pads)  I haven't seen those black ones in awhile.

Clavicula, what's your mos? 11B here, 1-20th SFG AL Army NG, 2-58 at sand hill, what about you?

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How about Soldiers in PT (Physical Training) Kit. That would be Shorts and T-shirts. They may add some depth to a cut scene.

Medical personel like Nurses and surgeons, may look good but again I am thinking about cutscenes, more than useful playable mission content

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Summer PT's is an excellent idea, as far as nurses and doctors go, they would be in ACU's if they were deployed over there. If under a tent, they would have their blouse off, and a labcoat on.

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Goodness people, is it that hard to understand everyone in the US Army, in a nutshell, wears ACUs (not literally everyone, but soon to be)

I'd like to see a good retexture of the IBA, with added rank and name tapes... and an added molle vest to go over it, as it's pretty much SOP with a lot of units.  An actual Mich helmet and not the one they have, as well as an actual ACU Uniform, not the pocketless one they have now.  Also, I'd love to see someone with their sleeves rolled up over there.  

It would also be nice to have a PC instead of that Marine Corp cover the officer has on, as well as proper knee-bows (knee and elbow pads)  I haven't seen those black ones in awhile.

Clavicula, what's your mos? 11B here, 1-20th SFG AL Army NG, 2-58 at sand hill, what about you?

I was originally a 25Q, but was forced to reclass to 25U. Now, I don't even do anything within my MOS branch. I'm in a detachment from USASOC and we will be attached to 3/5th. I have a long ASI thing, and I don't remember what half of it is because it isn't all that important anyways. Bragg is still sorta our post, but we're doing a TDY to Campbell and then TDY to SE Asia then return to Campbell with the future after that in the realm of mystery.

I haven't been at SOC for very long, but I love it, especially the massive amount of time off we get biggrin_o.gif, that and the competency level far outweighs my previous unit.

Hoping for Iraq Round 2 to kick off in a few months

Also, I have the intention of doing the Summer PT uniform, I was distracted today when Zerg's BDU soldiers came out (joy!wink_o.gif and I rushed putting SF patch and Tab on some guys. I also intend to mess around with the hidden selections with the intent of having combat patches and rank on the IBA be a little randomized. I like the IBA they have because it lacks the stupid collar and groin piece, I cannot imagine who thought the groin piece would actually do anything..like a tiny sliver of kevlar is going to help when a high velocity object hits you in the junk. whistle.gif

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As for the nad pad, it's better than nothing. We don't wear CIB's on our IBAs or anything, not even on our uniform in country, as all of our 'hooah' badges are pin-on, and cannot be used for airborne operations, much less combat.

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Oh, by combat patch I meant RSSI. In my old pogue ass unit, people would sew jump wings onto the flap for the SAPI plates on the back. w0000 jump wings!!1 rofl.gif

Yeah, if the enemy is running low on ammo, they'll target whoever looks the most important, and who looks the most important? the guy with the most patches on

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Well, lets do the intellegent choice and organize a wiki for it.  We list all of the services and the uniform types we are aiming for in an organized format easy to read and reference.  Do you want me to try and get a wiki going for this now, wait until the SDK is release for ArmA, or someone else than me get a wiki going?

We are only covering non-combat US uniforms used from 1980's to present day, nothing farther back than that because that would need to be done by a mod team (Vietnam, Korean, WWII, etc.).

All services will be organized into three main time periods regarding uniforms:

CWC period (1980 to 1991)

Post-Cold War (1991 to 2001) Before uniform changes like MARPAT, ACU, etc.

Present Day (2001 to present day)

Leave out units that could easily be done by addonmakers trying to add different versions of combat uniforms (BDU, ACU, MARPAT, etc.).  Drill Instructors in full uniform, combat units without gear on, etc.

However, units wearing modified clothing like authorized T-shirts during basic training, medical personnel clothing, mechanical technicans, Air Force maintence crews, etc. should probably be made.

For each uniform unit being worked on, please post an accurate reference photo with link to crediable information link for it.  This is essential to verify that there are no assumptions or mistakes on what is to be worked on.

Any additional suggestions to keep it well organized and documented would be appreciated...

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I've already created the Wiki for it.

Here's the link to it: http://wikihost.org/wikis/arma/wiki/start

For those who know about the main Non-Combat uniforms used for the US Army, go ahead and post and/or edit that information in the wiki for me in the Cold War Era section.

Make sure to put links showing documentation to prove your edit/addition being correct, and bring as detailed pictures as possible showing the details of the uniform.

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