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The Soldier

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obviously he didn't mean that many.  all in all, it depends on what unit you're in.  some CO's & PL's are anal about certain things, must are not.  i wouldn't know, or care about how engineers wear their chest rig, as i'm 11B (infantry)  i can guarantee you will be wearing acus, and your IBA with both plates. (this is usually checked by ones team leaders before going out)  and no you don't just go out on patrol in a brown t shirt. (for the record, that was just the undershirt for BDUs and DCUs, the acu t shirt is tan.  Also, the army PT uniform is grey with black 'ARMY' and 'A' on the back)   Even the movement in OFP is laughable, the thought of wearing a full combat load moving that fast is ridiculous, and laughable at best.

as for carring the ammo he or she wants in game, it's plausable, but will take some limiting, ie, speed, and def. stamina.  also, the US are under attack on an isolated island.  we wouldn't have the limitless amounts of ammo we've enjoyed while deployed wink_o.gif

i believe the game hidden and dangerous 2 nearly perfectly shows what should be done in armed assault.

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Even the movement in OFP is laughable, the thought of wearing a full combat load moving that fast is ridiculous, and laughable at best.

Well, considering that the OFP units don't wear body armour but rather some very basic ALICE webbing, not really.

And yeah, your average GI Joe is going to wear ACU and IBA (I heard the Army has some stuff going on that if you don't wear IBA in combat missions, forget about your life insurance then). The ones who get to choose what they wear usually seem to wear 3col or even 6col. Sometimes body armour and helmets, sometimes not. Depends on the mission, and the person's personal likings.

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i think letting the soldiers change their kit in relation to climate and conditions would be more interesting than changing the way you load your kit on your PLCE or whatever, in reality everyone carries their kit relatively the same because we're all taught the same, however i think it would be realistic if different kit could be worn if for instance there was heavy rain(smock), or hot summer(combat shirt, short sleeve order) or if there is snow then winter combat dress with proper helmet covers etc

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we know kits a customable in game 2 (or atleast i remember reading that somewhere.) so hopefully, someone will bust open a script to make it customable, and that way if you want realism dont download if u do download it.

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Even the movement in OFP is laughable, the thought of wearing a full combat load moving that fast is ridiculous, and laughable at best.

Well, considering that the OFP units don't wear body armour but rather some very basic ALICE webbing, not really.

And yeah, your average GI Joe is going to wear ACU and IBA (I heard the Army has some stuff going on that if you don't wear IBA in combat missions, forget about your life insurance then). The ones who get to choose what they wear usually seem to wear 3col or even 6col. Sometimes body armour and helmets, sometimes not. Depends on the mission, and the person's personal likings.

Listen, I drill with B Co. 1-20th SFG, and am a light infantryman, SF don't wear 5 color, or three color. They wear A C U's. You are an idiot if you don't wear your plates and helmet. The vest is cumbersome, and the plates moreso. I've gone out wearing my plates in my chest rig and no IBA, as there are pouches front and back on mine made specifically to hold the ceramic plates.

As far as summer and winter, there are no summer and winter versions of the ACU as there were with the BDU. They are all of the same material. As far as winter goes, we just wear The white suit, with OLD ass LCE's over it.

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i wasn't talking about webbing, i was meaning difference in clothing, i dont know what kit you use in the states but in the uk we're issued with enough kit to deal with all types of weather, apart from extremes like arctic and dessert and such like which your issued with just before deployment. wouldn't make sense if you were to wear the same kit that you'd wear in forrested areas as you would wear in dessert areas, likewise, if modmakers were to make something similar to winter kolgujev then the ability to let soldiers wear full cold weather kit and not just what the normally wear but all white, would be a lot more interesting. and i think i saw in one off the screenshots that there were mountanous regions of sarani, although it just looked like snow caps but you get the general idea hopefully

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in the uk we're issued with enough kit to deal with all types of weather, apart from extremes like arctic and dessert and such like which your issued with just before deployment.

I wonder how many (Ex)British soldiers will disagree with you a few of those points...


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in the uk we're issued with enough kit to deal with all types of weather, apart from extremes like arctic and dessert and such like which your issued with just before deployment.

I wonder how many (Ex)British soldiers will disagree with you a few of those points...


well we got all our CS95 kit from tshirt right up to the gortex smock, all the thermals, the plce, nbc, combat gloves, gaiters, trousers, pistol belt, and all the rest and we didn't get dessert kit because we didn't need it, you only get issued that if your going to get deployed there, i never got deployed there so i never got it. if they want to disagree then they can but that was what we got

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