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Shadow NX

RHS release 2

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Grumble, Gammon, Grail, blah blah blah.

Funniest one I ever saw was a cruise missile (or was it an antiship missile?) codenamed "Kitchen."

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The kitchen...thats a funny name,I can only imagine what it would be like to hear somebody shout "Look out! A kitchen is comming at us!" and how many eyebrows that would raise.

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Funniest one I ever saw...


Mig-15 'Faggot'



"Faggot on your six! Faggot on your six!!!"

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Actually, it's 'Fagot', pronounced with a silent t.

Fagot (or Faggot) can mean a bundle of sticks bound with twine, or a bundle of wrought iron pieces that will be hammered into bars. It is french in origin, from the latin 'facus' meaning to bind. It is also the spanish word for 'Bassoon'- the german word for bassoon being fagott, and the italian being fagotto. It is also a kind of British food. It can also be a reference to an old, shrivelled woman. A faggot is also an archaic unit of measurement.... and finally, it is a derogatory term for a gay man.

And since it's the french word, I can only imagine that the 'fagot' that the aircraft is named for is something different than any of the above.

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Thanks for the language lesson, Shakespeare

I am well aware of the meaning of the word 'faggot' (which is actually a type of bean, but yeah, you knew that I suppose), and I thank you for killing the moment icon_rolleyes.gif

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Actually, it's 'Fagot', pronounced with a silent t.

Fagot (or Faggot) can mean a bundle of sticks bound with twine, or a bundle of wrought iron pieces that will be hammered into bars. It is french in origin, from the latin 'facus' meaning to bind. It is also the spanish word for 'Bassoon'- the german word for bassoon being fagott, and the italian being fagotto. It is also a kind of British food. It can also be a reference to an old, shrivelled woman. A faggot is also an archaic unit of measurement.... and finally, it is a derogatory term for a gay man.

And since it's the french word, I can only imagine that the 'fagot' that the aircraft is named for is something different than any of the above.

You just killed the funny.

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Well, imagine how bad it would be to have a Farmer on your six.

But it's kind of hard to have a Hind on your Hind, isn't it?

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Guest RKSL-Rock

This is the first chance ive had to take a proper look at this... The textures are amazing which is what we've all come to expect form Scar's artwork but i have one complaint...

The scale. Its too big. I know its scaled to the same size as the BIS one but that too is 3m (fuselage length) too long

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