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What people are we going to deal with?

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Looking around I noticed that there were pictures circulating showing pictures of what look like flags. From looking at them I put together two flags that I can possible put together that look like the flags of North(?) and South(?) Sahranian flags. Now if there is any big-wig somewhere that can enlighten us on the true nature and design of the flags... feel free to post them.


First, I looked at a picture of an M113 with the South Sahranian(?) flag on the side: here and got this:


Then I saw a picture of two North Sahranian (?) soldiers with a patch on their shoulder: here and got this:


Now, both do look different, but it is the best I can do for the short amount of time I have now. The wreath does need to be widened, and the red dot(?) needs to transparent.

anyways... Doing those two flags made me wonder. Who is the key figures in ArmA? Do they have faces that we can gaze upon right now? and who is this knocking at my door... oh. well... more later... I hope, bye.

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Guest Ti0n3r

The DRS flag sure looks good wink_o.gif

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At first glance that's what I thought it was. but then i though "well maybe its just the south part of the island instead"

...still no posts from any big-wigs so i guess I'm right on the designs tounge2.gif

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I'd say that the south-sahrani flag is more UN like flag for the "peace keepers" and it are the US troops in the M113. If I'm correct

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haha or MiniGuba! The secret midget offspring of Guba lusting for sweet vengeance!

But seriously I'd like to see it less political with only a Side A, Side B, Side C , possibly Civilians side which would be neutral or can act as resistance.

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I'd say that the south-sahrani flag is more UN like flag for the "peace keepers" and it are the US troops in the M113. If I'm correct

All the information we have points towards the US forces being in ACU, the southern Sahrani's in tri-colour BDU's (the same way that the US are in ACU and the Iraqi Army are in choc-chip 6-color in Iraq)

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Ooh okay, didn't know that the US will only be in ACU in ArmA.

Is it stated anywhere or all <s>speculation</s> taken from the screenshots?

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Tehcnically its speculation. But there are several factors which re-enforce it.

1. The only tri-colour BDU wearing units we've seen have been equiped with G36's, something the US Army don't use.

2. The only tri-colour BDU wearing units we've seen have been riding around in M113's or Landrovers, both confirmed as S. Sahrani vehicles.

3. The tri-colour BDU wearing units we've seen all have that light blue/white flag on their shoulders.

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Well, DeadmeatXM2, if you have any pictures (or links to) that shows the flags in better detail, give them a show. I'm curious to see how off I am on these sketches.

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Inspired by Sophion-Black's flags. Though probably not correct,I decided to make alittle something to contribute to the thread. As for the shape in the center,no I am not certain of what it is,I guessed.

I realise there are stretched fabric parts on the wavy ones,I apologize for that but there is currently nothing I can do to fix them that I know of.

http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/5445/flagcutzd0.jpg -Dirty Wavey South Sahrani Guard flag.

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3550/flagcutbrny2.jpg -A brighter version of above.

http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/6089/flagwavcleanof8.jpg A "clean" version,brighter than above,some parts used dodge and burn tools so some things may look off but overall shouldn't.

http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/9590/cleanbiglm1.jpg Flat flag

http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/6405/dirtybigue4.jpg -dirty flat variant 1

http://img330.imageshack.us/img330/5785/dirtybigovrlyva5.jpg -Dirty variant 2

Credits- Octanes Grunge brush set,Wind_soft_grunge (unkown artist)

Images of APC's.




Hope you like the flags.

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Negative,I used a psd texturizer tool of a cloth,this was just a side project I wanted to get done quickly,I suppose next time I will apply it as a mask,once I learn how to do that,it may help may not. Thinking I might work on a North set of flags but it is debatable. Chances are it is still too visible,I thought of doing a flag without the cloth fabric texture but it just didn't quite look right. Its definatly not my best flag waver,I used to have one that make anything look great,unfortunatly I lost it so I am attempting to find again,but thats the best I could come up with at around 6am in the morning.

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Mmmhm,as I said,I'm not going for anything real possibly correct as we have nothing real solid to show us what exactly it is,it may not even be a star but two objects together or something such as what is showing the Guatemala flag.

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huh, it really is a star. Good work on the flags thumbs-up.gif

Now if i can just find a better image of the North Sahranian flag i would be happy.

Next part of the topic includes unveiling the plot, what is going to happen? Who will oppose the US and South Sahrani in the struggle for Sahrani? Stay tuned as the players of the world investigate and pull their heads together!

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