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Sound fixes

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I am sorry if this topic was discussed already, but they really need to fix the bullet hitting body sound.

This is my little pet peeve.

-Tavist pistols.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I'm sure that they might change the sound, maybe.

I suspect that the speculation on this issue might be irrelevent since they mgiht've already fixed it like you said they might. Which they might indeed do, perhaps?

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whats wrong with the sound right now? Oh and..why do all of the newcommers always use this pistols.gif damned emoticon.

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but they really need to fix the bullet hitting body sound.
I'm sure that they might change the sound, maybe.

i think they should too.

that sound and other sounds needs improvement.

but that sound it really strange, some coop friends that still play ofp every day says that sound is not apropriate and hate it

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I guess I am kind of a newcomer. I didn't realize I had signed up on this Forum. It would eplain why I only have 2 posts after 4 years!!!! lol

Oh the only reason I used that Emoticon was because of my reference to the shooting sounds.

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