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OFP Win XP and OFP Mouse?

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Hi Guy's,

well i have a very strange problem... When i play OFP in Fullscreen i always got the Original OFP Mouse Curser and the Win XP Mouse Curser too? If i exit OFP with alt + tab and go back to OFP with alt + tab the Win XP Mousecurser is gone...

Someone know's how to slove this problem?

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I believe this happens because of Dxdll.

Only way to stop it is to either do your current method, or as it loads the screen splashs (if you dont have -nosplash on), move the cursor to the top left hand corner and move it around till it dissappears again.

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You probably run OFP in the same resolution then your desktop.

Setting the resolution and/or refresh rate lower (or higher) should solve this problem.

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This is just about the oldest and most posted about "bug", searching for double cursor or similar with search period "the beginning" would have found the solution countless times over.

Please search before posting, it's a forum rule.

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