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Show your OFP server status on a website

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Very sorry if this is in the wrong place. I've searched and was unable to find anything on this.

I've recently added a script on our website to show TeamSpeak server stats (players connected etc.) and was wondering if there is anything like that for OFP. Just a script I can add that shows the status of the game server; server name, mission, number of players etc.

Again, sorry if this is in the wrong place. Not sure where it was really suited to.


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Also i think ofp.info have something simillar so if the link SWAT isnt 100% right try emailing ofp.info

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I have a .rar-file with all stuff needed for the RTSQ.

Email me if you wish to get it.



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Sorry Dr_Chris,

I should have mentioned that you can email me or hit us up at our forums.

I am positive you will get the help needed.

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We use the PHP version of DSSQ2. Don't ask me how it runs or gets installed on your site, but if interested feel free to contact SniperAndy (he has an account on these boards) or check directly with Daddl (who made DSSQ2 and the web variant).

Daddl's site: http://www.daddl.net/

The files:PHP of DSSQ.

If you can find contact of Andy or Daddl pm me and i try to help get you in touch.

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