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Al Simmons

Trainingkit for MOUT

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Ive created some objects for a flexible training area for my clan. Now ill release it to all. Dont expect any high poly objects or super detailed textures. As i said its for MP training purposes only so i kept it as simple and lagfree as possible. So its very simple to create new training grounds to keep clan training on a high standard. U can simply use it in the editor or (like we are doing) with WRP-tool for your training-island. If theres someone with further object ideas he can write down here.

Please dont bug me with comments like: "man this stuff looks ugly and like not up to date OFP-Addons" banghead.gif . I explained above why it looks how it looks.

Have fun Alex.


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It's MOUT, not mount, and why practive mout in OFP? You can't do reflexive fire, and cant get four people in a room that small without them glitching through the wall!

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You can't do reflexive fire, and cant get four people in a room that small without them glitching through the wall!

Thats right ole, but u can train other tactics in urban areas like movement in a group, covering security areas and so on.

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