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Tell us the truth about OFP2

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Now I have been a HUGE fan of OFP and still play it occasionally. I actually spent up to a full year of my life doing nothing much beside living off the cash I had earned and playing MFCTI and CTF games. This may sound funny to some but it was a very good time. At that moment I decided to postpone upgrading my system any further and to invest in a high-end, max performance PC once OFP 2 would come out, announced to be released late 2004, early 2005 I believe.

This was in August 2004.

Then the news came that the game would be delayed. And then delayed further. Then the news came: it will not be out before early 2006. This was quite a frustration, 1.5 yrs more to wait. But what the heck, my PC still will do Word and Excel so I'll wait.

Now it is October 2006. We have seen the release date slip further, and now it is saying

Expected Release Date: 2008.

Now, WHO are you fooling? For one thing, probably the only ones still checking your site are the true OFP fans, the ones that really saw that game as something different to all the rest of the bunch of war games out there (ok, and some of a tiny few who are still interested in yet another remake of OFP:resistance, for another platform, with a different name, and (slightly) better graphics...)

How about you show some respect to those people who have been waiting in anticipation for OFP2 and just put it to us straight: This Game Is Never Going To Be Released?

Legal issues, other issues, i dont care, just stop this annoying shifting of the release date!!!!!!!

PS I am referring to it as OFP2, as bistudios seems to be doing it too, judging from the 'nexgen game' URL

Arne aka N@Il

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Quote[/b] ]Now, WHO are you fooling? For one thing, probably the only ones still checking your site are the true OFP fans, the ones that really saw that game as something different to all the rest of the bunch of war games out there (ok, and some of a tiny few who are still interested in yet another remake of OFP:resistance, for another platform, with a different name, and (slightly) better graphics...)

There's this little thing called "Armed Assault". You might want to read about it... icon_rolleyes.gif

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True OFP fans dont care about "Game2[OFP2]" at the mintue, becuase they all know about Armed Assualt which technically is OFP2 becasue its become much more than ofp 1.5 or what ever we used to call it...

If you want a true sequal to OFP look at Armed Assualt..

Plus OFP will not be out till 2008 becuase its in its alpha stages and will look totaly amazing... and be totaly uber!! biggrin_o.gif

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"A true OFP fan would..." yeah right. Whatever. Putting the word true in front of it still doesnt make it anything else than your own definition of an OFP fan. So Ill ignore that.

Armed Assault:

Take a closer look at ANY of the screens you can find of Armed Assault and tell me they dont look like a screen from OFP:Resistance with a slightly increased density of objects. Man it is just the same old stuff, slightly revamped. I mean I am sure they have made a great effort and of course I am buying that game the minute it appears on the shelves but it is NOT "nexgen" game. This is the same OFP cash cow they are milking.

Then read the specs as shown on bistudios website. Then again tell me, what is so much different from OFP:resistance.

- Large selection of playable military and civilian gear and vehicles (like in OFP)

- Fight for freedom in a brand new storyline (ah like they did with resistance, a new storyline)

- New map covering over 400 sq. km, in extreme detail (like they did with resistance, bigger map cause pcs can handle it now)

- New revamped game engine (like they did with resistance, more of the same (more objects on screen))

- Comprehensive multiplayer support with join in progress (ah so this must be the 'brand new' part of AA: they have added "join a running game" option)

- Customizable game with built-in mission editor (...yawn)


I was talking about:

- AI that you cannot differentiate from real people (for one thing each unit is totally independent and they dont move all at the same time)

- Maps that go for thousands of miles, not just a bigger map using about the same engine

- Graphics like those shown in the E3 screens of OFP2 (uh, nexgengame): simply stunning and beautiful

- Basically all the things that were mentioned during E3.

I am not talking about OFP1.4, armed assault. I am talking about a game that will be totally jaw-dropping.

So once more I do not want to say any bad word about Bistudios for the wonderful effort with the OFP series. I am just asking them to stop fooling us about this next generation game that will probably never come out. To stop shifting that deadline after 3 years of doing so.

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Quote[/b] ]- AI that you cannot differentiate from real people

I'm eagerly anticipating the same thing. In OFP 15, due out in 2095.

Quote[/b] ]Maps that go for thousands of miles, not just a bigger map using about the same engine

Well, if you were paying more attention, you'd have noticed that they updated the engine so that it now streams terrain. The only thing needed to create "thousands of miles" is, well, hundreds of terrain editors.

Quote[/b] ]Graphics like those shown in the E3 screens of OFP2 (uh, nexgengame): simply stunning and beautiful

Armed Assault has gotten pretty nice looking over time. Maybe not quite the equal of OFP2, but it's an excellent improvement.

Quote[/b] ]I am not talking about OFP1.4, armed assault. I am talking about a game that will be totally jaw-dropping.

Well, think about this for a second. To complete a "jaw-dropping" game, BIS needs lots of talented workers and the money to pay these workers. Since BIS can't pull cash out of a hat, it needs to release products that people will buy. A heavily-improved OFP with better graphics, scripting, AI, etc will not only revitalize the community, it will prevent Marek from being forced to sell his body on the streets of Prague in order to raise salaries for his employees.

Quote[/b] ]this next generation game that will probably never come out. To stop shifting that deadline after 3 years of doing so.

How can you make blanket statements like "It probably will never come out"? Work has obviously been done on it, or there would have been nothing to show at E3. Obviously work will have slowed down for ArmA, but it will speed up again after ArmA is released and they have some positive cash flow.

Really, getting hyperactive over a release date is pretty absurd. BI is a company, it operates by the same principles that any company operates under: Publish, or perish. Either they release a product and keep themselves financially sound, or the company can no longer do any work. I'd rather buy a heavily-revamped engine and wait a few years for OFP2, than get nothing at all.

Edit - Personally, I find it bizarre to have such a sense of anger at BIS for not releasing OFP2 earlier. It's just a game. Sure, it's arguably one of the best game concepts on the market, but in the end it's just a form of entertainment. Becoming emotionally invested in a piece of gaming software and getting angry when it's not released is just plain silly.

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Thanks for the reply, you seem like somebody with actual brains and common sense, maybe the positive effect of this whole thing is that the 12 year-olds have been filtered out by now... as long as you people still frequent these forums there is hope :P

Anway. Back to my grudging smile_o.gif

I'm eagerly anticipating the same thing [AI that you cannot differentiate from real people]. In OFP 15, due out in 2095.

According to bistudios, the AI of "nexgen game" was so good that testers could not differentiate it from human controlled forces. Is that due out in 2095 all of a sudden.

Quote[/b] ]

they updated the engine so that it now streams terrain. The only thing needed to create "thousands of miles" is, well, hundreds of terrain editors.

If you use the "current gen" approach of creating a world (a.o. same engine, nothing done dynamically), yes I suppose you do.

Quote[/b] ]

How can you make blanket statements like "It probably will never come out"?

How can make BI make blanket statements like "the game will come out in 2004", "the game will come out in 2005", the game will come out in 2006", "the game will come out in 2008". This was the only point of my post.

For the rest of your comments, in which you state that bi operate as a normal company and therefore need cash flow to do such a thing: i appreciate that. Totally. But just think for a moment what would happen with a company that produces cars and they announce that their all-new, jaw-dropping car, a totally nex-gen car, will be for sale in a dealership near to your house in 2004. Err, 2005. Err, 2006. Err, 2008.

Quote[/b] ]Becoming emotionally invested in a piece of gaming software and getting angry when it's not released is just plain silly.
Of course I worry about the greenhouse effect and Bush. So take angry with a grain of salt wink_o.gif

But when I checked bis website again and it said on the nexgen game page: expected release date: 2008 - without any form of explanation - yes that pissed me of in a real-life kind of way. Should I upgrade my system now, or wait a bit longer. Cant carry the weight of the world on your shoulders every day you know wink_o.gif

Anyway amid all this disscussion, a big thumbs up for Bistudios for the effort they make, going it alone without codemasters etcetera. I respect bistudios a lot for what they created. And I believe they should really take all the time they need for this game. And also it is just a game...

But again, the only point i was making in this post: please stop shifting the release date without any form of explanation and give your "true ofp fans" an idea on your website of what is happening with this game - is it still in the works??? That was my only point!!!!

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Hey mate, welcome to the forums.

BIS isn't really wont to throw information to the dogs, as far as I've seen in the last 5 years. Have you tried PM'ing Placebo? Or emailing BIS? You'll get a more definite answer then, well, at least you will if you take the second option. biggrin_o.gif Then you can bring the info back to us.

I understand what it's like to be hooked on the release of a game, though, fully with you there. It crapped me off when Armed Assault was put back 2 bloody years. Though I appreciate that they oughta take their time so we get the best end result.

I get the impression that BIS has put the date back so many times without an explanation because people haven't asked for one. I don't remember a public uproar when Game2 was last set back again - you may be the first, if so, congrats.

See how you go on a PM to Placebo. I've never tried a serious PM to him myself, but I've heard it gets results.

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hmm, whilst i dont agree with the way you have put it nor do i agree with all your reasons of frustration smile_o.gif.

I too believe many people have been let down with the fact that armed assault has added another 2 years onto what would have been ofp2 now next gen.

Armed assault whilst a fantastic looking version of ofp is simply that. Ofp2 was and always will be a new Game alltogether with interactive at the forefront of it . communicating and ai response was gonna be the masssive difference and what i and most others eagerly awaited.

why is armed assault not worthy of the ofp sequal title(with respect).

it is everything ofp never needed , meaning it is ofp but it looks pretty and i for one can already get that in ofpr just crank it up and use addons.

so what else , multiple turrets a must in any sequal i totally agree.

view distance well it offers 10 km but i suspect just like ofp we will need the computers of five years in the future to play at 10 km and still have mass battles.

reason for saying this. is:

this is a statement from a code monkey in th technology industry who visited the recent gdc.

Quote[/b] ]Armed Assault ( by Bohemia Interactive - it's Flashpoint with proper graphics, and will be ace, if they can sort out the optimisation and difficulty level - the build I played is a huge resource hog, not to mention even more unforgiving than the original)

apart from being pretty and wind swaying trees. amred assault offers multiple turrets to people that played ofp from cwc to present day and thats it. for me it aint worth me going from ofp

to a mainstream pretty version.

Of course for a new mainstreamer who never played ofp, armed assault will knock them dead it is a new and fantastic direction for massively multiplayer . rather than ofp sequal to me it is more like joint ops 4.

so in essence , yes i agree the very people who played ofp right thru have suffered because of armed assault there is no doubt, the wait until 2008 will be a long one.and i dont think playing desert ambush with pretty graphics is gonna ease that pain.

just my 2 cents.

in order to stop any misguided conclusions, i think armed asault is a beautiful game its just for me personally ,i dont think i could play it for 4 years like ofp , because once the novelty of pretty has died and 7 maintreamers base raping in a truck with 7 cannons or mgs on the back or a plane or heli with 7 he cannons. i honestly dont know apart from the abience route that

ofp2 was supposed to take and arma cant cope with . what i would do.

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I love the way people assume that Armed Assault has somehow prevented the development of Game2.

if you read the information properly and carefully, you will see that it is a totally different team within BIS working on Armed Assault.

Did it not occur to you that Game2 has been delayed due to hardware, software and/or coding reasons?

In many of the pre-previews and interviews with BIS they state that they are developing not only RPG-style AI agents to inhabit the Game2 environment, but also speech engines to dynamically create conversations between in game agents. No the sort of stuff you can develop in a day. smile_o.gif

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lol i think you should read you post m8, its quite funny.

Quote[/b] ]if you read the information properly and carefully, you will see that it is a totally different team within BIS working on Armed Assault.

and after res where they not supposed to work on ofp2 ?

and if arma was never announced would that have sped up the release of ofp2 ?

of coures arma delayed ofp2, pls if your gonna state that people dont think at least start by thinking yourself hmm ?

the fact is and was ,that at the moment of ArMa being announced at E3 2005 , game2/ofp was far in advance in development. there was infact no press demo or even a build .1 of arma , but there was however a demo of ofp2/game2. so your assumptions and facts are trying to go against what is an obvious case ofp2 game has been delayed again until 2008.

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lol i think you should read you post m8, its quite funny.

I try my best tounge2.gif

Quote[/b] ]if you read the information properly and carefully, you will see that it is a totally different team within BIS working on Armed Assault.

and after res where they not supposed to work on ofp2 ?


After Res were BIS SUPPOSED to work on anything? I believe that was their executive descision to make.

and if arma was never announced would that have sped up the release of ofp2 ?

Erm, as I understand it, no. Since BIS is still developing the AI and features such as the RPG style campaign, dynamic speech engines and other features. Kind of key to Game2's design.

of coures arma delayed ofp2, pls if your gonna state that people dont think at least start by thinking yourself hmm ?

As I understand the information I'm reading, Game2 was being delayed by the massive demands of Marek/Suma's visions - i.e. hardware not being capable of handling the physics/graphics/ai or whatever. ArmA development was then started as a natural gap filler. I.e. to fill the several year void created by the complexity of coding the game2 engine.

the fact is and was ,that at the moment of ArMa being announced at E3 2005 , game2/ofp was far in advance in development. there was infact no press demo or even a build .1 of arma , but there was however a demo of ofp2/game2. so your assumptions and facts are trying to go against what is an obvious case ofp2 game has been delayed again until 2008.

The FACT is that at E3 there were some very BASIC videos and screenshots of the Game2 graphics engine. And a basic playable proof of concept demo, containing the large, mainly empty maps populated with a few buildings, trees and simple objects. Nothing more, nothing less.

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I agree with deadmeat.. ArmA is to fill the void while awating nextgen..

and how can people say arma is just like ofp.. ArmA is much more than ofp for one all the new scripting features which will allower newer greater addon features.. and of course the mutiple gunner features and everything else which we havnt seen yet wink_o.gif so hpw can anyone make conclusions when they havnt played the demo or game yet.. not to mention the improved ai and bigger islands and improved physics and much much much more,...

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well, i will make my final point. its plain and simple.

in 2003 in these forums ofp2 was anounced fact, go look.

in 2005 at e3 when we was expecting news of ofp2, we got an anouncement of arma and a promise of ofp2 in 2007. see idea games gcs 2005 on hrej site for proof. search for idea games. videos of

game not empty islands but full forrest with linda and full physyics explantion etc. 3 videos fo a fully populated game2.

you are basing your info onone screen shot with a dialogue box from a wiki. they were for more advanced than that.

ok now where i kinda agree with you but disagree with your timing of what came about and armas influence.during arma development it was then realised that a simple vbs lite with some ofp eilite addages would not suffice as a sequal and arma was rewritten a new engine one which is also used for vbs2 not vbs1 and a lot more from ofp elite, even game2

beta stuff was added ( see web for source). this then lead to the need for game2 to also become more advanced imo and now we are delayed to 2008.

Quote[/b] ]We decided to delay ArmA for two reasons: First reason is that we didn't as yet sign a worldwide deal with any major publisher and therefore we're preparing to launch on a per territory basis which is more challenging in many aspects. The second reason is game development itself: we decided to improve the game and the engine powering it, significantly above and beyond the original plan, especially focusing a lot on the visual appearance and AI. These changes are very beneficial for the game but also had a negative impact on the development schedule.

so in essence in my opinion and i dont think it is that of someone who has not read up or just pulled it out of a whim , arma did delay ofp/game2.

what does all that mean?, sod all ,just my opinon nothing more nothing less. but when people make statement that i do not read about a game it makes me also laugh.

ty .

@matte your right there will be many things made easier and i aint saying arma is no good infact the opposite, i am saying that

there wont be the big diffference that ofp2 promised ,which was the ai interactivity the rpg elements, the dynamic speech and world in a larger degree dynamic also. you know just look at the arma threads and there aint much diff than original ofp threads , its all been done , only thing arma will give an existing ofp player is mutli gun and prettier graphics. you wont swim ,the ai will still be the same and so will the world that defines all of the above .

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who cares anyways, i havnt seen one game these days which have been released on there first release day annoncement.. take BF2142 and Neverwinter nights 2 and STALKER, ive been waiting for these 3 games since i heard about them.. but there release dates got put back..

Just think about that Duke Nukem Forever game.. how long has it been since they said they were making it and it still isnt out.. 1997 i think?

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I'm eagerly anticipating the same thing [AI that you cannot differentiate from real people]. In OFP 15, due out in 2095.

According to bistudios, the AI of "nexgen game" was so good that testers could not differentiate it from human controlled forces. Is that due out in 2095 all of a sudden.

I would like to see source for this statement. I've never heard this and I seriously doubt that there are "testers" when the game itself is probably not even within Alpha stage.

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well, i will make my final point. its plain and simple.

in 2003 in these forums ofp2 was anounced fact, go look.

in 2005 at e3 when we was expecting news of ofp2, we got an anouncement of arma and a promise of ofp2 in 2007. see idea games gcs 2005 on hrej site for proof. search for idea games. videos of game not empty islands but full forrest with linda and full physyics explantion etc. 3 videos fo a fully populated game2.

Where to start...

Ok, firstly, I'm talking about E3, when ArmA was announced. The Game2 demo they had there was not the 2005 GCS demo, it wasn't any 2006 demo. It was a pretty simple demo that didnt have many of the KEY features planned for Game2 (AI, RPG Engine, Dynamic Speech, Inventory system, morale system, 3D mission editor) all of which were still alpha when PC Format visited them in April/May.

you are basing your info onone screen shot with a dialogue box from a wiki. they were for more advanced than that.

I'm basing my info on various sites, discussions with BI staff etc. I dont know where you got the idea I'm referencing a Wiki, I don't even know what wiki you're refering to tounge2.gif

ok now where i kinda agree with you but disagree with your timing of what came about and armas influence.during arma development it was then realised that a simple vbs lite with some ofp eilite addages would not suffice as a sequal and arma was rewritten a new engine one which is also used for vbs2 not vbs1 and a lot more from ofp elite, even game2 beta stuff was added ( see web for source). this then lead to the need for game2 to also become more advanced imo and now we are delayed to 2008.
Quote[/b] ]We decided to delay ArmA for two reasons: First reason is that we didn't as yet sign a worldwide deal with any major publisher and therefore we're preparing to launch on a per territory basis which is more challenging in many aspects. The second reason is game development itself: we decided to improve the game and the engine powering it, significantly above and beyond the original plan, especially focusing a lot on the visual appearance and AI. These changes are very beneficial for the game but also had a negative impact on the development schedule.

so in essence in my opinion and i dont think it is that of someone who has not read up or just pulled it out of a whim , arma did delay ofp/game2.

lol i think you should read you post m8, its quite funny.

I think YOU should read your "Reasons we delayed ArmA" Quote again. Nowhere in that quote does it mention Game2.

[Edit]The only people that can tell us whether or not ArmA delayed Game2 is BIS, so unless they make an official statement, we can't say whether it has or has not caused delays.[/Edit]

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Quote[/b] ]I think YOU should read your "Reasons we delayed ArmA" Quote again. Nowhere in that quote does it mention Game2.

a delay to arma = more delay to ofp2/game2 ? thats my point

Quote[/b] ]Ok, firstly, I'm talking about E3, when ArmA was announced. The Game2 demo they had there was not the 2005 GCS demo, it wasn't any 2006 demo. It was a pretty simple demo that didnt have many of the KEY features planned for Game2 (AI, RPG Engine, Dynamic Speech, Inventory system, morale system, 3D mission editor) all of which were still alpha when PC Format visited them in April/May.

i do know the version you speak of, you do put that one back a little it actually did a few nice things wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]In order to make the player feel that he is really in the boots of real soldier, Bohemia is trying to implement some RPG aspects into the game. A.I. characters are going to be able to observe and learn things on their own. The player will then have to ability to chat with the A.I. to find out information. In the demo Maruk Spanel showed me, he walked up and a computer controlled bot and asked him if he has seen the enemy. The bot replied that he had seen the enemy and told us where. The information the bot knows is not scripted. He has to actually see something before he will know. This is a unique and depth-enhancing aspect to the game. The player now has the option to gather his own intel before going into a battle. Along with that the character will be able to build up their skills, such as strength or accuracy, in between missions. This was still an early version, but this should create an interesting approach to playing through the campaign.

i am talking 2005 also , the same year couple of months later

anyway check the site or my putfile site in sig.

Quote[/b] ] I dont know where you got the idea I'm referencing a Wiki, I don't even know what wiki you're refering to tounge2.gif

you know, this is the best reason for me to stop right now.

I am talking about the BIS wiki.i guess you will need a link if you gonna start having opinion on Bis stuff you gonna need some quality info tounge2.gif j/k

Bis wiki for all your Bis needs.

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Ok, for a start, the BIS wiki, great as it is, is not the be-all and end-all of all BIA/ArmA/Game2 info. And for the record yes I knew about it, but no I did not chose to reference it.

Check the PC Format articles from May 06, where not only do they identify the ArmA team as a seperate entity from the BIS Core team, they also show how early most things are in the development stage for Game2:



So, can we now agree that ArmA development team != to Game2 development team?

That being the case, how does a delay to ArmA effect the Game2 development track considering that they are being developed seperately?

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god what a depressing thread, Armed Assault is released in a month, and the early screens of game2 are stunning, with 2+ years of development left. ITs going to be AMAZING!!!!!! this thread is so pointless IMHO.

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Guys please stop your speculations over wether or not AA is better than OFP1, whatever. Start a new topic for all I care.

Quote[/b] ]the early screens of game2 are stunning, with 2+ years of development left.

this thread is so pointless IMHO

that IS the whole point of this thread. "Early screens". "2+years of development left." Sure. The screens date to 1.5 yrs back with no news since then except that the deadline all of a sudden changed from 2006 to 2008 without explanation. 2006 already was a 2 year -extra!- wait. I remember the discussions back then. We are repeating ourselves, 2 years later. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

WILL it ever come out? WHAT is the value of "2008"?

All I was asking is why dont they give us any information on the status of Game 2 and why was the release date moved by about 2 years AGAIN.

Please keep this thread on topic and share your information, not your opinions and speculations.

I will consider to PM Marek, good suggestion.

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Well, BIS has been working on two games, has it not?

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There is or was two seperate teams working on each game. Armed Assault had its own and Game2 had its own,AA having more people if I remember right...However discussion of game2's release is going overboard,bickering about Armed Assault is bad enough but I guess some people can't be happy with just that,they have to throw more gas into the fire by asking about Game2. It is true that we do not have all that much info really,however Game2 is supposedly to have a far more advanced engine than AA. And lets stop to think how long this game has been in development....well....one year...one year,one stinking year. Most games these days take two to three to be made. Before people decide to say its been long enough,take a look at its anounce date vs how long it takes most modern games. 2008 is maybe a possibility,but 2009 or 2010 would make more sense. It all depends on what they want to add. All in all,I wouldn't worry about it,we don't even have our hands on Armed Assault yet so its too early to start debate on Game2's release date.

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All I was asking is why dont they give us any information on the status of Game 2 and why was the release date moved by about 2 years AGAIN.

Please keep this thread on topic and share your information, not your opinions and speculations.

I will consider to PM Marek, good suggestion.

hmm, are you trying to suggest some sort of conspiracy?


in all fairness, i think as soon as ArmA is released and were all having fun with that then well start hearing more about game 2. right now id rather hear more about ArmA. whistle.gif

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how long this game has been in development....well....one year...

it has been announced since 2003.

not suspecting any conspirancy. Just not taking it seriously anymore, this whole game 2 thing.

2008 it says now... yeah right. Whatever.

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well we gotta sit back and eat armed assault pie , im afraid, it aint what we wanted but its the only thing thats on sale . i am as gutted as any one believe me , i too been waiting since 2003 for european asia conflict with role play style but its sahrani or bust for next 3 years sad_o.gif. see you in desert ambus on sahrani /.

@ meyemoti , pls have a litle sumpathy, look at arma and hwo madly people want it and thats only 12 month old fromcreation , now multiply that by 3 years and have a lil sympathy huh smile_o.gif.

always remember the ofp2 team was growing. now its 5 , so they went somewhere and that somewhere is a mystery .

Quote[/b] ]Marek Spanel:

The team was growing all the time. At the beginning in 1997, only Ondrej (Suma) was a full time team member, and then the dev team for OFP grew continuously up to 12 full time developers in 2001. The team was growing after release of OFP and the current OFP2 counts over 25 people (including small teams based in Austraila).

original article anmd source of excitement so many moons ago sad_o.gif

and so it beg.... err well shelved ? delayed ?

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