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Why is US soo anti-communist?

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its pretty dumm war, especially all the american civilans calling us "commies" and other remarks.I still get remarks like those in american school.You know how you guys were...

both sides were scared, waiting for each other to press the atomic bomb button.I lived in the soviet union that time.Its not that bad most of everyone lived in apartments we have food a television with cable wink.gif.You could go and buy stuff..the schools are great...

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No one is anti-Communism anymore.

Not since 1992.

But the US was scared of Communism because they were threatened.

Communism is the best way to take a country out of depression.

But people take Communism way too far. "Equality" of a country is NOT what communism is!!! That's only what it became.

Communism is about the army, and government ruling everything.

Which is good in most ways. But if they screw up, then it's really bad.

Democracy screws up all the time. But since everyone controls everything, there are a lot more people to make things go right again.

Communism is a very solid form of government. But when something goes wrong, it's hard to make things go right again.

Communism is where "Two wrongs don't make a right" come in.

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Communism is the opposite of the american ideals of self-relaince and personal independence. Communism is also the anti-free market. Pure communism does NOT work. Look at China, Russia, any other country that tries pure communism. Didn't work. Ideological differences lead to political purges, and before you know it, everyones starving, in the gulag, or dead. But after the truly insane leaders die off, and reforms are implemented, QOL improves. Take the PRC, CCCP after the deaths of Mao and Stalin. But as systems go, communism and socialism suck ass. Yeah, so you had an apartement and TV. I can get that in the US just working at In-N-Out (truly America's best fast food. Only in CA and NV though)

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Two sides buddy.....

Anti US and Anti communism...

The only people that would be stupid enuff to use nuclear weapons are Terrorists, thats why all Nations must unite to WIPE out Terrosim as these are teh villians without a state and which could inflict such a disasterous weapon without the threat of Atomic weapons being used against them as they have no state.

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The only people that would be stupid enuff to use nuclear weapons are Terrorists

guess what former superpower for 4 years sold both nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons technology like it was flour.... and to this day admits it doesent know where many nuclear warheads are and where several thousand tons of the materials to make them went (U235..etc)

when USSR went broke it sold anything to anyone, no questions asked.. as long as the price was right..

now the whole world is trying to cope with the potental consequences...

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Russia has nothing to lose anymore.

They've lost everything.

-Their women look like men.

-Their men are as skinny as women.

-Their taxi drivers get paid more than scientists.

-Large chunks of Russia have been blown up by their own power plants.

-The people can't even afford a Trabant.

-Their proud AK is a symbol of horror.

-Most of their country is frozen. And the parts that aren't have an endless spring season.

-The rich get poor, and the poor get poorer.

-India is becoming a better country than them.

-Everytime they build something nice, it gets blown up.

Like come on. If you owned Russia, what would YOU do??

You can't even have the women become your slaves, because you'll have to check their pants just to make sure they're women.

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Yeah, Communism sucks. If you like censorship and dictators thats fine by me. Just don't shove your agenda down my throat wink.gif I hate commies and socialists, to an extent. However, IMO pure capitalism is just as bad as pure socialism, a slight mix can be better. Anyways, back to commie hating!

Pure communism just does not work. It stalls the economy and development, why? Well no matter if you work hard or barely at all you still get the same pay check in the end. When everyone gets the same amount of money, it removes the incentive to work hard. There are no real rewards.

Back when the USSR still existed they would use inefficient, out-of-date equipment which required alot of people to man. They did this because people needed jobs, there weren't any other jobs because of the lack of any kind of free market. If there weren't any jobs, they would put the people on some kind of pointless public works project to generate jobs to keep the people happy. They still do the same in China today. Though China has moved to a kind of free market in recent years.

The Russians would even put factories or mines anywhere people needed work, with no consideration to supply+demand. The Soviet system was the epitome of innefficientcy. Look at them now. Communism simply does not work.


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2 FetishFool

Their women look like men?

What are you from Mars or something?

Russian women are amongst the most beautiful women there are out there.

And percentage of the good looking women in Russia is one of the highest on earth.

On the other hand most of the american women are fat and not good looking at the least from all the fast food crap and good life.

BTW Israeli women are one of the best looking women too  smile.gif

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Russian women are amongst the most beautiful women there are out there.

I would have to agree, no argument there! biggrin.gif

Eastern European chicks in general tend to be hot.

Maybe he's thinking of East German chicks?


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">-Large chunks of Russia have been blown up by their own power plants.<span id='postcolor'>

No country has ever had a nuclear powerplant blow up. Theyve just had 1 meltdown, and that was chernobyl. i dont know how to really spell it so shuddup.

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The primary problem is that people look at this as the "US vs Russia" thing. the cold war was not a battle of nations, but a battle of ideals. i dont hate Russians at all and wish them the best of luck in the future.

Capitalism works. sure some companies suck and bribe the govt. to hurt competition (i personally dont call this capitalism). at least under a free economy with competition in place i can choose where to take my buisness. its also a lot easier to sue a company, then to sue a government.

Communism derprieves people the means to acheive any goals. any goals other then serving the state that is. Individual freedom is not recognized under marxism, because independance breeds chaos. under Communism everything is government managed. this is why it is so inefficent and why small communal groups can make it work.

Freedom can not exist because the identity of the indivdual does not exist. this must happen in order to destroy private property which communism supports. you must conform or be "reeducated".

though the Cold war is dead. Communism is not. Communism is more then just itself. Fabiansim and Socialism accomplish the same thing as Communism (govt control over individual directive). they all share the same trait: destruction of the individual and increased state power.

these ideals exist very much here in the USSA. a lot of americans adopt the very ideas that will destroy this great and free nation without realizing it. both Republican and Democrats.

Wealth redistribution is based on "hate" and jealousy. "those evel rich people" as they are categorized. many americans do this and support laws that take more tax from the productive to support their "lifestyle". this is nothing short of Socialism.

If you read the Communist Manifesto you will see all kinds of references to the different types of Socialism.

110 shrugged

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