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My VDV Campaign (shots of developmental missions)

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This was my first real mission, which I built mainly to showcase OWP's Mi-26 HALO and it's capabilities, and it's turning into a campaign involving the VDV.


Mission Briefing

Due to the rather extensive NATO radar network on Everon, Front HQ has decided to use Mi-26s to insert your VDV battalion onto the island to seize the airfield and other important areas, as they can fly under the radar horizon over long distances much easier than conventional fixed-wing aircraft.

Casualties are expected to be colossal. Do not be annoyed if you die before you even reach the ground; or if your chute doesn't open. That's how airborne operations work in real life; large amounts of wasteage. Simply restart the mission and try again, until you land on the airfield, then save the game. You have unlimited saves on Radio Code 1.



Early development shot on how you start the game; your position has been moved around a bit so that you're now in the middle of the paratroop seats, allowing you to jump in the middle, instead of waiting last.


Pair of Mi-26 HALOs on the way to Everon Airport, holding about 50~ paratroops each.


The Airborne Assault.


Phase 2 of the Assault


Some work needs to be done on Airspace deconfliction....


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Please don't hotlink images greater than 100kb smile_o.gif

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No problem smile_o.gif

You're welcome to clean up your first post and replace the images with hotlinked 100kb ones smile_o.gif

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Thanks for the helpful comments!

I've been working on Mission 2; and playing some more Flashpoint; one of the things I find with a lot of usermade campaigns is that they're too unrealistic in some ways, like for example, there's a heavy and unhealthy emphasis on special forces spook sneaking, instead of straight up infantry combat; or assigning too little troops to achieve the objectives; like sending only two PBRs to sieze a heavily defended coast with DSHK 12.7mm MG emplacements everywhere...

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