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RN Malboeuf

Liberation 1941-1945: Patch 1.07

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Hello! I need some help here.

I'm making a multiplayer mission, where you can respawn, my question is: How can you respawn with your weapons you started with? I mean: I start with a Mosin's Rifle, for example, I die, and I want to start with that rifle again.

Can someone tell me how to make this possible? to respawn with your weapons you started with?

Also I wonder how you can respawn vehicles....BASE type.

Please help me, I would be very happy smile_o.gif


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As for the units this is how I would do it:

Name the Player unit P1

create a trigger wth 0 in both x and y axis and this in its


Not Alive Player


[P1] exec "RespawnWeapons.sqs"

then in the script I would do somthing like this

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit = _this select 0

~8 (Or however long it takes for the player to respawn)

Removeallweapons _unit

_unit addmagazine "lib_k98mag"

_unit addweapon "lib_K98"

_unit addmagazine "lib_k98mag

_unit addmagazine "lib_k98mag"

_unit addmagazine "lib_k98mag"


as for the respawning of vehicles it will be similar to that ^ exept you will have to CreateVehicle a new Vehicle on the destruction of the old one.

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Thank you very much! that should help! but I'm a noob in ofp scripts so if you please could write how to respawn vehicles whistle.gif

Since this is my first step in scripting.....

I understand how i get that weapon thing, but I didnt quite understand what you meant with the vehicle respawn thing (lol, I have a poor brain biggrin_o.gif)

So if you could tell me how would be better then coming to heaven! tounge2.gif

EDIT: I'm Maybe to requesting but I also want to know how the way to get the exact equipment you started with, I read trough some documents, where they said that they had a script which gave the units their exact equipment when they respawned, but the script didnt work. And is it true that the script you gave me was a script to choose a weapon, which may not be the weapon you started with, right? why I'm asking to get the exact script to this is because I dont wanna put some equipment which the units didnt have, just in case...

Best Regads


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Thanks again for the unit weapon script, but where are you going to place it? I have tried in the init field of the unit, but it dont work. I have deleted the "(Or however long it takes for the player to respawn)" since it should not be there right? and replaced the "8" with my respawndelay number...and still it dont work. It was an error which occured, this was what it said: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Local variable in global space what have I done wrong?

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Its probably due to some stupid mistake ive made in the script, you can make it a personal script to that unit, just remove the _unit = _this select 0 and replace every other _unit with the unit name and it should work though only for the unit named P1.

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Thanks A lot again POPKA! If I get some more problems I will post it here. Cant chek the respawn thing right now, it's late, So I will chek it tomorow

Thanks. wink_o.gif

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Before I try it, am I going to place the trigger plus the script?

And if i'm going to place the trigger, do I need like 12 triggers, since it will be 12 guys respawning? or do I only need One, but write the script in everybodys init field, with their name as you said?


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Ok, new problem! I hate bieng not able to do anything right!

I wrote this in the init field: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


Removeallweapons P1

P1 addmagazine "lib_k98mag"

P1 addweapon "lib_K98"

P1 addmagazine "lib_k98mag

P1 addmagazine "lib_k98mag"

P1 addmagazine "lib_k98mag"


when I tried that script in the init field, A error occured and said this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Invalid number in expression

I've tried to bacspace the script so the "~5" came at the start of the init field, that didnt work, I tried to set the " sign after the "lib_k98mag so it got "lib_k98mag", but that didnt work either....I'm stuck.......

looks like the dark forces are against me sad_o.gif

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First a big Thx for your Excellant MOD.

I've a little sugestion this should be very fun (i'm agree not very realistic) to know when you hit a tank what dommage you do, like Engine HS, Tracks Disable, Gunner Kill, Turret HS, etc ...

Thx in advance ExA smile_o.gif

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Ahh.... I've tried ot lots of things and finaly respawned with the K98, but it only spawned up once! when I respawned for the second time, I got the m16 again sad_o.gif

So it worked once...and I want it to work all the time.....what do I need to make it respawn with the K98 (or other weapons which I can edit later) in an unlimited loop?

Every help is greatly appriciated,


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  I've a little sugestion this should be very fun (i'm agree not very realistic) to know when you hit a tank what dommage you do, like Engine HS, Tracks Disable, Gunner Kill, Turret HS, etc ...

Simply show these info on the screen ? I'm afraid its too arcade style wink_o.gif Though there's such feature for debug , but all the hints are in russian.


As far as I see you shall go to some scripting thread cause you need simple script with only weapons name changed ( or eevn without it if the script is realy good smile_o.gif)

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I've posted in the scripting thread about the "respawn with the right weapons" problem, but they have not answered my problem for over one week now, and I'm desperate since i'm making a mission which MUST be finished in some days (I'm going to have LAN with it, and it wil happend in some days) .....and I need the script to respawn with the weapons the unit started with...like....dont want to start with m16's in WWII! biggrin_o.gif

So if you could do a exception and help me in this thread, instead of writing a NEW one on the script thread, which will probably not be answered in time sad_o.gif

I'm very thankful for the help I got earlier, it helped a lot, but the help they gave me did only respawn the weapons one time, and I need them to respawn all the time, so I dont go to war with m16's! tounge2.gif

Hope someone can help me in this thread, without needing making a new one in the script thread whistle.gifwhistle.gifwhistle.gif



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Is it possible to tow AT's on libmod? like a Opel Blitz tow's a pak '36? If it's not in the MOD, I would call this a suggestion....for me it sounds fantastic to make the pak and the 45mm mobile! whistle.gif

If it is possible then, what do I need to do?

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Is it possible to tow AT's on libmod? like a Opel Blitz tow's a pak '36?

It was possible since old RKKA demo pack wink_o.gif Just park GAZ-AA near 45mm gun or opel nera pak. You will see an action appear.

Also in the upcoming patch AT guns will be movable by its crew.

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I'm glad to hear that the guns will be somewhat mobile in the next patch, looking forward to hear more!

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Does anybody know where I could obtain just the addons? I tried copy/pasting them into the addon folder but they didn't show up in the editor. I really love the addons but the entire "axis" "russian" thing screws everything thing up. Any help on how to use these addons in a normal editor would be appreciated. Thanks.

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How would I be able to switch the Waffen SS cufftitle to another unit such as Totenkopf or LAH? I noticed in one of the pbo's there are many to choose from but I could find nothing in the readme.

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Quote[/b] ]Does anybody know where I could obtain just the addons?

No luck for multiple reasons. Check the readme.

Quote[/b] ]How would I be able to switch the Waffen SS cufftitle to another unit such as Totenkopf or LAH

Not posible. I guess that's one of the features we reject in order to decrease scripting load.

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In the readme it says that they would help you change the configs on the lib forum but the forum on their website is down. Does anyone know how to do that?

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this is one of my favourite mods and seems to be overshadowed by stuff like finmod.

It would be good if you could expand that armour : here are some vehicles i think are needed


The elephant


King tiger


jadgpanther tank destroyer

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I'm more than sure the mod plans such armor for later releases, right now most of the addons are from circa 1940-1941/2.

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this is one of my favourite mods and seems to be overshadowed by stuff like finmod.

It would be good if you could expand that armour : here are some vehicles i think are needed

Oh, man, such things won't be included in the battle of 41-42. But it seems other guys have developed such nice vehicles in OFP, such as John's german tank pack, WWII EC's tank pack...

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