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Espectro (DayZ)

Community made ArmA trailers

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Hey lads. Just finished by very first try at editing a movie... And of course it's an unofficial ArmA trailer. Ive collected various screenies and vids footage into this trailer and mixed in some nice epic music smile_o.gif

Please download it and tell me what you think - I would love some critism (constructive), since I had much fun editing this piece and thought about doing some more editing.

Also, if you have edited movies concerning ArmA, please post them here!


Link to movie:


(~85 megs).

(You need DivX to watch it - Turn up your speakers and watch it in fullscreen - it becomes much better.)

If you use firefox, you might have to rightclick and save as. It will be saved as a .php file - just rename it to .avi as soon as it is on your harddrive.

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I just finished watching it, overall I liked it a lot.

There were a few spelling errors that kind of took away from the professionalism of the video, but something like that could be fixed pretty easily. Another thing that hurt the "atmosphere" of the video was the tags of the hosts (such as 3DGamers) in the screenshots corners. It might be hard to find shots without those though. A clever cropping might be able to hide it, but you would lose some of the image. My only other gripe might be that the TrackIR segment seem to run really long compared to all the other clips. For someone like me who has already seen that video it's kind of boring, but I suppose for a new member it still might be intresting.

Other than that I really liked it, it's cool to see a lot of the media put together into a single video.

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I thought the music you picked had a great variety of tempo and mood, and you used it very well.  The pace of content and the subject you picked fit the music at the appropriate times, hell you made a better presentation of the TrackIR system then the manufacturers (If the generational loss in the video quality could be prevented, damn lossy compression algorithms anyway  tounge2.gif ).  In the beginning, I was going to say the music was Kitaro, but quickly realised it had WAY too much choir in the background to be him (shoulda known it was Vangelis).  2/3rd of the way through the quick progression of pictures lets us know just how much there already is to ArmA, and also the fact that it is hard to distinguish these later images from RL.  And as always, you advertise your site well.  Overall good job, you really have the feel for editing. (and marketing wink_o.gif )

BTW, other than the word 'wanna', which is just slang, I saw no mis-spellings.. Not that I teach vocabulary building or anything.


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BTW, other than the word 'wanna', which is just slang, I saw no mis-spellings.. Not that I teach vocabulary building or anything.

There really wasn't anything major, just two small mistakes.

The misspelling of strategy at 1:03 as stragety.

and the misspelling of already at 1:19 as allready.

I don't mean to be a jerk about picking out every little detail, just thought it might help.

By the way I forgot to say that the intro with the picture of the soldiers coming up was pretty cool, it kinda freaked me out a little because I had it up on full screen biggrin_o.gif

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Thanks guys - very much.

Yea, I can see all the mis-spellings now... Darn it wink_o.gif. Fork122, That was what I wanted it to do. The pictures at first is to make the athmosphear smile_o.gif. I really wanted some more, though... But I could quickly see the video was going to be too long to put more in properly.

I must admit I think the trackir sequence is, although it is very cut down from the original version, still too long. I will see what I can do about that.

Does anyone know why I cant upload this to youtube or google? Don't they support divx?



Im currently uploading a new version of it - without spelling errors and a smaller trackir footage.

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I approve of the music by Vangelis (he is awesome, after all).  I only knew him from "Chariots of Fire" before.  Now I want to know where I can download that entire song from your trailer.

edit: Do you know what it's called? The title of the track wasn't in the trailer.

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It's two songs i mixed in together. But the song you are looking for, is called Conquest of Paradise.

It was made for the movie from 1992 called "1492: Conquest of paradise". Vangelis made all the music to this movie... And it is actually a great movie, that you can find very cheap if you are lucky. I found the DVD to 5 euroes in a small store here in Denmark.

Oh, and the new version of the video is up... same URL.

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Very nice video, Espectro.

I wish you would have mixed in Monastery Of La Rabida into it. It has such great mood in it. But I like what you've made nonetheless. smile_o.gif

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Very nice video, Espectro.

I wish you would have mixed in Monastery Of La Rabida into it. It has such great mood in it. But I like what you've made nonetheless. smile_o.gif

Yea, I could have used it as an open-scene as well...

Ive got all his albums smile_o.gif - Ill do that next time wink_o.gif

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I find this video boring from the start.

after one minute of video I've seen no ArmA footage whatsoever. The general rule is that movies need to grab your attention in the first ten seconds. the splash screens from Idea/Bis didn't make me wet my pants in exitement. "as close to war as you ever want to be" was good, but then it was followed by text and pictures of... not ArmA!

Also, right after the "time for realism, you show a screenshot from a CAPTURE THE FLAG mission?! dude... I mean DUDE!

Plus, in the few moments where things get exiting (tank firing) , you slow down the action? I mean seriously! 80 percent of what you show is screenshots, and then you use slowmotion on movies? I want those five minutes of my life back! mad_o.gif

No, seriously, I find this very bad promotional material for ArmA.

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Actually, I don't think Espectro changed any of the video speeds -- they were that way in his sources if I remember correctly.

I do think the trailer should have more good stuff at the beginning though. If I wasn't already a fan of ArmA, I'd have skipped though a lot of the video.

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Hehe... Well, it isn't really a promotional video fro ArmA - I could get in legal troubles if I made one wink_o.gif.

I didn't change speeds for any of the videos seen, and the reason why there isn't more ArmA footage is - well... There isn't any around with decent quality. And I am so unfortuant that I don't own a copy of the game sad_o.gif

I grant you, it IS a slow start - but that was my intention. Honestly, I never realised that the screenie was a CTF-missions screenshot, but then again. Some of the most intense realistic missions I ever played in OFP, was CTF. Use yopur imagination, not all CTF missions are like St. Pierre (which is good fun to relax with), and think a little beyond that you are risking your life for a... Flag (!?).

Anyway, it's good with critism, I can't however, bring back your 5 minutes sad_o.gif

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sorry for the agressiveness of my reply last night. I was tired, so I didn't put much effort in censorship tounge2.gif .

Even if you didn't slow things down, I still found the action too slow. when I fight in Flashpoint, there's a flash from an explosion here, a puff of smoke from an RPG there, and tracer that travel so quick I cannot clearly see their origin: chaos! the only thing that moves slow are the immense columms of smoke rising from destroyed tanks wink_o.gif .

Ofcourse you cannot create these scenes. but there have been video's from some combat sim site where people were getting blown to bits and choppers flew over etc. it would be awesome if you'd try to use those scenes instead wink_o.gif

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sorry for the agressiveness of my reply last night. I was tired, so I didn't put much effort in censorship tounge2.gif .

Even if you didn't slow things down, I still found the action too slow. when I fight in Flashpoint, there's a flash from an explosion here, a puff of smoke from an RPG there, and tracer that travel so quick I cannot clearly see their origin: chaos! the only thing that moves slow are the immense columms of smoke rising from destroyed tanks wink_o.gif .

Ofcourse you cannot create these scenes. but there have been video's from some combat sim site where people were getting blown to bits and choppers flew over etc. it would be awesome if you'd try to use those scenes instead wink_o.gif

coming from the person who wrote the "piss poor" review of game 2 in the bis wiki i think you should learn to criticise yourself a little more too.

back on topic

i think he did a good job with the available information vids etc.

apologies to the harshness i am tired too wink_o.gif.

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it took me 2Ë hours all in all... So I don't think it was too bad, considering I never tried the program before, and never tried editing.

Yesterday I tried making a top gun version from OFP FFUR/DXDLL, but I failed sad_o.gif

I dont know scripting in OFP very well, so it kinda got out of hand... Too bad, cause I love the top gun theme etc smile_o.gif

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Nice video... Especially when you consider the limited pics and video's available smile_o.gif

Good luck with your TOP GUN movie...

Don't forget to use "Highway to the dangerzone" tounge2.gif


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