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space invaders mod

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here are some screen from "space invaders mod"  preview.

They are coming on earth...


Mod by Al Simmons and i







Mod by Al Simmons and i

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Looks cool dude biggrin_o.gif I've always loved games like X-com so this will work for my needs smile_o.gif We need more aliens and craft in OFP, they could also be used in stargate missions.

Hope we can see em soon.

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Nice models. Spaceship textures looks like it's still a concept (?). This mod could be great fun though. What weapon fx do you plan to use ? Laserbeams, rockets, normal bullets ? Weird energy / force fields ? A planetary bombardement shield even ? smile_o.gif

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This space ship is using a double laser (rocket config) and a canon (30 mm config but more power).

A troop ship is comming , but is it possible to replace the parachute effect by something more SF?

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Looking good, but arnt thoughs weapons from the fallout weapon pack that was being made some time ago?

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yea Al simmons gave me p3d from his project.

i finished that work

Big thanks to him  notworthy.gif

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Yeah those where my models but i gave them hitcher (who brought them ingame) to use them because due to my new work on Cast Away Mod i will not have the time to work on the Weapon Pack.

Ontopic: Aliens and ships are looking nice, maybe the ship needs some paintwork. BTW i think i have force field on my HD which u can have Hitcher.

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A troop ship is comming , but is it possible to replace the parachute effect by something more SF?

Some planes have a script where they eject an ejection seat, which has a parachute later, maybe if combined with the droppod style script from 40Kmod you could make some kind of escape pod? smile_o.gif

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I dunno if they are just placeholders or not but you should give them their own weapons.

Toss in a better paint job (as was mentioned) on the ship and you have a cool set of fun addons.


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Excellent stuff a great alternative to the Zombies and Zabrack addons... smile_o.gif

I still don't get why in all these years nobody ever made a Grey Alien addon, I wouldn't mind if it was tall...

Great stuff m8

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I still don't get why in all these years nobody ever made a Grey Alien addon, I wouldn't mind if it was tall...


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There was an XCom mod a while back, but they kinda failed...

probabley because they tried to make sectiods out of a Zabrak! crazy_o.gif

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I still don't get why in all these years nobody ever made a Grey Alien addon, I wouldn't mind if it was tall...


I'm talking about the little grey, big headed, black eyes guys...

picture this: zombies, aliens and nazis in a sigle mission...awesome stuff

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F'ing swwweeeet dude! Oh ya! X-COM here we come smile_o.gif

And for your parachute problem.... I had a big base set up on nogova. And I wanted to have Phil commandos big dropship come in and land a bunch of predators so they could attack.

All my men sat there and waited, the drop ship came in but didn't land. Instead it just dropped them without chutes.... it was the creepiest thing I've ever seen. They flopped into the ground got up and attacked. If you make your shock troops extra tough you could do the same I guess.

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About the no chute thing or the extra tough troops?

I'm not sure , I'm not a pro when it comes to configing. But the terminator addons had a similar effect like the predators.

If you bust open the pbo's it might be of help .... again I'm no expert on the subject smile_o.gif

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Someone mentioned that the No Chute Prob has to do with the Roadway LOD of the Model.

BTW: @Hitcher i sended you a PM with DL Link for the Force Shield Addon.

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Another cool thing about having extra tough troops... When I shoot a UFO down, most of the preads survive the crash allowing for an interesting & deadly clean up smile_o.gif

If you need some ambiance music I might recommend theses    http://www.xcomufo.com/x1music.html

I'm not trying to highjack your thread, you just got my mouth watering for some good sci-fi ideas wink_o.gif

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