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Release of the FIAT Iveco ACM90 by PedagneMOD

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i have just release on .PedagneMOD web site the ASZ_ACM90.pbo, 4x4 truck of Italian Army (also release of second version of ASZ_6614.pbo, with some bugs fixed).

With the ACM90 truck, i have completed (i hope) the necessary logistic land vehicle of PedagneMOD. Next work will be the Carabinieri pack (the particular italian military corp, half police and half soldier), but i think that will be a long time work, so i don't know if the pack will be release before the Armed Assault. The ASZ_ACM90.pbo maybe the last addon of PedagneMOD for OFP.

Back to the release, in this file you will find FIAT Iveco ACM90, the 4x4 truck base of the Italian Army transports since 2002.

You can find also (with a bit of fantasy of the author) a tow\trailer for ammo transport.

Infact, with you can tow the ammo trailer with your ACM90 truck. Only at the ACM90 fuel version is not allowed to do this.

The PedagneMOD model is developed in versions :

CARGO with 18 seats (16 back and 2 in cab) over the driver;

LOGISTIC with 2 seats in cab over the driver - this version its only to simulate a convoy to transport generic materials, but i suggest you to connect this the ammo trailer to better simulate a supply convoy;

FUEL with 2 seats in cab over the driver (i must explain you over?).

The ASZ_FIAT ACM90 use original cargo animation.


First of all: you can use normally the truck never connect the ammo tow.

To tow the trailer (remember,only the fuel version can't do it), you must driver reverse at very low velocity, since appear "Connect Ammo Tow". During the connection you can transport soldiers on your truck and/or you can reload every soldier/weapon/APC/tank with the trailer. you can reload every weapon/APC/tank with the trailer also when the trailer is not connected.

You can disconnect the ammo tow when you want selecting "Disconnect Ammo Tow".

You can also use normally the ammo tow never connect to the truck.

Know bug: when the tow is connected and before you move forward, the wheels of the tow go bit down; after that you move forward, the wheels back normal.

You can use the Ammo Tow only as re-ammo and as connection to truck, IGNORE every "go up on the Ammo Tow as driver" or similar other.

Very Special thanks to Gokhan of the Turkish Union Mod, for the wonderfull scripts and the sounds of this addon. Thanks for his availability and kindness.

Scripts and sound come from the wonderfull (and great, great, great) TU_Franziska addon by Turkish Union Mod.

If you want to edit the scripts and/or the sound of this addon you must ask to Gokhan at www.turkishunion.com

Thanks also to "C.S." for the documentation about this truck, never his photos i can't made this addon.

This addon haven't an exsternal beta test, so any suggest its welcome.

ASZ_ACM90 download link

and some images



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Great...like everything from PedagneMod notworthy.gif

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Thumbs up for you Arremba, downloading now! thumbs-up.gif


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Thanks to all, i'm very glad for your messagges and i'm surprise too, that the compliments come also by memebers of very, very nice MOD, better than my PedagneMOD.

Thanks again

Arremba San Zorzo

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Its just the fact that you can tow a trailer with a truck.

I like simple things, ask my Mrs...

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This mod gets better and better!

You are just lacking heavy armor and fighter jets to have a complete force.

What about a ARIETE?

ARIETE modeling site

I know, this is not for OFP... But it can give some ideas.

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thanks to you!


Thanks, but the idea and the script of a trailer is a merit of Gokhan, i have just thought to build a different tow with ammo supply. My respect to your Mrs.


Thanks for your compliments!

-About armor, there is the Leopard and as it wrote in PedagneMOD site, "Story" section, the MOD's location is in year 2000, so the Ariete do not yet start numerous in Italian Army (only some prototype). By this consideration i do not insert Ariete in priority of PedagneMOD, but will be made.

The model that you link is simply fantastic, but this high number of polygons, are not adapted for a game.

-About fighter jet, there are the Tornado and the AMX by G8, i find them very nice, so is not a priority to reply this model.

I'm alone and working, i have not many time for this hobby so i must economy my time. I think that really lack some Navy units (San Giorgio, Maestrale and some little ship).

Thanks again to all


Arremba San Zorzo

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