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Bad lighting in odd areas

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I'm yet to find the real reason for the weird light transitions on faces within my models .... am hoping the experienced modelers out there can tell me the reason.

It seems to happen near faces that "go around corners".

Maybe sharp direction changes?

Maybe double faced surfaces ?

Maybe faces too close?

Is there a max angle between face direction changes to avoid maybe ?

One prime area it happens is like the outer skin of a plane where it transitions to a wheel well or a bomb bay (ie my B-52).

I thought it might be just on faces that have 4 points, but it seems to happen with 3 point faces also.

"F5" seems to make no difference.

Soft / Hard edges doesnt do much.

"P" the face square doesnt seem to change anything either.

Any tips appreciated.



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Do not join the face together

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O2 and OFP is quite picky about its lighting,first when it comes to a face that lets say..a panel,you do not want to joing them together unless it is a transparent texture such as a rotor blur.

Also you may need to select the points that make up that face in particular and press U/I again but you stated you did that,in terms of flight models you don't want the flaps to be joined with the body,joining the points on a round body or something of that nature isn't really a problem and should cause none,I can't really say I fully understand the issue as I have never run into it,except for a few case scenerios when I make a new face that the face is smooth,in which case I simply sharpen it and all is well again.

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The sharp/smooth edges will fix it as long as you set it properly. In that plane wing for example, set the edge of the wing, and the edges in the flap and the wing flap "hole" to sharp edges.

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The sharp/smooth edges will fix it as long as you set it properly. In that plane wing for example, set the edge of the wing, and the edges in the flap and the wing flap "hole" to sharp edges.

Bingo ..... thanks Kegetys ..... so bloody simple, but I'd never tried it that way!

As they say, you learn something new everyday ......

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Don't forget to do it on the body too,everything flat should have its face as sharp,such a small change can and will have a huge drastic effect on the way stuff is lit in OFP,I wish more addon makers would use it,as it can make addons look excellent in terms of lighting or odd,take a box in O2 with smooth faces for example,doesn't look right,but with sharp it does,you can also define the sharp and smooth effects via points,such as taking two points of a airplane flap where the back end connects to both,making the points sharp will cause the top and bottom to be lit differently and more accordingly.

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Don't forget to do it on the body too,everything flat should have its face as sharp .................. such as taking two points of a airplane flap where the back end connects to both,making the points sharp will cause the top and bottom to be lit differently and more accordingly.

Thanks meyamoti

And it also seems that double-sided faces have a darker texture/lighting than normal one-sided face.

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