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Against the Rising Sun

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What is "Against the Rising Sun"?

It is a modification, or "mod" for the upcoming game "Armed Assault". The mod will be split into campaigns, with the Australian campaign in Papua being released first. The main focus of the mod is the fighting in the pacific against Japan during the Second World War.

Who do we play as?

In the first campaign, you will play as an Australian digger, fighting along the Kokoda trail, at Milne Bay and at the battle of the beach-head during mid 1942 to early 1943.

Other campaigns will include the "Chindits" during "Operation Thursday" in Burma, the 3rd New Zealand Division fighting on Vella Lavella, Green Island and Treasury Island, and finally a continued Australian campaign in New Guinea, Bougainville and Borneo.

What will be so special with this mod?

Historical accuracy and realism are the key features. Alot of research is being done all the time to ensure every aspect is historically accurate. At the time of writing, the Lithgow Small Arms Museum" and the "Australian War Memorial" are both helping out to make sure everything is correct. From the weapons, uniforms and equipment to villages, beaches and rivers - everything will be made as close to the real thing as the "Against the Rising Sun" team can get it. the idea being to make an "interactive documentary".


I'm currently modelling and texturing a number of weapons and vehicles for the mod, they include:

Vickers machine gun (Modelling stage)

Owen gun (Texturing stage)

1928 Thompson (Texturing stage)

Arisaka Type 38 (Modelling stage)

LP2 Carrier (Modelling stage)

More info and some work in progress screens can be viewed at the Against the Rising Sun Website. You'll also find some historical information, which will expand over time (whenever i have some time to update it).

Website: http://www.atrs-mod.tk (Written completely in notepad)

Forums: http://atrs.forumer.com (Can also be accessed via the website, embedded in a frame)

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Great, I love historical scenarios that don't get much attention.

Aaah, I think I have to do a little game with Australia in Hearts of Iron and kick some japanese, italian and german ass. crazy_o.gif

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At least it means a decent excuse for having just islands for maps. tounge2.gif

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Lookin forward to this one. I love Australia, one of the best contreys in the world.

Also the War Memorial in Canberra does had alot of good stuff in it. I spent allong time there when I went to canberra.

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I've more work in progress pictures to the site (http://www.atrs-mod.tk) for those of you that don't regularly check the site.

The website is upadated at least once a week with new WIP screens or info.

You can also "watch" the mod at http://www.moddb.com where you can recieve mod watch updates which tell you when new screenshots and such have been added.

The moddb page for the mod is: http://mods.moddb.com/5854/against-the-rising-sun/

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a mod to Armed Assault? a mod from WWII!!!?? yaaay!!!!! yay.gif

I love WWII in OFP!!

Hope this MOD wil get much atention! notworthy.gifthumbs-up.gifsmile_o.gif

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Just a quick update.

I've finished work on the 1928A1 Thompson (model and texture) to my satisfaction, although I may make some minor changes to it at a later date. The bolt and magazine are fully modelled so they can be animated if Armed Assault supports moving weapon parts.

1928A1 Thompson Render

Polys - 1618

Texture - 1024 x 1024

(Specular and/or bump map/s may be added later)

In the media/work in progress section on the site there are a few other models such as a "fuzzy wuzzy angel" (papuan native).

Against the Rising Sun Website

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Do you also have appropriate sources for the Japanese?

There was a mod in development for OFP based on the Pacific War, but I don't know how far they got and what their plans regarding ArmA are/were. Pacific War Mod

You might contact XelSiS to share resources or join forces...

(some hopefully useful links I posted in that thread, e.g. for Maps ; Buna & Kokoda (3MB! ) Milne Bay (3.4MB! ) )

In this Wargame forum War in the Pacific you might also find some good details and valuable links to other sources, as there are maaaaany experts (serious history buffs with walls full of books of this era and theatre).

OrBat (and a wealth more)

Might dig up some more...

Extremely looking forward to this, as you might already guess I am a big 'fan' of this theatre myself - too bad you don't plan to recreate the Battle of Savo  biggrin_o.gif

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Huh? Only surviving Pacific Mod for OFP in my banner below !!

I've been collecting a library of Pacific data for years now

Looking forward to ARMA

edit: I'm interested in combining efforts,but this is Aussie part

I'm interested in joining with Xelisis...he had some energy

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Sorry about the lack of updates, my time is split between uni and my part time job, not leaving too much time to work on the mod.

Here is an update on the Japanese Arisaka Type 38 rifle.

Arisaka Type 38 WIP render

Please note the texture is NOT completed, and as it's a WIP it doesn't represent the final quality of the rifle.

To the mods, can you move this to the ArmA mod thread, purrrty please?

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