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Kendo J

Kendo's Dynamic Rangers

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Hey dudes, I have had a short absence from OFP but here is my latest and in my opinion best mission ever.

Kendo's Training Day Beta 0.1

Addons needed are

OFPR v1.96

Editor update 102 (or newer)

snYpers support pack (this site is down right now, if someone can post S. support pack or provide a mirroe, please do so...)






LSR_Rangers and Delta


LSR_Weapons pack




In this senario I have hoped to make a whole campagin in one mission with some dynamic elements and a story.

There are a few nice features in this mission, such as...

Airstrikes courtesy of SnYpir's support pack, AI UA artillery (GenBarron) and the DAC (Silola).

You will notice you don't get to use the UA, that is because the mortars are strickly for defencive purposes, and most of your missions are out of range. Also it gets confusing when the AI are using them too.

The support pack requires the LSR_prc117 radio to work, you need to keep it in your sqaud to call support.

The squad marker moves on the map, their colour and number denote the unit(s) call sign. You are Foxtrot Black

In this senario I used the Dynamic AI Creator (DAC), This powerful tool spawns and manages enemy troops.

Mainly a tool for "true" Dynamic missions, I decided to use the DAC to simulate a large operation, with little lag.

The DAC requires some loading time, and I have experienced a few errors with it because my PC sucks, Anyhow, there will be a save before each sector load, If you have problems like me a retry usually does the trick.

Oh yeah and the DAC also adds Dynamic weather.

Just remember that I hold no legal responsability if this mission breaks your comp or just annoys you.




CREDITS, Please all kneel and praise these Gurus of Operation Flashpoint!

Dynamic AI Creator (DAC) by Silola, [email protected] [email protected] ICQ: 287-388-751

The authors of CoC unified Artillery,

dinger ([email protected]), jostapo ([email protected]), denoir ([email protected]), bn880

([email protected]), selectthis, gen. carnage , jonno, and Frandsen.

Infoshare, CoC AI artillery & editor update

By General Barron

[email protected]

toadlife and /KeyCat for the marker script I stole from Grouplink II

snYpir's Support Pack

1st SFOD-D (Special Forces Operational Detachment - Delta) / US Army Rangers (for Operation Flashpoint: Resistance PC game version 1.85+)

Version: 2.0

By Michael Gavrilov aka Laser ([email protected])

JAM Dudes:

Coding by Eviscerator and SelectThis

Scripts by Rom

Sounds by Katerina, Suchey, Flocko Jocko, RHS, Eviscerator, SelectThis,

Earl, Nagual, Vipersheart

Pictures by Suchey, Eviscerator, SelectThis

Beta Testing: BAS and Digital Grenade

Here it is... Updated 03/07


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Somehow my login is not working with ofpec, although I requested a new password.

Can you upload the mission anywhere else, where you can download it without a login?

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txs smile_o.gif

ill give it a go, but dunno if your aware, the mission.sqm requires: BAS_Derad and bas_weap , not present in the readme

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">addOns[]=

























edit: very good mission kendo, i started it this morning and finished it at lunch time.

Everything worked fine, except that i couldnt continue the mission after i stopped OFP, and had to restart from the beginning....it was a shift - savegame retry, that could be the problem, dunno.

small bugs: SR25 and M249 mags disapeared from Humvee cargo...as i said everything else worked very well, very good mission wink_o.gif

Things that could be improved IMO: give non AI burst mg's to the player squad, as the enemy has non burst deadly PKM's :|

i only called napalm once, in the first mission...what a carnage tounge2.gif

but i wish the player had the ability to call arty as well.

never did call rangers support, as i mostly used guerrila tactics.

apart from that, i loved the hardcore difficulty of some of the assignments, maybe add more mechanized enemies in the larger targets?

keep it up, ill surely play it again, thank you

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When i try to play this mission i get error "missing addon Object" second time i tryed to launch it "Out of reserved memory" all other missions work but this one.

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Removing the BAS requirements from the mission.sqm file seems to work without any issues ... at least as far as I've gotten into the mission.

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Removing the BAS requirements from the mission.sqm file seems to work without any issues ... at least as far as I've gotten into the mission.

yes, it was probably units used in the editor stage and removed before the release, as im pretty sure the mission has no BAS units whatsoever

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Is it possible to get this mission working in MP? When I made all slots in my squad playable I got an error about a UA script missing upon starting the mission. I would LOVE to play this mission in coop!

Kendo, I have to say you put the DAC to good use. I've played non-DAC missions with half as many units active and they're simply unplayable ... this one is simply incredible though, completely lag-free!


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The Bas_units... yes used in editor stage... I removed them from the mission.sqm, before saving the final time, I dunno how they got back I searched the sqm but to no avail.

To 450R,

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The Bas_units... yes used in editor stage... I removed them from the mission.sqm, before saving the final time, I dunno how they got back I searched the sqm but to no avail.

To 450R,

Yes you can use this in MP, However, I think there is a little bit of script to change for SnYpir support pack, can't remember what?

Anyhow, glad some of you enjoyed it ... pity others couldn't play it.

Almost forgot, one error i made .. a stupid one.. You are meant to be a captain in the breifing but your character is actually a sergent when in the game... you will just have to use your imagination here...


p.s. I also had restart issues... I couldn't figure it out either?

UA sometimes has issues with saves... DAC I read it is ok with saves but I am sceptical... even so you will agree it is an awesome tool... In this mission you fight about 1 company of men for each set of objectives. in total you should see about 1 entire battalion.

Hey Bonko,? What did you think of the MG bunkers? were they good? in good defencive positions? or did you dispatch them with no problems at all?

Also I have not fully tested the last two mission sets... how is the seige of the Ranger base?... does the snipers and artillery do thier job well?

How about the final two objectives?... how are they?

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sorry for not answering previously Kendo, but its exam season..so not much OFP for me.

ill make sure to play this version and post my comments.

p.s: in the first version the arty at the last base shot at my humvee, disembarked and calmly walked up to the 2 howitzers and i executed both gunners with a pistol pistols.gif

about the MG nests, they never did fire at me, as i spotted them before they saw me, and as such i flanked them and threw a nade at each of them.

the snipers were very dangerous, killed 1 of my team and wounded me.

speaking of which, i forgot to mention that the player team could\should have a medic ?

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Am I correct that my role is a captain of Delta and I command only 3 men?

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you are a ranger... and normally a Captain would have a company under him... but the story is that you are on a trainign exersise.. therefore, you just gotta get a few dudes, and go and kick ass!

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